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Spectrum of Life

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Everything posted by Spectrum of Life

  1. You tell us. He's repeatedly refused to address it in any significant capacity, so the best we have is wild guessing. Squeenix frustrates me sometimes.
  2. I shouldn't not assume can't to find out so much.
  3. Five words for you: "Shut up and walk, dear." In all seriousness, as someone else said, it's deliberately ambiguous for the most part. The Japanese in general have a vastly different set of attitudes about sexuality than westerners do. Sexual Identity and the issues related to it are usually downplayed a fair amount, and the Gay community there isn't nearly as assertive due to being anxious to conform with the rest of society when possible. You see it, and people make stuff relating to it, but few people in Japan actually talk about it that much. That's not to say they're particularly hostile about it.
  4. Probably F-Zero GX. The game is fair but VERY VERY VERY eager to make sure you fail. Chapter 7.........Chapter 7..........
  5. Mickey. That's right, I said it! Okay, Terra. Skull-crushingly stupid.
  6. I can't say I know how you could bypass them. I've always thought people were too rigid about the ratings. Age has nothing to do with perception of reality and emulating guff past about the age of 7. If someone was insane (or stupid) enough to fail at either or both of those things at that point you wouldn't need to tell them not to play it. You would need them to get a shrink.
  7. You can transfer it through PC, but do be aware that you'll have to wrestle with Sony's media software before getting anything done. At least as far as I know.
  8. He seems to be trying too hard to impersonate Dave Wittenberg, If it sounded less strained I could deal with it, but it makes it hard to listen to this way.
  9. It was more funny than anything else. One of the most draconian anti-piracy Companies bungles basic security theory. It's also an important reminder that we, as the customers, are only tools in the end.
  10. Constant, unsolicited redesigns that don't seem to offer any real improvement.
  11. I love how exactly two people had the sense to back away.
  12. I hope they go all out for this. Sony has too few exclusives, so they ought to make the most of this. On another note, the probability of Microsoft doing something similar has gone up 4000%
  13. You've never heard of Pokemon Quartz?
  14. Pokemon Quartz does it much more jarringly, methinks.
  15. If they made any international bonuses, I imagine it would come with the EUR-O-PE-AN (sorry, I'll never get to enunciate it like that in person) release. It's not like they haven't made PAL material before. ( like FFX) Besides, if they added material it would probably just be a pretext for them to make a Final Mix. I would be very unamused.
  16. I thought we were talking actual game mods. Down and give me three Level editors!
  17. There's a setup that makes the battle ridiculously easy. You have to get Iai Strike, a chance accessory and a bunch of multipliers. I don't remember the specifics though. Look up "Iai Strike build." As other people have said, it's hard to spam with Exdeath. His only real spammable move is Delta attack, which is a high-risk, high reward move that can get you screwed if you slip up the timing, since FC can break everything.
  18. Next week on people that look vaguely like Chucky:
  19. I don't buy it. 1: That's far too early to have a definite list for. (IIRC it was Crunch-Time for Uprising at that point ) and 2: Ridley (As much as I love that magnificent cretin) was explicitly denied due to mechanics problems. Unless the development team and fans are REALLY determined to make him work I don't see them going through with it. I was going to complain about the far-out character choices, but remembering R.O.B. I think the sky's the limit.
  20. 3D doesn't seem to be BBSv2, mostly because the game doesn't touch a huge amount on what's happened offscreen (Mickey's trip to the realm of Darkness etc.). If my impressions of the teaser aren't too far off, That game will fill in some of those events. Or it could've been canceled.
  21. I never get to step two. I just whack it with a hammer until something happens.
  22. Yep. Comas are very versatile plot devices, didn'tcha know?
  23. Adding a subtitle would just diminish its importance in the context of the series.It is THE sequel to the first game and represents one of the series' turning points. Slapping a subtitle on would just take away the emphasis, considering nearly all the other games have them.
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