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Everything posted by mfampait

  1. not really, the coded secret ending said that they were going to do the mark of mastery
  2. i know it's probably not as drastic as i think, I'm sure if he hadn't changed the ending the series would be exactly the same, but i feel as if he doesn't care about HIS story as much, if he really did he'd have fought for it to keep it that way, and i don't know he might have but it didn't seem that way in the interview
  3. in the recent interview nomura said that his original idea for the ending wasn't good enough and so he used this one. I always used to imagine that maybe he had the whole xehanort saga planned out and he had to whole story ready and he actually wanted to tell us it. but to be honest when i read that he changed the ending it makes me think that he is just making up as he goes along and that he doesn't really put much care into it. It's changed my whole perception of him, almost every game he made had such a great story that i figured it wasn't possible for him to just wing it, i mean come on, the final fantasy's that he was involved in all seemed to become instant fan favorites and at least 3 kingdom hearts are in my top 10 games as all times. Seeing that interview actually saddened me a little
  4. i know I'm probably going to have been the last person to have realized this but, xemnas told the rest of OrgXIII that the only way for them to become whole again is if they complete kingdom hearts but I only just realised after knowing for about a year that the way for a nobody to become whole again is if their heartless is destroyed and so are they(the nobody). So I'm guessing that xemnas wanted kingdom hearts for a completely different reason, i dunno maybe he remembered things about his old life as MX and wanted to complete kingdom hearts in order to kick start the keyblade war. You're probably all gonna call me thick for being so slow but I honestly don't care, just wondering what you guys think on this?
  5. i doubt that they're gonna remake red/blue/green again, theres almost no point, and did they just say that there isn't going to be a grey or did they say that there wont be a third? black/white game, yeah i'm pretty sure they said there would be an announcement. http://pokememes.memebase.com/2011/12/14/pokmon-new-pokemon-game-to-be-revealed-next-month/ i know its not the best pokemon info site but still, im pretty sure i heard it on other sites as well
  6. yesterday there was supposed to be an announcement for the next pokemon game, cant seem to find it anywhere on the internet though , i only really care if its pokemon grey or just the the next game in the series, i think the spin offs are stupid. Anyone have any idea what it is?
  7. you said it yourself though, its the dive to the heart anthing can happen
  8. i thought that roxas was using sora's keyblade, after all it IS kingdom key. and I dont get what youre talking about when youre saying about the third keyblade in roxas' dive to the heart, sora's still asleep at that bit so surely he can still use it.
  9. i just thought of something, im not sure im xemnas has pointed ears but im pretty sure he does, if not ignore this, but i think pointed ears are a sign that you willingly gave up your heart, i just think this because we know xemnas did, braig was his bestest buddy so i figure he would too, and saix, well i just expect there'd have been a moment when isa and lea accidentally walked in on the apprentices doing some crazy experiment and they're like BLARG WE'LL KILL YOU IF YOU ARENT PART OF OUR EXPERIMENT. lea and isa are both like THE HELL and then thats the moment isa stops being his jokey sarcastic self and turns serious and says...ok...seeming almost happy to do it. this almost turned into a fan fic
  10. every new game that has sora as the main character they find a new way to make sora level 1 again. CoM-CO caused him to forget, 2-he woke up and was quite groggy or something (i dont know but thats the gist of it), KH3D-they're in a different realm and they're not in their bodies blah, blah, blah. I was just wondering how you guys think he'll forget his magic and lose his keychains this in kingdom hearts 3. Unless they make even shadows only slightly weaker than master sora
  11. the first time i played through kh1 i thought chernaborg was impossible, but now every time i play i'm just like wow, was i awesome? but then again back then i had no idea what aeroga did
  12. Exactly my thoughts Wouldnt it be funny if Yen Sid's main keyblade was the wishing star or sweet memories :L
  13. as long as the next series has a decent main enemy i don't really care, hopefully it'll be someone we already know, like vanitas, he has the potential for a great antagonist. It'd be a bit stupid if it was just someone completely random who they only introduce in the last game "yay we finally defeated xehanort and order will be returned to all worlds!" *a short man wearing a lot of black comes over the hill* "GRAH NOW THAT XEHANORT IS FINISHED IT IS MY TURN TO WREAK HAVOC AMONG THE WORLDS!!!". Although you know who I'd love to be the next enemy, DEMYX!!! maybe we'd get to meet Myde, oh god, a Demyx that has actual emotions rather than made up ones 0_o he would be stupidly annoyingly hyper
  14. in birth by sleep when Terra visits enchanted dominion he meets Maleficent who tells him that she has power over sleep, kingdom hearts 3D anyone?
  15. why the hell does donald say this, I cant seem to remember there being anything about ice cream in kingdom hearts 2, all i can think of is when maleficent sends them to the weird black voidy place where they find the picture and the ice cream but that happens after goofy "dies"
  16. yeah but even when he first meets her at the clocktower he's giving her evils, and he doesnt know her secret back then, only the superiors know
  17. i know he called her one of his best friends but its just that whenever she talked to him he made a really annoyed face as if to say JUST FIRETRUCK OFF
  18. it took me until about my third play through to realise that they dont actually live one the island
  19. kingdom hearts II Hollow bastion http://kh13.com/videos/kh2/eng-cut/409/ Its just so emotional demyx dying, goofy also "dying". I think its one of the few times when they show how they truly feel
  20. I'd have to say radiant garden but just because of the awesome part in kingdom hearts 2 where you get to fight off 1000 heartless and fight demyx which is my favourite boss fight ever(dance water, dance)
  21. your friends are about 10X more important than your parents, who don't actually deserve to even be thought about when your whole home world gets destroyed
  22. and yet having wandered for years aqua still hasnt found it
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