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AAG Connor

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Everything posted by AAG Connor

  1. Thank you! I got the Lucky Ring from the Postcard drop off. Do you know if it is like the Orichalcum + and will only drop once? or is there a chance at getting multiple?
  2. Does anybody know if the Abilities that are tied to keyblades are active as long as it's one of the three equipped, or do you have to actively be using it? I'm mostly referencing the Favorite Deputies Lucky Strike, I want the bonus to item drops, but I don't want to wield the Favorite Deputy (I personally prefer Ever After or Wheel of Fate for fights.)
  3. Just finished KH3 and I've been looking around online at all the Keyblades available in the game (not including the pre-order bonus Keyblades) Do you all expect any of that as DLC? What other Keyblades did you miss?
  4. The fact that there is no BBS multiplayer saddens me.... I feel like that is a HUGE lost opportunity...
  5. I feel like Square would get a lot of uproar from fans if they took out the multiplayer. Multiplayer has always been the weakest spot in the kingdom hearts series and this is the best chance they have at making a good multiplayer experience. I also believe at least they will have a single player mirage arena. If they took it out, they would have to move a xehanort report somewhere else and either give you the two keyblades some other way or scrap them entirely. that would be really foolish and somewhat difficult, seeing as they would have to recode the game.
  6. Make some Hoenn remakes, then nintendo can have my money.
  7. For the trophies like "proud player" "Final Mix Master" and "Novice Player" where the only difference in requirements is the games difficulty, if you completed the game once on proud difficulty, would you get all of the trophies? I know that that is how it worked for The Last of Us
  8. Would people be interested in organizing a world wide Birth by Sleep Ad Hoc Party game? get the community together and play one of the kingdom hearts games. Ad hoc party is: http://en.wikipedia....tation_Portable You can look up many tutorials on youtube for how to set it up.
  9. Would people be interested in organizing a world wide Birth by Sleep Ad Hoc Party game? get the community together and play one of the kingdom hearts games. Ad hoc party is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adhoc_Party_for_PlayStation_Portable You can look up many tutorials on youtube for how to set it up.
  10. WIth the Kingdom Hearts HD remakes and the hopefully soon to be Final Fantasy X remake, I've been thinking how amazing it would be to have a Final Fantasy VII compilation remake. a New, overhaul of Final Fantasy VII (up to todays graphics standards and voice acting, ect.) HD upgrades to Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus (similar to kingdom hearts HD remix), and a copy of Advent Children all of my wants right here ^
  11. senior year of high school! got accepted into several colleges and one offered me a full ride!!!!
  12. the idea behind rebooting the series in this way is a great idea to help unify all the fans who haven't played all the games, and to help introduce new fans... they just should have done it a few years ago ;P
  13. square has always been better at making movies/cutscenes as opposed to the gameplay... just look at FFVII advent children. it was gorgeous!
  14. i REALLY want a zombie apocalypse. like High School of the Dead style..... tits are optional but preferred...
  15. i want to work in the film industry. mostly post production, but i would also enjoy working during production.
  16. if this ends up being a kind of MMORPG, i would absolutely fall in love with this! I've always wanted something like this for kingdom hearts i was just never sure how they would be able to go about it.
  17. did anybody else find parts of the grid to be really disorienting? oh, and i reaaaaallllyyyy liked the expanded traverse town.
  18. i noticed my abilities change depending on the dream eater that i have in my party. is there a way to permanently get all the abilities? or is there a "perfect set" of dream eaters that will allow you to have all of the abilities?
  19. awww... looks like im sticking with the camera method then...
  20. does anybody know how IGN was able to film their gameplay in their review of KH3D? or a way to get good quality gameplay footage? what i do is i have my camera pointed at the screens, then i run a 3.5mm male to male audio cable from the headphone output of the 3ds to the camera inputs.
  21. i noticed that a lot of the north american kingdom hearts websites are "currently under maintenance"

    1. DChiuch


      Not sure why that is.

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