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Spectrum of Life

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Everything posted by Spectrum of Life

  1. "Beta" wouldn't really be the term I would use for it, especially if DDD was based story wise off of materials from pre-production. Birth By Sleep was in development since about '05-'06, and the first real footage relating to it is from 2007 (KH2FM, which was actually made with the help of members of that development team.) If Sora was ever meant to be involved, he was pushed to the sidelines very early on. One has to remember that even after being shifted to the PSP, Birth By Sleep had a 2-3 year development cycle. I think the lack of "Polish" in DDD is more because of a rushed time-frame. TGS last year was the first time we got to see real footage of the game, and the earliest trailers were made during BBSFM's development , and only gets referenced once or twice in the game, and unlike "Deep Dive" and "Fate of the Unknown", the references are almost afterthoughts (Except for the Destiny Islands bit at the beginning.) I can't imagine the game's development being much more than 18 months.
  2. Decent, but not enough Violins. I will not rest until every song is performed by a 100-Piece Violin Orchestra.
  3. Final mixes are reserved for main titles, so I doubt they'll jump to make one (though stranger things have happened), especially since the manpower could be used to assist whatever team is handling 3.
  5. A lot of the teasers until recently were at least partially ideas floating around the production team's heads at the time, the stinger at the end of the first game's original release in particular. It's still possible that they could release V2 as a spin-off after the fact, but the information floating around tells me not to hold my breath.
  6. I hope most of the guardians are promoted to party members. It'd be a blasted shame if they wasted that chance. I thought that read Sora/Riku/Lexaeus/Axel at first glance. I did a double take.
  7. The FM has an extended version of the secret ending. I think we have it archived on the site anyhow.
  8. I'd say Winner's proof. Those mushrooms made me want to burn a fungus colony down. I didn't mind No Name that much, mainly because winning against the boss itself was reward enough for me, the Keyblade just felt like a Bonus.
  9. Ventus, mainly because I found Roxas's demeanor off-putting. (Chalk it up to Angst Dissonance.)
  10. From experience, I don't know. Most of the people I know are very messed up, and I tend to the opposite end of the spectrum (unpleasantly whiny) myself. The people you mention seem to be what I call "Poseurs", depending on whether or not they're doing it TO be admired, if they aren't then maybe there's a side of them you're not seeing that their friends do. On the level of fiction. As I remember reading once: "Meaningful conflict is the soul of Drama." If the protagonist is unfazed by what happens around him, is there any real sort of conflict, or is stuff just happening?
  11. Have you seen the Super Mario World rendition?
  12. Coming this summer... The answer to the question no one asked! IN A WORLD where people play electronic skinner boxes for recreation... Where phones are fused to everyone's hands and don't take things that seriously.... These men rise.... They are... Straw Fans August 2012
  13. Bad spelling up unto which lacking grammar the fiction are.
  14. EDIT: It is a caecilian. Mah bad. I find it interesting that it has such a well-developed snout, even compared to some of its relatives.
  15. I was hoping that we had finally cultivated the armored banana to throw at our foes. THANKS A LOT.
  16. I imagine they'll at least get passing mentions. 2/3 of the former Organization has showed up, they probably realize a fair amount of people are wondering what happened to the other four. Maybe. Marly definitely wasn't one of the vessels. He was too individualistic to be an Ideal candidate.
  17. Head into the main Spirits menu (where they're walking around) and get the cards into view of the camera. It's a pain to get them to actually read though.
  18. Generally a good signal that your partner may be a control freak.
  19. It was fine up until they started the announcer lady. Then I think they just said "screw it, let's mix as much stuff as we can into this as long as it's slightly coherent." It's not even the Merzbow kind of crazy where I wonder what the devil he's gonna do next. It's just unpleasant.
  20. I'd stick exclusively with ranged magic if he's mauling you at short range. The Balloon and spark series of spells is what I used.(Balloon and balloonra to trip him up during attacks and spark when he was toppled over. You can get leaf Bracer off a WonderMeow after a certain level. Jestabocky is good for getting the balloon spells. I don't remember what you get spark from.
  21. Edit: That works. Anyway. I just spammed Balloonga. Though really, that's my answer to everything in the game.
  22. He's already an independent entity, and the whole "blah blah blah DARKNESS blah blah blah" Has yet to work after the first time. I imagine Notsem would go for the more direct approach.
  23. Olympus. Mainly because they used it too much,Day's version of Neverland as well as every version of the Pinnochio world except 3D's version.
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