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Everything posted by xBerserkerSaix07x

  1. I believe so.Shouldn't be that hard to notice...
  2. Mysterious Figure(Bbs NA version) Lingering Will Sephiroth(KH1) Unknown No Heart and of course,Julius.
  3. I thought about this...Since it was on PSP, most of the stages seemed to have too much open space.Hopefully that will change in the HD ReMix!
  4. Got a ps4.Not happy about the lack of games,but just knew that by the time kh3 came out,i would need one.Have Infamous:Second Son,but I believe InFamous 2 was better.
  5. Ive een a member since July 2011,around the time the SoulCalibur5 naming promotion came out.I was on the site before that,but never signed up.Glad I did!You guys(and gals)are awesome!
  6. It was bad,but hopefully a convinced return would make her want to breathe more life into her character.The acting for Terra and Aqua didn't sound enthusiastic until the most crucial scenes...
  7. WAAAY before 1997.Monopoly was playable on the SNES during those days...or was it the Sega Genesis?Man,I feel old!
  8. I'm guessing we'll hear some news about it towards the end of this month.More than likely it will release in March-April.Crossing fingers for Japan release in March and overseas release in April.
  9. hardly ever.When i use 3D,its only during the cutscenes,but even then i never use it.If only it didn't mess with my eyes...
  10. 1.The Kh series has taught me that the world is built upon crazy ideas.who would have thought to add peanut butter to jelly,or to actually slice bread?Or,in this case, combine the universes of Disney and Final fantasy? 2.Also,KH showed me that the invisible ties that connect us all are still their,even if someone you lost someone you love.
  11. This a a great poem for a great game that is Dream drop distance.This was written by my brother,who is also a fellow KH fan.Loved the poem so much that i decided to post it...enjoy! Strings of time We attempt to push and pull at the strings of time Hoping to pause it just this once Before reality disappears In this instance Our dream drop distance In the amount of distance we drop into our dreams we see ourselves Trying to remember the good Trying to forget The bad Trying to ignore The ugly For all in front of us Becomes memory As we lay ourselves to sleep We hope dreams do not seep Into nightmare Before our wake But keep us safe And put in place A version of happiness Enough to see the Savior's face To understand we are no longer in reality but within the subconscious of a religious mentor The one who forced his Beliefs on us Showed us the pseudo For all around, just like religion is cleaning the brain Washing till every concept is easy enough for everyone But for the intense thinker who is viewed as the bad one Is also the smart one? And this country makes sense This is a great country? When in our national anthem it states "the land of the free and the home of the brave" Freedom is only the ideology of the suppressed and exercised by the oppressor The only brave part to America is the few suppressed willing to speak out, willing to take action, knowing the consequences So let us shut our eyes Blind ourselves, so things seem right Drift off into the true land of freedom where anything goes Where no one is Suppressed or oppressed Where no brainwashing exist Just enlightenment A place where control is in our hands the plan, to stay here forever or as long as we can Until reality and the terrors of this world is revealed to us once again Let me know what you think!
  12. Pretty good movie,but I liked tangled better..
  13. You collaborate with Everglow!?That's great man!He makes some awesome videos...
  14. Still in community college myself doing Gen.Studies trying to decide between culinary arts,game design, and/or computer tech.
  15. Almost everyday i listen to my music on my phone.
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