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Everything posted by mfampait

  1. In fairness I started the bet in January and by like April I was more than halfway and had I stuck to it I could have done it, it's just typically of me I figured aaaaaaaah I've got months and left it to the last minute, now I only have 2 months and I'm only halfway
  2. Yeah but I want to get them in legit ways that the game's actually offering me.
  3. I made a bet with my friends that I could complete the national dex before x and y released, however I have absolutely no way of getting the event pokemon. I would seriously appreciate it if someone would do me a massive favour and trade me some of them. I don't want to keep them, just hold on to them and get their entry in my pokedex The pokemon I need are Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus and Victini Any you could help me with would be much appreciated
  4. Just wondering if there was going to be a collection of FFXI with seekers of adoulin, I bought the 2007 collection recently for my 360 only to find that I can't get the playonline codes ¬_¬
  5. I've got Genesect, it's just when I was young and ignorant and didn't know about events so it's the older ones that I need.
  6. I've made it my new years resolution to catch all 649 pokemon in the national dex, I'm going to have some trouble getting the event only pokemon so I would be in your debt forever if anyone would trade with me for them.
  7. Crap, sorry. There, fixed it
  8. *Spoilers for the walking dead season 3*
  9. Is it possible to get the virtual console games that were only available for 3DS ambassadors like minish cap on the nintendo eshop?
  10. I thought it was hilarious when rick found out about Lori's death. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cfrNmiRjc8 When Rick first said oh no and leaned on his knees facing carl, I thought he was going to be sarcastic and go to Carl "what you gonna do crybaby".
  11. I think it'd be awesome if the Disney characters stayed in their own worlds but they stayed well away from their movie's plots and just have Sora raking in all the favors he's earned over the years and have the juxtaposition working in reverse, rather than having the Square characters getting involved with the Disney setting, have the Disney characters getting involved with the Square setting. And if they do end up following the plot of the movies they should have Disney characters going to other worlds at the end of their world, like Captain Jack stows away on the gummi ship and ends up in the coliseum.
  12. you still don't understand, as in how many of the games would I have to buy for it to be possible to complete the national pokedex in gen V
  13. That's why I said I'd probably trade the event pokemon
  14. No I mean which of the games would you need for it to be possible to catch every single pokemon
  15. Anyone know which pokemon games you'd need to be able to catch every single pokemon?(except event pokemon, I'll probably trade them)
  16. Soon I'm going to be doing something called an extended project qualification, which is basically doing a 5000 word essay on something of my choosing, I've decided to do mine on bio-engineering and prosthetics in modern society, because that, is what I want to end up doing at university and I figured it's pretty relevant. Anyway, I'm going to base my research around things like this http://theweek.com/article/index/218689/eyeborg-the-man-with-a-robotic-video-camera-eye. I was wondering if you guys had seen any articles in the news or anywhere that might be able to help me. Anything you can find would be much appreciated.
  17. Seriously this was genuinely one of the things that I was looking forward to most and they don't even fix it, I use to think they couldn't make them circular because of the restrictions of the ps2, but now I'm starting to think Sora enjoys being uncomfortable and starches his clothes every morning.
  18. The real question is, what came first, the Kingdom hearts 2 plot, or those Kingdom hearts 2 quotes?
  19. Whenever I enter the community code that they gave me keeps saying that it's invalid whenever I enter it, any ideas?
  20. I didn't understand that they had been sent back in time at the beginning until way after I completed the game, I thought he was sending them to the RoS where for some reason there was a dream of destiny islands from when it went into darkness. But I still don't get how the hell they can time travel seeing as THEY STILL HAVE THEIR FREAKING BODIES!!!. Maybe it's just after you turn eighteen or something you have to lose the body, because for some reason, Sora, Riku and young Xehanort can all time travel when it specifically says you can't do it with one.
