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About sorablade666

  • Birthday 06/20/2001

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  • Gender
  1. I just got a fortune cookie that said help me

  2. why? WHY!? please tell me.

  3. the companion cube will never desert me. NEVER!

  4. the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie. hello can I help you?

    1. Venterrqua


      hello? yes, this is dog.

  5. I will stalk you and when you go to slepp I will eat your muffin

  6. I just got an angry birds plushy. It was the last one, and a kid saw it so I ran grabbed and then I ran away as fast as I could

  7. today I am going to a party. PARTY ON!!!

    1. Grimmjow


      It's Wednesday.

    2. sorablade666


      Wednesday is party day!


    3. Grimmjow


      Wednesday is Humpday.

  8. I can be realy paranoid :)

  9. 3 days till I celebrate Christmas

  10. Remember in toy story 2 when Jessie explains about her previous owner Molly? Well in the scene of monsters inc. when they return the child, she gives Selly a few toys. One of those toys had a hat. A hat that looks like Jessie's from toy story 2. So maybe the girl from monsters inc. is Jessie's owner.
  11. I fell lazy today

    1. P50L
    2. sorablade666


      Yeah sometimes I forget a letter.

  12. NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Michael Jackson is the greatest singer! LONG LIVE THE KING OF POP!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Oh, I forgot to tell you guys my favorite song. Its fly love by Jamie Foxx.
  14. Hello kh13 members! What is your favorite song?
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