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Spectrum of Life

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Everything posted by Spectrum of Life

  1. We're doing it.... FIR SCIENCE!
  2. They hadn't even started full production until about September of last year, and the game hasn't shown up at all in the press since last July. If it's still coming, It's either being kept tightly or it's a while off.
  3. Yes. Whether or not they're actually overhauling the graphics or simply using it so they don't have to port the engine from the first 2 games over is another matter.
  4. I do believe there's 4 hidden Achievements as well. I wouldn't be surprised if there were scenarios for Labrys and Elizabeth. *Obligatory I wish Dave Wittenberg was still Teddie remark*
  5. It's SE's In-House Game Engine for 6th (This) generation game consoles. (except the Wii) It's what they used to make Final Fantasy XIII and its sequel, and what they're using for FF Versus XIII
  6. I was going to make jokes about mouthwash and bubblegum varieties before I even went into the topic. How disturbingly prophetic.
  7. I think he's just trying to snag likes. I'm too fabulous for that to work.
  8. Have them play the main titles (1,2 and BBS) and maybe Re:COM (or just tell them to watch the cutscenes on Youtube) first, then Days. Days has the unfortunate position of both being reliant on all the other titles to have a meaningful story and spoiling a crapton about COM, 2 and BBS. One last thing. Final Mix cutscenes. Find them subbed, show them. Some of BBS's and Days' plot gets a whole new meaning with them.
  9. Sora and Ventus in a tie based on the English dub. Koki Uchiyama makes Roxas and Ventus sound much more attractive (He makes them sound at least several years older.)
  10. He's certainly impressive. The roxas's keyblades only part bugged me though, since it's basically the stunlock skillset of the gods. (Speaking from experience.) I would have been amazed if he did it mixed.
  11. Map reflega to a shortcut. Spam it. Laugh maniacally
  12. Same reason that we have a ridiculous number of states: The founding fathers were born well before Demography and population dynamics and thought setting the baseline for state-formation at 60,000 people was fine. (Either that or anti-federalists made sure it was low to curtail the influence of federal power, but that's a whole other discussion I don't feel like participating in.)
  13. That's an incredibly subjective question. There's such a wide range of genres and by extention expectations that it's exceedingly difficult to give much specific advice. The broadest advice I could really give (that you probably already know, but is just that important to hammer in.) 1. Make sure the character really fits into the setting as smoothly as possible. If they don't it just draws more attention to the fact that they didn't come from that franchise. 2. Don't make them the absolute center of the plot/universe. Always remember that people came primarily to see the characters from that universe go through a new story, not to see McNewguy steal the show. This doesn't mean you can't make them the central character, but if you do you need to pay good attention and devote time to your deuteragonists/supporting cast. 3. Balance their strengths. Characters should all have distinctive roles and shouldn't make other characters redundant. These usually go hand in hand. It doesn't matter how well written the OC is otherwise, if they're out-running Sonic and Schooling Link in swordfighting, people are gonna be miffed. 4. Not extravagant nor ordinary (Probably one you're definitely familiar with). You should definitely avoid over-embellishing a character, but don't try to make a character overly average either. Both extremes are boring and unless the rest of the universe is already mundane or operatic it'll make your character stand out even worse than if you gave them neon pink and orange hair. That's about all I can give. I've been trying to write one myself, but I keep getting distracted by other things. I have everything in my head but I can never bring myself to write it down.
  14. I'd say cooperative multiplayer and a few games that can completely stand on their own aside from tangential connections to other ones. Overarching plots are nice, but having separate stories helps build a more interesting world and fleshes out the supporting cast. (That, and let us play as Mickey Mouse for more than 10 minutes.)
  15. Not really black, so much as some kind-of-brown-that-can't-accurately-be-described-because-he-shares-the-same-facial-structure-as-everyone-else.
  16. Can you really even compare voices from opposite sexes? That's two completely different standards of ''sex appeal.'' Whatever the case, the answer as far as I'm concerned is Chaos. My Keith David fanboyism may be a factor in that.
  17. As everyone else said, two (Unless the others are very well hidden.) In all likelihood they won't be adding anything overseas or make a Final Mix, since this isn't considered a mainline title. (It's to KH3 what Chain of Memories was to 2, if I haven't misheard.)
  18. Considering how much money probably goes into these films I'm not sure if that's better or worse than our industry with its 1-3 year sequel gaps.
  19. *Insert "Yoshi Tennis Open" joke here.*
  20. How big IS the Osaka team is the real question. KH3 wouldn't exactly be the medium sized projects on the handhelds. If it isn't big enough it would take too long to work on that game, when they could be working on shorter term projects. Wasted time is lost money.
  21. Meowhowrhowrhowr.... My evil plan is ALL COMING TOGETHER! Ahahahahahahahahahahah!
  22. It'd be too easy to smack him in the face before he finished reciting Pi.
  23. He means debuting in the North American release, like Birth By Sleep's Superboss. That aside, it's going to be awhile no matter what sort of Stinger they put in. FF Versus XIII and all.
  24. You forgot Gorebyss. Draining bodily fluids is going to sound ugly no matter what it's associated with
  25. Multiplatform on home consoles.It doesn't matter which arrangement.
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