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Spectrum of Life

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Everything posted by Spectrum of Life

  1. Watch Vs XIII be delayed to Sony's new console. Oh yeah, probably some BBS Vol II. Hopefully.
  2. That was how it was pronounced in the Dub, If I haven't gone completely insane.
  3. So much for that 8-10 year console cycle, nyuk-nyuk! In all seriousness, Sony making a new console seems a bit pointless unless they're doing a major retool, especially considering how under-utilized the PS3's potential was. Microsoft waited a surprisingly short time after Kinect (restrains botulism) to start a new project.
  4. Maybe a minor upgrade to it like Ends of the Earth to Earthshaker, but nothing too drastic.
  5. I imagine that they might hold something similar, if Vs XIII is further along enough in production. (Jeelzebub I hope so)
  6. A lot of the time they do it simply because it looks cool. Kind of like english speakers who like writing their names out in Japanese. (>_>; )
  7. His childhood friends most likely, unless they turned on him. BAM! New trilogy idea: Mickey Mouse goes on a journey to save his lost friends by making a deal with an ancient god that requires him to kill huge heartless. Wait, that was a synopsis of my Mickey/Dormin fic. Whoops
  8. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b3/Coat_of_arms_of_the_Vatican_City.svg SUBTLETY
  9. His heart's fused with Sora's. 3D presumably has this as a major plot-point, judging by the latest trailer. (I'm betting money he and Roxas come back as a single person.)
  10. The cliffhanger was kind of a deal breaker for me. Unless they've changed the gameplay enough from XIII, I really can't bring myself to play through a game just to be disappointed. I was interested a bit with how they developed the characters in XIII, but it felt more like I was trudging through the game instead of walking through. Just went through a nice tunnel-like dungeon full of cheap pricks? YAAAAAAAAY do it again.And again. And again.And again.
  11. Well that and royally jacking the 1st, 5th and depending on what they censor the 14th amendments.
  12. Easy... eh..... I'm blank. The fastest method as aqua was using the EXP boost when hp is low, along with the jelly things in deep space's hangar bay.Kill the initial mob with thundagas, then kill the jellyfish using a lot of fire/fira. If you clear the game, Radiant Garden MAY be at battle level 9/10. If so, lower your hp and then head to the arena where you fought trinity armor. Head to the outer rim of the glass circle and megaflare what your momma gave you, this is far faster.This is Ven's best method For terra, it's similar to aqua's except you go to Neverland and head to skull island's interior, except use fire only for the first 3 jellies and then megaflare the rest.
  13. Merman Sora. The only thing that bugs me is that he has virtually no muscle mass. With as much fighting as he does and how intensely he does it, he'd at least have 15 more pounds of muscle. (and look mighty fine too.) check out Zephleit's art of him on Dev. art. if you want an idea of what I'm thinking
  14. Let's not trivialize his death with commercialism or anything.
  15. I don't like introducing myself with fanfare. I'm condescending, not an egomaniac.
  16. No, that just means you give enough of a guff to present yourself well.
  17. It doesn't matter how many people you trample on or how little good you do, you'll always be adored if you're attractive.
  18. Concrete information on Vs. XIII's development. I seriously doubt they'll release it this year, especially since there will only have been 15 months since full production started. Pikmin III and Smash Bros. 4 info too. I feel like 2012 will be one of those dry years, maybe it's just me.
  19. Single, 40 minutes from the city. Bah
  20. Number, very much so: quality, not so much. Only two I ever bothered with were Mickey and Ventus (shocker). They didn't offer anything of interest besides the finishers. (and Mickey's EXP boost.)
  21. You pay attention to ratings? I usually try before I buy. Be it through a rental service or "The T-word". The only opinion on quality that I trust is my own.
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