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Everything posted by mfampait

  1. It was seriously amazing. Free-flow was a lot easier than I expected and I actually used commands this time, whereas usually I just use attack and only have cures in my command deck. Annoyingly we only get 15 tries here in the UK but ah well, I'll just have to limit my playing to once every 2 days
  2. A remake of FFX is on the way, FFXIII wasn't supposed to be FFX
  3. Technically Mickey, Donald and Goofy were from the TV show originally.
  4. so what, double edge, aerial ace, and earthquake? oh and sunny day nah, i'm mainly using marowak because, 1. he's my favourite and 2. it's a type disadvantage so it'll be even more impressive when I win
  5. I challenged my friend to a one-on-one battle on Pokemon Black and White, he uses a Poliwrath and I use a Marowak. We're both going to train them to level 100 and then battle. I'm probably screwed because Poliwrath is water type and Marowak is ground but I figure if I give him a thick club and have him learn double edge, which seeing as he has the rock head means it'll be really powerful and won't damage marowak. I might also have him learn double team because if i use that then it means he'll basically never hit me and I'm free to use double team as many times as I want. Aerial ace would be useful too because it's super effective against water types. I don't know what to do for his last move though. If you could give me any advice you have no idea how thankful I would be.
  6. I'm not American, I'm British.(<even put a full stop there just for you XIIISwords)
  7. The only thing there that's more correct is that I didn't put Kingdom Hearts 3D in capitals
  8. I haven't spoiled myself for kingdom hearts 3d yet but I was just wondering if they'd use any of daft punk's soundtrack stuff, probably not but if they did then that would be freakin amazing
  9. Secret of this title that only he knows: During production I received a phone call from (Mr. Tetsuya) Nomura, and he told me he wanted me to definitely make sure to alter a particular scene. When I asked the reason, I remember my astonishment at being told so quickly the shocking story OH GOD, OH GOD WHAT WAS IT!!!
  10. i'm in europe though so basically the only place that offers a pre-order bonus is GAME
  11. I was just wondering whether I'll get GAME's pre-order bonus if I order kh3d off of their site rather than getting it in store, and if I can't then would I be able to pre-order it and get it in store a few days after release.
  12. that's what i thought, especially seeeing as the battle system isn't really strategic
  13. you haven't heard of the whole FFXV thing yet have you?
  14. yeah i probably do sound like a complete idiot to those who have spoiled themselves . But still I refuse to because I spoiled myself for BBS and it was just really boring
  15. Xehanort and the heartless begin to attack all the disney worlds and Mickey and Yen Sid realise that Even with all of the current keyblade wielders they won't be able to defeat his forces and so Sora(or Riku I haven't spoiled myself about Kingdom Hearts 3D) Donald and Goofy all have to go out and recruit the Disney heroes Mass Effect 3 style before going for their final siege on whatever world Xehanort resides with all the other heroes as well. To be honest I'm just trying to think of a way that it could end on a battleground which is the only way I can really see the series ending. The only other option I can think of is if a crap load of new keyblade wielders come out of nowhere and start beating the crap out of all the heartless (and nobodies)
  16. Making it massive kind of defeats the objective of things like streetpass, they might as well just put streetpass on the Wii U seeing as there's probably about the same chance of someone walking around with one of them in their pocket
  17. I was thinking more along the lines of super hero comics, what are the sonic comics like anyway? I'd expect them to be really cheesy. I'd actually been thinking about getting X-men as well
  18. Recently I'd been wanting to get into some Marvel comics, but seeing as most comics have been around for years figured it might be a bit difficult. I wanted to read something like Hulk, Deadpool or Iron Man. Anyway, if anyone knows any good compilation stuff for those or any other good comics that you enjoyed you'd really be helping me out
  19. weren't we the only area to get the sticker book thing in birth by sleep?(until birth by sleep)
  20. Everyone's worried about meteor in final fantasy 7, but then before that's even struck sephiroth uses a move that not only destroys the planet, but also most of the planets in our solar system and even our freaking sun, and when i fought him this happened about 4 F**KING TIMES!!! sephiroth himself was at least 10 times more of a danger than meteor
  21. I'm going to use a quote by Jim Jeffries "I'm not scared of dying, because I'm an atheist. I won't even know I'm dead. You know why? Because I'll be f**kin' dead" That pretty much sums up my feelings although I am terrified of death, probably because I can't really understand the concept of just not existing, I think of it more as just seeing, hearing and feeling eternal darkness and still being concious of time passing by. I guess I don't believe in religion because to me it just seems a bit like blackmail, the one thing that humans can never really know what awaits them on the other side and there are multiple different groups offering salvation and yet you can never truly know which ones are right or wrong and it's basically just like flipping a coin to see if you go to hell or not. And I guess me being atheist is sort of like me making my own stand against these things, taking a risk just to prove that I'm not going to blindly follow anything. Sorry if that last bit causes any offence
  22. I'm 16 and i'm a guy . I don't mean i've literally been sitting there for 2 years like HOLY CRAP IT'S ONLY 2 YEARS AWAY!!! It was announced during e3 2010
  23. got nothing else to say apart from that really, it's just saying it like that makes it seem like a hell of a long time, make of it what you will
  24. I have 2 alarms set up, the second one five minutes after the first, just in case but I tend to find that I end up ignoring the first one, going back to sleep and then sleeping through the second I'd been planning on taking up running over the holidays anyway. And half the time I get up wonder around for an hour before going back to sleep and by that time i'm really tired but i still can't sleep
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