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Spectrum of Life

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Everything posted by Spectrum of Life

  1. So apparently congress can decide it can define things in a language with no authoritative guidelines, in addition they're classifying something simultaneously made of grain, cheese, (often) meat, and a thinly spread watery plant. Brilliant as a dark energy star. They deserve their approval rating.
  2. I'm not sure how on earth that would help him. The userbase is too small to yield many suitable...suitors. He's better off going to a dating site or researching his area for places where he could meet people. I think the latter is probably a wiser option. It's important to learn to engage people. It's a tough process to trudge through but he'd be better off in the long run for it. My ex-boyfriend usually did the former option and he hasn't had much luck, and he's still having a hard time finding a partner because he has a similar problem to your friend.(That and an extremely negative self-image.Me having one myself caused a lot of trust problems between us, but that's another story)
  3. It seems much more like a puzzle game than anything else.
  4. Saw that coming like an air traffic controller.
  5. The Cthulhu plushie, of course. Or a Ventus Model
  6. The only thing they could do now is remove pigments. That has its merits but couldn't generate any new colours like orange, which is the only reason I would conceivably use it. We also don't know the side effects, and eyes aren't really something most people would want to gamble with.
  7. I prefer stable releases from day one. However, bugs also open up sequence breaking and fun ways to snap the game in two.
  8. I've always been ambivalent toward the series. The one thing I can say I legitimately hate about it is that Activision milks their guff for all it's worth. It prevents any sort of major variation between installments due to compressed development time and ultimately doesn't offer any reason to get the new one other than the "neighbor's new car" situation. It's something that Nintendo is guilty of as well, but at the very least they mix it up at times, and in the cases where they are similar they at least pour enough work in that the game is still enjoyable and generally feels fresh. I'm one of the " Galaxy 2 is better than the first" people, in fact.
  9. 2 FM's. I didn't think the first warranted a purchase.
  10. Sexuality doesn't have much to do with mannerisms. While people DO tend to to pick people that or similar to them (or especially) people from the same subculture, that doesn't have total bearing over their choice of partner. I have never seen a lesbian (I've met almost a hundred) that despises men.Not sure why they would, unless they're lesbian separatists, and those are pretty fringe. I feel compelled to say it, as the mistake is made so many times. Sexuality isn't a choice. No heterosexual goes: "Hmm... should I take a *insert type of person here* out to town. even though I find them completely uninteresting and don't have any particular desire to form a commitment with them." As does no Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual person. I'm sorry to go out of my way to state that but the whole deal something that drives me crazy.
  11. I have a hard time thinking that Jobs had that much of an influence over it. He certainly helped design the thing, but its mostly the 3rd party developers and the generally increasing affordability and popularity of multimedia phones that drove the device's success, and made it more than simply a buffed up iPod touch. I could certainly be wrong, but that's just how I feel it happened.
  12. To be fair to Sony (for certain measures of the term fair) Smash Bros. was more or less the Genre launcher (but probably not originator) for the Mascot Fighter. It's more or less the equivalent of calling an FPS a Doom clone, especially if you don't know what the game is like. But aside from that, if that game ever comes to fruition, it'll be a cold day in the underworld before that would get a re-release. Licensing would be a nightmare.
  13. I could choose some songs. And by some I mean the 20K limit would be reached by the time I listed 1/10th of them.
  14. I just eat the people. Both for the price of one.
  15. Spectrum of Cheese was funny when I first thought it up. Then I realized: I am not funny at all. "Spectrum of Life" please.
  16. I'm surprised there have been no videos (that I've seen at least) where they just eat 'im.
  17. The earth's atmosphere is an extremely unpredictable system, and there is no "uniform" patterns in it. There can always be deviations from trends. And as for the GW "debate" , I don't have any interest in pursuing this deal and instead leave that over to the folks at RationalWiki , who articulate it so much better than I could.
  18. Nope. I figured that out the hard way.
  19. *sucks it up with vacuum cleaner, walks off.*
  20. Hopefully Wi-Fi enabled. ... If only they made a KH-involved installment in the Dissidia games.(Blasted executive veto)
  21. Let's see....Mother working 15 hours a day....abusive father...perpetually friendless and depressed...I'm going to say no.(I'm only a liiiitle sore about that.)
  22. I don't like them much. Jump scares aren't usually very effective against me. The only time a jump scare was legitimately frightening was in Eraserhead.(Though that's hardly the main reason why the film is scary.) En masse they just make me start laughing.
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