NOOOOOOOOOOOO.........Nomura has officially ruined one of my absolute favorite game series! I mean, what's with the humongously obese blimp? And to be honest, I thought that Nomura should have used Sora and Riku's KH2 outfits.....I mean, Sora's outfit actually was a color OTHER than red, and I liked Riku's hair long. It reminded me of someone......
I found this really cool cat "house" on ICanHazCheezburger! This one guy who REALLY likes Doctor Who made a 1/2 scale verson of the TARDIS. For his cats. And, it's bigger on the inside!
I started watching Doctor Who on Netflix, so I only know the 9th and 10th Doctors (i'm currently at season 3 and just finished watching Daleks in Manhattan and Evolution of the Daleks)(and so i don't know the current Doctor, #11.) Also, does anyone know how many times a Timelord can regenerate?
Hey, does anybody here watch Doctor Who? And if so, can you tell me which Doctor is your favorite? (You can choose any of the Doctors, not just the 9th, 10th, and 11th (the ones from the current show). The show is currently at the 11th Doctor. But my absolute favorite Doctor is the 10th (the one from Masterpiece Theatre).
I have this feeling that Riku will pass, but Sora will fail........even though Riku uses Darkness....and Sora's just too naive and happy-go-lucky for his own good.
But then, i'm confused how gameplay drastically changed from the 1st game to Jak 2. I mean, first you're running around wacking Lurkers, then you're running around with guns and shooting people. Also, can someone tell me what yellow eco does again? I forgot.
Jak 4? Yes please! I mean, i'm just starting to replay them in order, and dad's beaten all three (Lost frontier dont count) He's waiting for Jak 4 too. He waits "patiently" by killing Helghasts in Killzone 2.
Well, they've been spiriling downhill ever sence 1997.....when FFVII came out for the PS1. So Square Enix is kinda responsible for Nintendo's slow and painful demise.....
AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! This is not happening! Cause I had this dream that Apple or some random big corporate company would take over all of the world's goverments and effectly rule the world........a la Shin-Ra.