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Lord Sesshomaru

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About Lord Sesshomaru

  • Birthday May 28

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    I am the most loyal person you would ever meet.
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  1. Kasai awakes from a strange dream, feeling a bit of emotional damage as if he felt the death of all the people in his dream and he couldn't save them. The dream had put him in a bad mood once he woke up, and just too frustrated to talk to anyone. "Man this day sucks already, I have to get ready for classes and I'm going to have to deal with Mizu while I'm feeling like this? This is freakin great." Kasai gets his phone to call Mizu to wish her a good morning. "Hey baby good morning, are you almost ready for classes?" "Yeah, I should be ready in about 20 minutes no biggie right? I'll see you when I get to classes, drive safe babe!" "Yeah you too." Mizu finishes up her last touches and starts to head out. As she arrives on campus ground she sees Kasai in a down mood. "Hey what's wrong Kasai? Was it another one of those dreams? I'm telling you, we need to see why you're dreaming like that after classes okay?" "Yeah, maybe Mizu, I'll see you in class, this one just felt different, like the other dreams were just warnings, and this one is just trying to make me face the truth, something just felt so different." As the campus bell goes off a bunch of police sirens go off stopping at the campus to let everyone know to get inside some sort of catastrophe had happened. Alright sorry everyone I held this off for a bit, do not worry I won't leave this topic for dead so please post and enjoy. Sign ups here http://kh13.com/forum/topic/64449-avatar-the-apocalypse-beginsrp-sign-ups/
  2. Both accepted, I'll get this show on a row starting tomorrow.
  3. Yeah, keep em coming, would be nice to get this going, for the ones who made characters are accepted.
  4. You can meet up however you want. And I was thinking I'm gunna do 2 people travel with the avatar. All the people that sign up before the RP starts I'll draw names. And accepted.
  5. Vaatu is going to unleash havoc and control all the spirits to destroy the world thus making it start the apocalypse. And accepted.
  6. Made a new Avatar RP, this one is in more depth, something my last one failed at. Hope you RPers join, and some of you who dont do it are interested in joining. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/64449-avatar-the-apocalypse-beginsrp-sign-ups/

  7. (Sorry been really busy) "Okay, let's go find Lily, Steve, and Logan. They shouldn't be too far" Jeremiah and Kay looked around the party to find them, but their was too many people and it was a lost cause. "Let's just wait outside really quick and see if they will come looking for us, we and can always get in the car to get warm too." (Sorry for short post, just catching up a bit.)
  8. So this is my new avatar RP my last one failed and I'm thinking it was because it had no real story and no one was really controlling the avatar, but mainly no story, so I'm going to try again. Okay everyone be warned, I have no idea if this will feel like avatar because it's set in the modern era. Over 100,000 years ago, spirits roamed this world to themselves in peace, led by the light spirit Raava. Not too long after that, humans began to live in this world with their tainted, and untrustworthy souls thus creating the evil spirit Vaatu. Raava no longer able to keep this world free from fear, or happy, or peace. All Raava can do now is keep balance in this world. Vaatu seeks havoc, and destruction of this world. Every 10,000 years these two fight, one to win for balance(I guess a tie) and the other for destruction. Everytime balance has won, this making Vaatu hungrier and hungrier to finally conquer the world. Legend has it that, in a world where mobile transportation, metropolis cities, weapons that uses triggers to kill, and humans blinded by the truth, would feel the apocalypse of Vaatu's wrath thus forcing these idiotic humans to realize the truth. "Why are you telling me this story?" Let me finish please. During those times humans had the ability to bend elements air, water, earth, and fire. Now, don't get me wrong, some people still have these abilities. Levitating(air) moving water with their body(water) controlling fire(fire) and rocks levitating(earth) some of the known people that you see doing these are known as magicians to the general public. Many years ago humans abused to use of lightning bending, blood bending, metal bending, and oxygen bending. The avatar used the energy bending to take those abilities away. Now the people who control all elements are known as avatars, only they can teach there self to do the forbidden bending. They help Raava keep balance in this world. Here is why I am talking to you about this. You are the avatar, you will see this world enter the apocalypse, and you will need to save it from Vaatu. Now when you wake up, know this, you are dreaming, but don't be blind like everyone else and look past the truth. If you don't save this idiotic world, the apocalypse will continue on, if you save it, everyone will know the truth, but this world will go back to the beginning of time, it will take another 100,000 years to get back to the way you are used to. I wish you the best of luck, Avatar Kasai. Okay, so I did my best to explain a story about what's going on in this world I hope it appeals everyone. My character will be the avatar. Now when the character sheet shows up, you will have a thing called class, you only can pick one out of the three, peace, balanced or tainted. They should be self explanatory. When everyone fights another bender in this RP be fair to the elemental disadvantage. If the same element fight, make it interesting and then flip a coin or something to determine who wins. Your appearance will change after the apocalypse. You can have at most 3 characters. Type Kasai if you have read everything. Rules Standard KH13 RP rules Keep language, and romance to PG15 Character sheet Name: Appearance:(before and after apocalypse) Gender: Bio: Age: Bender or non bender: Element or weapon: Class:(peace, balanced or tainted) Mine Name: Kasai Appearance: before: wears red tinted sunglasses with spiky red hair, and wear red contacts. Has black gloves in with fingers hanging out, black t-shirt with a red leather jacket. Has black jeans with a spiked lanyard hanging from his pockets. After: still has tinted red glasses, no contacts and red hair is not spiked anymore. Leather jacket was burned thus only wearing a black t-shirt. Black pants are all ripped up, and no longer has his lanyard. Gender: Male Bio: Kasai was just an average man trying to survive in the real world. Not knowing the truth of this worlds past her was ignorant and and selfish like everyone else. But when he had his dream everything changed and he started looking for answers. Age: 21 Bender or non bender: Bender Element or weapon: Fire avatar Class: Balanced Name: Mizu Appearance before: long wavy black hair, has blue contacts wears a beautiful sparkly dress. Has sapphire ear rings on both ears and sapphire bracelets. After: no contacts, but has her ear rings, and bracelets. Now wears ripped up dark blue pants, and a black tight t-shirt Gender: Female Bio: Mizu had always been high class but never stuck up. Her parents died when she was just a little girl, forced to live with her grandparents. She now owns one of the biggest companies in the world. Age: 20 Bender or non bender: Bender Element: Water Class: Peace I hope everyone joins and keeps this alive. And don't forget to have fun.
  9. Name: Selena Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: long black and purple hair. Wears red skinny jeans, red shirt that says "live free, die hard" and a red leather coat. She has scars on her wrists. Has her ears, lips, and dimples pierced. Crime: Robbed houses for money a drugs. Bio: Selena is a beautiful female that everyone loved throughout middle and a bit of highschool. When she was dating her first love, she got her heart broken and it left her in a really depressed state. She met Donnie a few months after, they really hit it off and began to date. Soon after that, both get into some hardcore drugs. A couple years later, Selena helped Donnie rob his parents, and soon after, other houses. Selena couldn't kill anyone, but she doesn't mind Donnie doing it all. AHS
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