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  1. Firstly, I didn't say they don't originate from America, I simply said that people are not America. Secondly how does adding a 'u' into a word make it elite.
  2. Almost all of them are not reasons. The people who invented them may be Americans, but they are not America. Oh and by the way "Proper English" didn't originate in America, but the Anglo-Saxons who invaded England from Northern Europe.
  3. Merry Christmas and I have 21hrs & 57mins
  4. ichigo is not a vasto lorde nor does he transform into one. He just hollowfies (not sure if it is spelled liked that but oh well.)
  5. I'm scared death, fear and the unknown.
  6. I got coyote because he's a relaxed guy
  7. But what you have to remember that was only a nintendo conference, and tgs starts on thursday the 15th to sunday the 18th. So there will probably be more
  8. Personally I like the new outfit and the partners in the four screen thing looks like jack, but then again I may be wrong
  9. This is going to be LEGEND- wait for it.................. -DARY. and here's the complete scan. http://images.saiyanisland.com/showphoto.php?photo=8298
  10. I dream about me, myself and you guessed, I. (and mostly other people as well.)
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