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Spectrum of Life

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Everything posted by Spectrum of Life

  1. THOSSSSSSSE MONSTERRRRRRRRS!!!!!!1!1!!!!! It's good for them to start branching out, there's only so much that can be done with one franchise.
  2. He's really a member of Nintendo's QA department. It's standard procedure.
  3. A lot of it has to do with people's natural animosity to "otherness," I thinkI think the same-sex marriage issue is a matter of time. I don't know about you folks, but, I've noticed a very real change in this country. Now that states have been inducting it and been no worse for wear, I think people are really starting not to buy the arguments that were used up until this point, and the population is starting to diversify (religiously and philosophically,) so the principle of secular government is becoming more and more important to people. I'm more worried about things like custody and violence. Especially the latter.
  4. Probably Saix for sheer unlikability. Luxord, while one of my favorites on design alone (Dat suave Goatee) is severely underdeveloped, even for a minor organization member (describe his character in a list of 5 words, I dare you), rivaling N64 era Waluigi (I love him from the Gamecube era onward)
  5. This little piggie was TOOOOOO small (For a KH game). And there's no gripping incentive to do other things, besides the extra boss. I wasn't expecting them to put a lot in though.
  6. 2 is probably best. 1 is a runner up. Feel free to ignore me on this part (Since you're the one wearing it and I'm not well-tuned on fashion), but I think you should replace the denim with a different material. It contrasts a bit too strongly with the skirt. Maybe get something lilac colored.
  7. In Universe, I have no idea. It's more than likely that there are multiple popular Keyblade styles, like in real-world martial arts. In terms of character design, it was probably to distinguish him from Roxas besides just the outfit.
  8. BBS came out in 2010, the only people I could imagine would still be playing it would be the ones with the final mix version, which is its own batch of problems. I'd just wait until they make a new installment with Multiplayer. There's plenty of other games with multiplayer for the meantime.
  9. 7-8ish. The game was a bit limited in scope (It felt short and anticlimactic save for Fantasia, Sora's final boss and Riku's semifinal boss), and the Dream Eater level up system proved to be very annoying for me. If they hadn't compartmentalized the command/skill earning system I would have been fine with it. Grinding for items to get the tools that MIGHT get you what you want after more grinding is not my idea of replay value.
  10. I'm wondering if the port is actually (besides money of course) for gauging interest in a sequel.
  11. They did alright until you gave them items (one of their real uses against the Extra bosses). No thank you Goofy, I don't need all of my Megalixirs right this instant. When the bosses actually got dangerous, guess who didn't have anything left over? Either way, they'll come back. It IS supposed to be a Disney FF-crossover.
  12. Nope. It was just a concept for a game they had to scrap. I'm assuming the people that were going to work on that are helping with FFV13 and KH3.
  13. Machineguns with "KEYBLADE", etched in them, a bored actor who got paid 10$ an hour playing Sora, random half-naked women (Including Minnie Mouse,) an even less discernible plot, zombies, random, unrelated gameplay footage spliced in. The works. German Filmaker notorious for awful Film adaptations of video games (He doesn't care about making good ones because every gamer is a 1337 tech type who would never watch a film or pay for that matter, as far as he thinks.)
  14. I stopped watching after episode 8. Three words for you: Tent scene [insert insult here]. The game wasn't the best about that scene either by a long shot, but the anime made it 10 times worse by having the MC join in on the prickery. Apparently that whole "trust and acceptance" shebang didn't mean jack.
  15. Irksome, but preventable. That's one of exactly 3 things munny is good for in this game. (The others are paints and duplicate commands.)
  16. You need to go back and do it. Khrulesbbs just gave the answers
  17. Considering it was a dream, it's more than likely Vanitas was just an illusion by YX to mess with Sora's head. The game never even mentions him by name.
  18. All of them except the first Final Mix. Birth By Sleep Final Mix IS region free. Hideously expensive (like most imports, in this case 75$+,) but it doesn't need a modified/swapmagic-rigged console like the PS2 titles.
  19. Gameplay and Story segregation. The devs are out to make gameplay interesting first, Don't think too much of it.
  20. I don't care how ridiculous the films got, but Robert Englund knew how to deliver his lines every time. His over the top and sometimes (moreso in the earlier films) chilling performance made all of them worth watching.
  21. Do I choose between Superglide or Meteor and Better dodges.....hmm...
  22. Get to at least 45. Considering you're on critical, I'd say go even higher. If you're at a decent level and you're having no luck the only thing I can really recommend is get 2 more curagas (or just Curas, which are almost as effective)
  23. I feel compelled to tell you, there's also a point where you have to get to the first district and interact with the postbox (that thing with the tongue near the Lampposts.) I overlooked it and spent 2 hours going in circles.
  24. Try to skip the cutscene, if that doesn't work, Check for scratches. I had a similar issue with my copy of BBSFM (though mine did a looping cutscene instead, after the Mysterious figure fight no less.) Those UMD's are fairly fragile. (hence why they have those shells.)
  25. I doubt anyone here would be able to tell you. Have you tried BZPower yet?
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