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Spectrum of Life

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Everything posted by Spectrum of Life

  1. If it's handheld, a lightweight Laser axe with a rechargeable battery and safety gear. If it's anything: A covenant Supercarrier.
  2. If there's money to be made, I have no doubts that they'll put one together, especially since the PS2 and its games seem to be phasing out of retailers more quickly than before. That and being a Milestone Year.and all.
  3. Typhlosion, Gallade, Bisharp, Starmie, Shuckle and Sceptile or. Giratina (origin) when the situation allows it.
  4. I faintly remember one of the reasons being that Sony Requires a certain amount of extra content for them to be published in America. I'm guessing that the EU branch wasn't going to bother unless it got released in more than one territory.
  5. Death or being proven I was right: Either way I still win. Garharharhar.
  6. He's obviously a simulacrum sent by Tycho in order to hijack the heartless factory and turn it into a refueling station for the Pfhor.
  7. My favorite a Tie between Super, Prime 1 and 2.(The latter was my first Metroid.) Super for bringing the fluid, lonesome feeling of the games to perfection, Prime 1 for it's mixture of puzzles and action (and a certain Zombie Cyborg Dragon) and P2 for the power ups and Bosses. It needs more love.
  8. If I remember correctly, the official figure for cartridge space is 2 GB.
  9. Day after Thanksgiving. If we don't get things sqaured away immediately we usually procrastinate.
  10. Habibidubuh? This sounds like a Crack Fic. I'm wondering if they're doing that to popularize the series in the states.
  11. That's a pretty tight contest. Imma say the New boss battles in general. If I had to pick them as they're queued here, Absent Silhouettes.
  12. Apparently no one has heard of rhythm mixer or the mega flare exploit.. No Name in the NA version of BBS was my worst. Not including the glitch in my copy of Final Mix that prevents me from getting that keyblade as Aqua.*seethes*
  13. You clearly have never played Mario Kart Wii. While I admit 7 is still irritating at least there wasn't a Spiny Shell, pow block, red shell, thunderbolt, thundercloud,superstar or mega mushroom every 10 picoseconds.over every conceivable gap and the game refusing to give you anything that could guard against projectiles. I have an incredibly deep hatred for the star cup from that game.
  14. Used to, before Blockbuster and Movie Gallery closed most of their doors. Sadface.
  15. The feds apparently have plenty of time to trample on civil liberties though. I already utterly despise the military for shattering my childhood, they're not endearing me any more with this excrement. As far as they're concerned, Soldiers are tools and their families are inconveniences.
  16. They're somewhat redundant, especially if it's "News" news where you can tell how they think just by looking at the articles.
  17. It's a planet sized macguffin. As everyone else has said, it's pretty ambiguous as to what kingdom hearts really is (beside a powerhouse) and who (or what, if anything at all) made it. We don't even know where it is when its not being summoned, if I'm not mistaken.
  18. Now, if only the game had a better roster...>_> Anyway, Wario Shipyard seems like a great spotlight for the Water features.
  19. Seen it, laughed for 3 days. Now that you brought it up I'm laughing again.
  20. Of course, it's mostly under the chairs though. I'm one of 2 people that cares enough to actually move the things for others in the morning.
  21. Well crap, don't throw something vicious at the drivers or anything.
  22. I usually try to buy new unless I hate the publisher or the game can't be found unopened anymore.
  23. I've always thought that the two would be reborn as one person and that he might need to reconcile the separate lives and memories. If "inheritance" is even possible, that is.
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