  21. I live in the UK and so we got it a few days before America, didn't really make much difference though seeing as my mother booked us to go on holiday during when it was released and so I had to spend four days after the release knowing that my pre-order was sitting on the doormat at home, calling out for me. It was a 12 hour drive home each way though including ferry and so during that time though I managed to get in some serious playtime and completed days and re:coded while I was there (to my horror the day before I left I realised that my copy of birth by sleep was missing and I basically spent that whole night crying. Anyway, I got back from my holiday and on the drive home I had been dying for a pee, but there it was in all it's glory, my brand new copy of Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, with just about a centimetre of packaging paper between me and it. I decided to rip open the packaging paper, take out the game and watch the opening cinematic while I was sitting on the toilet, and may I say I do not regret that decision at all, the moment I saw all the Keyblade wielders standing at the Keyblade Graveyard I knew that this game was going to be freaking amazing. So I got off the toilet (extremely relieved and excited to play the game with empty bowels) and began actually playing the game, and may I say what a game it is. It takes quite a while for the story to pick up, but when it does, bloody hell it does. Nomura seems to finally be interested in giving us a few answers rather than giving us unanswered questions. During the Disney worlds the story seems to have more content in Sora's side of the story, but at the end that just gets turned on it's head and Riku suddenly becomes the hero of the story. I loved how in the game you get to see how much of an idiot Sora really is because you never really get to realise it before this until you compare him to Riku ("What's your name?" "Dream eaters!!!" "That's a weird name"). I also love the new addition of the world ends with you characters, they seem to lighten up the mood a lot in the dark and dreary Traverse Town with the way Shiki is all flirty with Riku and he is just clueless, and just how much of an idiot Beat is. The only negative thing I can really say about them is that I think Neku's character developed a bit to quickly, he only really remains a hardass for the first few minutes of the world and then suddenly he's just like "YAY I'M SO HAPPY EVERYBODY'S MY FRIEND". The world that I was really looking forward to seeing the most though was The Grid and I feel a little let down, I loved Space Paranoids in Kingdom Hearts 2 and I loved the Tron: Legacy movie, but somehow I just thought it was really boring. I like how there's a steady shift of power between the flowmotion attacks and Combat commands because it really keeps the game fresh rather than just having you bouncing off of walls for most of the game (to be honest I probably still wouldn't have gotten bored of it). At times I liked the idea of more wide open areas so that you could use more flowmotion attacks but at times I just found myself sprinting for the nearest wall because all of my combat commands were loading up and I had to quickly get rid of the enemies. There are loads of people saying that they don't like the drop system but personally, I love it, I'd usually drop just before a boss battle, kill a load of dream eaters and rack up a load of drop points until I drop back to the other one and become basically indestructible and destroy the boss. I thought that having spirits as your new party members was a great idea, especially being able to pet them, although when I first started playing it I found myself making weird cutesy noises until I remembered that I have family members in the other room who would probably be able to hear me, so then out of embarrassment I just left them alone for a while. I thought it was cool how badass some of the last dream eaters you can make are and it was an epic feeling just beating down the final boss with two freaking huge ass dinosaurs at my side. I decided that I was going to attempt, for the first time to go for 100% completion this time, but I came to a difficulty somewhere down the line, when I realised that I was going to have to collect all of the dream eaters, which would mean that I would need friends which, unfortunately, I don't have...naaaaaaah, I'm just kidding, but the only friend of mine who is a Kingdom Hearts fan can't afford a 3DS right now and so I'm kinda stumped. I did however manage to find all of the chests with a lot of help from decimo's guides (thanks A LOT by the way) and I beat all of the special and secret portals which took a hell of a long time seeing as you have to keep dropping between Sora and Riku if you want to get them all. The secret ending, message, and the stuff in the credits however is now wishing that I could time travel SO THAT I COULD ALREADY HAVE GODDAMN Kingdom Hearts III (DAMN YOU NOMURAAAAAA) Overall this game is definitely my second favourite Kingdom Hearts game however it doesn't even hold a candle to Kingdom Hearts II
  22. can we not get the other 2 from the card where you can get 1 of the 3 off of it?
  23. How do you get to the portal stairs, when I take the elevator it just takes me to the throneship.
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