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Everything posted by sephyfan98

  1. KH and Naruto........I want to see what happens when Riku meets Sasuke, Sora meets Naruto, and when Kairi and Yuffie meet Sakura!!!!!!!!
  2. ....how much i paid sherlock?......i AM Sherlock!!!!!!!!(Well, in my head at least.....)
  3. .....Yeah. That would be cool! I mean, a Keyblade Master who is also "Master" of Chaos........not to mention the immortality.
  4. Hey, I just realized something.(spoiler alert) When MX stole Terra's body..... well, when he lost his memories and became Ansem the Wise's apprentice(i'll just call him Terranort) and became a Heartless/Nobody (Ansem Seeker of Darkness/ Xemnas) the heart that was Ansem the Seeker of Darkness was MX's heart, but the shell that was left behind.... the shell that became Xemnas.....was Terra's body. So, essentially Xemnas IS Terra.....well, at least a corrupted Terra. Yeah....Terra's Nobody, corrupted by MX's dark heart.....
  5. Manga exuilsive? Tokyopop lost the rights to pubish it in america AGES ago! As for the tv show/ movie......i vote movie. cause if Square made Advent Children.......nuf' said.
  6. ....zzzzzzz.....ok, im up. but first..... MUST DEFEAT SEPHIROTH!!!!!!!(Yeah, right. Im on try #56?...i think so. or is that too low?)oh for crying out loud....im taking out KH2 and putting in Serinity.

  7. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!! That was freakin hilarious!!!!
  8. ......I wish Marluxia was the Superior.......and Xemnas will be obliterated.......oh, wait. he already has been. Fail.
  9. Other than Cloud and Sephiroth, Vincent is my #1 FFVII character ever!!!!!
  10. hahahaha!!!! So hilarious!!! Can't stop laughing!!!!!
  11. zzzzz...sleepy....no. must..stay...awake....Aerith? Zack? That you?....zzzzzz.....

    1. Roxas029


      Nope just me. Roxas.

    2. Vanitas


      im coming!!!

      ill save u sephy!!!!

    3. Roxas029


      Not if I stop you first Vanitas!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  12. Fringe is the best show ever.....but can someone tell me where the **** Peter disappered to? I know he'll be back....hey, mabey hes stuck in the Realm of Darkness along with Aqua! Call it a hunch....I mean, he just vaporized into thin air or something....

  13. thinking with portals.....you know, it would be really funny if one day, a dark corridoe opened up in front of Riku and Sora and four things popped out of it: Chell, PotatoeS, Wheatly, and the Aperture Science Portal Gun.....not just Chell's gun, but two more, one for Sora and the other for Riku......

  14. Because he's pure awsomeness with that really big sythe of his. Too bad he's a traitor.
  15. typety typety typety type......posting my awsome story! Its called Kingdom Hearts meets FFVII.....

    1. tawnyHero


      YAY wait that all actualy happens in all of the games!

  16. on the other hand, theres a reason Riku looks so much like Sephiroth.......part 2: coming soon!
  17. for those of you who dont know who Vincent and Nanaki are, Nanaki is more commonly known as Red XIII. Vincent.....Square was originally going to put him in Olympus Coliseum along with Cloud in the 1st KH. Somewhere along the road, the idea was scrapped, so they incorperated parts of his outfit onto Cloud's. For example, his cape and gauntlet. Cloud's bat wing represents Chaos, who resides within Vincent.
  18. ‘Where am I?’, thought Riku. ‘One second, I was being sucked into a dark corridor along with Sora, and the next? I’m on the other side of that Corridor, but Sora’s nowhere in sight. Mabey he got looped into another Dark Corridor. I hope he’s all right….’ Riku said to himself, “Waaaait a second….I think I remember this place! But how? I’ve never been to this world in my life.” But then, suddenly, a voice sounded behind Riku. “Hey kid, who are you? ….Never mind that. I don’t think you’re very welcome here.” Riku turned around to face the speaker, and saw a man with a red, tattered cape and a three-barreled handgun - pointed right at him. “…Why are you pointing a gun at me?, asked Riku. He summoned his Keyblade, Way to the Dawn, and pointed it at the man. “I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. But I’ll tell you one thing. You definitely don’t want to get on my bad side. Also, you mind telling me where I am?” The man said, while pointing his gun at Riku,”We’re at the Forgotten City, near the ruins of the Temple of the Ancients. But should’nt a Remnant know this already?” Riku, confused, replied,”Remnant? Remnant of what? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He leaped at the strange man, and slashed Way to the Dawn at him. The man quickly jumped back and dodged the swing, and shot his handgun at Riku. But then, a voice sounded. “Hey Vincent, you might want to stop shooting at that kid! He’s a friend of mine!” A teenage girl lept out of the trees, landed with a soft ‘thud’, and yelled out,”Hey Riku! Remember me from Hollow Bastion? It’s me, Yuffie!” Riku looked confused for a second, but then he remembered……Yuffie walked up to Riku, and said to him,”Oh, wait a sec….you were….kinda possesed by Xehanort’s Heartless then, weren’t you?” Vincent turned to Yuffie. “Wasn’t Xehanort’s Heartless trying to take over Kingdom Hearts? I don’t think we should trust this….’friend’ of yours.” Yuffie replied stubbornly,”Any friend of Sora’s is a friend of mine. So there!” Riku, confused as to why Vincent didn’t seem to like him very much, said to Yuffie, “Yeah, I remember you. It’s just that the entire incident is really fuzzy, so I don’t remember much about it…..hey, have you seen Sora? We got seperated when we got sucked into a Dark Corridor.” Yuffie:“Nope. Heeey, this is kinda ironic!” Riku:”It is?” “Yeah! Because Sora was looking for you and the King, and now YOU’RE looking for HIM! Hey Vincent, we should get back to Cloud and Tifa’s place and see if Sora’s shown up there! Besides, Nanaki should be there soon and I’m positive him and Sora would get along great!” Vincent replied to Yuffie,”But hou will Cloud react to seeing your friend? You know how he is.” Yuffie: “Vincent, I’m sure he’ll be fine. I’m pretty sure he’s gotten over that. C’mon Riku, let’s go!” “Hmm?” Riku had been thinking to himself. ‘Cloud….Sora’s told me about him….wonder what he’ll be like…..hmm? “Oh. Yeah...ok…Argh!” Riku collapsed, breathing jagged hisses of breath between clenched teeth, as waves of pain theatened to consume his consciousness. “Ugh….” “Riku?!! What’s wrong!?!?” Then, through the agony engulfing Riku, a voice sounded. “Riku…..it’s been a long time…..my son…..” Riku, curled up into a ball, muttered, “Who are you? Whoever you are, get out of my head!!!” Then all of a second, the pain receded suddenly. Yuffie helped Riku up to his feet, while Vincent, staring at Riku, thought,”Something happened…..something involving him, I’m sure of it….”
  19. yeah. i saw it yesterday. it was pretty good, but the epilogue (19 yrs later) was all screwed up and sketchy. it was still good, though. also see it in 2D. if you dare see it in 3D, it will eternaly blind you with its 3D epicness.
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