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Spectrum of Life

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Everything posted by Spectrum of Life

  1. I.....AM.....THE WAFFLE MAKER!
  2. I'll have to say...either Ashton Kutcher (sp?) or Steve Downes. (for his voice)
  3. There aren't any legal digital releases. It seems like you just have to hope for the RNG to turn in your favor. Make sure the disk isn't messed up, just in case you haven't checked. If none of that helps, remember that you at least don't have a glitch that prevents you from beating the Mysterious figure...
  4. Hooray!That probably would save a lot of money It's a shame we couldn't offer better help than we could though.
  5. I have yet to see any compelling reason or evidence why not.If they care for each other and want to contribute to the community and economy, any two people of consenting age should be able to live together and be afforded the protection of the law. I don't think people really understand some of the awful things that happen without it. Ever had your kid ripped out of yours arms because your love died?
  6. Top Nine... as in the only nine... Regardless, can we really quantify their effectiveness so rigidly?
  7. I hope he did that as a joke. Otherwise you miiiight want to stay away from him.
  8. He's a serviceable tenor. I don't like Pop-music very much in general so I can't say I like him.In terms of voicework. He always brings a good chunk of enthusiasm to the whole deal, so I rarely get disconnected from his scenes. (Unlike Terra, for IMO)
  9. It is being of important to leer of the message being proper.Else to the difficult of respond and comprehending. ...sorry
  10. Try pulling the mouse out and then plug it back in. I don't really know enough about mice. Try a Computer hardware forum, they might be able to help you
  11. *SHRLUUUUURP* Yum. I like to snag them in Tupperware I keep just for such an occasion.
  12. Coke has more kick to me. Pepsi's okay, just doesn't have that energy to it.
  13. At first I was very unimpressed... Until I realized the incest undertones.
  14. I feel like the categories need to be a bit narrower.The lack of Metal was flabbergasting . I like...basically everything that isn't on the radio. Too safe, too formulaic, too simple if you ask me. I do tend to have more industrial, metal, Noise and orchestral work, If I had to be more specific
  15. I prefer palladium ore if you would. If not I take US$ or tourmaline. I luvs tourmaline/
  16. I think they'd have to iron out licensing with Edgar Rice Burroughs's estate before they could even rerelease the first game. I m not sure if anything would be funky with the second game though.
  17. I'm amazed the game can be run on a computer at all. I'm behind on emulation apparently
  18. No one was killed, that's all that matters. Shame they couldn't land it in a place where it could easily be reclaimed.(Horrendously under-budgeted as always)
  19. Excessive cruelty in real life. Especially to people that never deserved it. (The Rodemeyer debacle still kills me just thinking about it.) In terms of fiction, I'm hard to shake. Only thing that really ever visibly upset me was A Serbian Film. Calling it repulsive is an understatement.
  20. Do you have any idea how that made Demon Lord Ghirahim feel inside?!
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