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Everything posted by mfampait

  1. OK i just dont really understand why after sora says this ansem SoD is killed by the light from kingdom hearts but then as soon as they look inside they see 10 buttloads of darksides inside it, but darksides are heartess and heartless and manifestations of darkness so i dont really see how kingdom hearts is both light and dark
  2. if they wanted it to be more dramatic he would have gotten out his lance
  3. in the new trailer you can see riku facing off with Ansem SoD. Ansem picks up a sword that was lying on the ground and i thought, why the hell would ansem need a sword to fight riku? he could just summon his guardian, so that got me thinking, and now I've come to the conclusion that Ansem SoD isn't a heartless anymore, but has now become a human, be it with a very dark heart and has seperated himself from xehanort. I did however watch the trailer again and can see that he does however have the heartless emblem on his chest but it might just be a necklace that he kept for old times sake
  4. we did see another riku in the trailer rixuk maybe?
  5. Olympic coliseum HAS to be in it though, if it isnt, this will be the first game without it, you cant break tradition D:
  6. to be honest i'd like to see final fantasy 8 remade the most
  7. to be honest i'd like to see final fantasy 8 remade the most
  8. doesnt anybody realize that if they did remake final fantasy 7 then you would have to see cloud cross dressing in high definition 0_o
  9. I'm gonna make this short and sweet guys, there's this girl at my school i like, i've liked her on and off for the past few years but not asked her out, i want to now but i can never seem to get a chance to talk to her on her own and if i do i wouldn't know what to say. The past couple times i've asked girls out ive done it over facebook or something. help would be appriciated guys
  10. did you know, those who listen to rock is now only about 10% and the rest listen to crappy rap and dubstep
  11. growth isnt really a lame excuse, or a you a dwarf(sorry, little person) and don't understand the concept?
  12. ^kinda like that only it can be more brief like name: john smith job: police officer personality: emotional but generally happy other info: <put whatever you want here
  13. ok, so we're going to play a little game, the first 10 people to reply with their name and a bit of a bio on themselves get to play. Every 5 turns you will have to vote on one person from your team to be sacrificed... AAAAAAAAAAAAND GO!!!
  14. this is purely based on their clothes, i reckon that 3d will be them kinda seeing what would have happened had sora not gone to sleep in CoM, because i mean just look at their clothes, sora's got the red and the shoes from kh1/CoM and the black from kh2 and riku's shirt looks like his kh1 shirt with the zip from kh2 and the jeans, probably wrong but i just figured it was kinda interesting
  15. nine now eight, are the rest of you out there?
  16. and when that happens the internet becomes a spoiler minefield
  17. me and two friends have an agreement, i name my first son sora, one of them names their first son riku and the last names their first daughter kairi, then they have to live out the whole of kingdom hearts with their lives
  18. i believe i win-i'll make a man out of you-mulan soundtrack, is it normal that im a 15 year old boy and FIRETRUCKING LOVE THIS SONG?
  19. quick progress update-completed 1,2,358/2, and terra and vens story
  20. *plays motivational music* I CAN DO IT, YOURE WRONG, hey btw where the flip did mickey go when ven got to radiant garden and followed him?
  21. im going away with my dad next week so i cant play console games, ie kh1+2, but ive already completed 1 anyway
  22. so, this summer ive set myself a challenge, complete ever kingdom hearts game that is available to me on their hardest modes, i live in the uk so that's all except the final mixes and re:chain of memories, so far i've completed 1, got half way through the final boss of 358/2 before my battery died and i have completed terra on bbs and have started ven, so, with three and-a-bit weeks left do you guys reckon i can do it?
  23. every single time xigbar/braig says "as if"
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