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About LunaX

  • Birthday 06/20/1996

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  • Member Title
    Rp lover
  • Gender
  1. Just wanted to know,thanks for making me a Great Roleplayer.I hope i will repay your debt someday... :D

  2. Lucia ran into the church after hearing the explosion. She hadbeen wandering around the empty city looking for the others after she had gotten lost. She immediatly pulled out her pistols and like xio began firing at the golem. Her shots werent as concentraited but had more power to them.
  3. Lucia looked up at Xio "yeah im doing fine" she said
  4. The wolf girl looked at xio, skull, and zero. "Its Lucia" she told them "my name is Lucia" Alraim immediatly jumped out the window and onto the roof tops as she headed after unikora. The girl in black head the explosion and ran outside to see alraim chasing unikora "so the problem solved itself....good" she said before rushing off living .
  5. The wolf girl had brought up her legs pulled then close to her body she was looking at the water she seemed dazed The girl in black dropped from the ceiling at the bottom of the tower but inside "that was close!" she said before she began to quietly make her way up the tower
  6. The girl dodged as well then she hit her hands on the ground "raise the dead! Crumble to the ground! Death's Paradise!" the ground engulfed in darkness that spread up the tower.
  7. A girl in the crowd had watched it all happen. She was in dark black clothes. She stood in the middle of the area where the fight took place. "this isnt right they were taken by force not willingly" she said as she looked up at the window of the tower. Her cat ears perked up and then she held her hand out as a black aura surrounded it. "in deep sleep nightmares reside, bringing fear not compassion into ones eye, dream dream upon the night so high, as i begin to weave my final web where you lie. Dream dream a dark nightmareish dream, where children cry, men writh, and women scream, so dream dream your nightmareish dream, until i sing sing you will dream!" suddenly a sphere of darkness surrounded the top of the tower.
  8. Suddenly the figure fthat stood atop the roof rushed off towards the tower and inside up she dashed up the stars carrying a large scythe the scrapped the wall every now and then. She reached the top where Akise and Uniora were and pulled out her sythe "you there! You are the reason the forces are so unbalanced!" the figure said. She was clearly female and seemed to be a bit religeous. "your time has ended cause i am Alraim Balancer of light and dark!"
  9. I girl watched the battle from atop a building nearby
  10. "yo moron! He didnt say a thing about fighting a sea monster!" said the girl
  11. "Shut up!" she growled as her guns reformed even faster in their holsters
  12. The girl's attitude quickly changed. "Say that again pretty boy! I dare You!" she growled "i am never at a disadvantage got that!" she yelled
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