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Everything posted by Grimmjow

  1. Does he have a set of carnivore teeth where his crotch should be? Edit: It looks like the theme of this early concept of Xemnas' final-form is the Dark City while the theme of the final design of Xemnas' final-form is the Castle That Never Was.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PR_rzF8ofw
  3. I wish I could be as cool as he is. firetruck the police.
  4. End of the World. I just loved the nihilistic atmosphere. Just you in the middle of nothing..ruled by the darkness. The lack of music or the sad and dramatic music really did it.
  5. I am a awesome test and I find this offensive.
  6. The reasons not to like him are even more reasons for me to like him. He is awesome. I was almost going to tear up when he fade away in KH II.
  7. I like both but since I LOVE the Disney villains in KH I and you people don't give enough credit to them my vote goes to them.
  8. Agnostic-Atheist That doesn't make sense. How are you technically a Catholic but personally agnostic? 1. Being agnostic isn't a view on religion. Agnostic-Atheism is. Someone who is agnostic says "I don't know" to everything. 2. You are what you say you are. If your family is Catholic that doesn't mean that technically you are Catholic too. You have an independent choice of your belief. Because I am not technically a Muslim because my whole family is.
  9. By far the best until now. The big KH logo disturbed the great artwork a bit.... it could be a little smaller. But other then that it's gorgeous.
  10. You are like 1 year late with this.... I know that because I can still remember watching this trailer last year and jizzing all over the screen.
  11. Fits the nature of a Chocobo perfectly.
  12. Grimmjow

    Naruto Shippuuden

    I will post a KH drawing eventually.
  13. My message to all women concerning this topic: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX7wtNOkuHo
  14. He said he want to keep the gameplay classic in the numbered titles but experiments around in the bridge-titles.
  15. That's what she gets for being a disrespectful, lazy, egoistic, demanding bitch. I have to do my part with the housework too. I get my own money.. I even give half of it to my mother so she has a little on the side. I visit the university and I pay for everything I need besides the groceries my mother buys. And I never bitched about her on Facebook EVER!
  16. It is truly amazing. The best boxart a Kingdom Hearts title ever had! The big KH logo ruins it a bit tho....
  17. I prefer my animes with the original Japanese dub and English sub.
  18. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpBBMaEBmMA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8qXKw0HIlw
  19. They all are REALLY easy. The hard part is to win with a 5 star rating!
  20. How many mobs did you fight beforehand? I was like lvl 12 com with Noel and 12 rav with Serah. And yes I played with Com Rav Rav with the intention to stagger it. But I killed it before the Shock. So I actually lost time.. it would be faster if I've used Com Com Com. But the important part is Atlas... I know my mistake with the Cie'th.
  21. Hey forum. So after the FF 13-2 demo spoiled on my hard drive for a few weeks I finally decided to actually try it out. It's alright/good I guess... not that great of a demo like most of the people said. But that's not the point. My question is if anyone of you guys managed to kill Atlas' hand and Atlas or even the Cie'th with 5 stars. I just played the demo once but I bought the stronger weapons and I used the crystal points to upgrade my roles so I don't think it was poor accessory or poorly skilled chars. And I still just got 3 stars. I am just curious if I am doing something wrong or if there even are some of you guys who managed to get 5 stars.
  22. You guys say that they look alike just because they are black!!!
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