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About Terra023

  • Birthday 06/19/1995

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  • Member Title
    Minato the 4th Hokage
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  1. "Huh! It can't be! You're....Madara Uchiha?" The mysterious man takes off his hood and it turns out to be none other than Madara Uchiha. "Correct. I'm am Madara." he says "Y-YOU!? What are you doing here!?" He says angrily while pointing his keyblade at him. "Hmph. I see you haven't changed a bit Minato. And i like your new weapon! VERY intresting indeed. (he then laughs)" "i'm not going to ask you again! How did you get here Madara!". "Okay okay! Fine!" Madara says. He starts to think. "Ok! Listen up Namikaze! You'll like this."
  2. As Minato destroys the remaining Heartless, 15 more show up. "You gotta be kidding me! Well it looks like this may take awhile." " . Huh?" Then the Man in Black Shows up again. "Hey You! You'r that guy in the black coat i saw last night. What did you summon these guys 'cause thier really starting to annoy me!" Then the mysterious man destroys all the Heartless with one..."SHOOSH!" "Whoa." Minato says. "You got some skills i admit." And then Man in black pulls down his hood. "Huh! It can't be! You're...."
  3. Minato ends back up in Twilight Town. He walks up towards the Old Mansion. "Dang it. I lost Aaron and Serah." he says while walking toward the Mansion. And then a Neoshadow appears in front of him. "A Heartless!" Minato prepares his Rasengan. "Watch and learn you bug-eyed freak. Rasengan!" He hits the heartless and it fades into darkness. "Ha! How do ya like that?" Then 15 more heartless appear. "Are serious? Fine. I gues this is how it's gonna be." He summons his keyblade and fights the Heartless.
  4. Minato wakes up to leave tent unnoticed. And he starts to look at the stars again. Then he he feels a disturabance nearby. "Hmm? then a mysterious figure in a black coat floats right through him. "Hey! Minato says as he summons his keyblade. "You trying to pick a fight or what?" The Man in Black says nothing and disappears. "Huh? That's strange." Aaron wakes up from hearing the noise. "..W-what was..that M-m-inato?" Aaron said really sleepy. "It was nothing. You get a good night's rest for the long journey tommarrow. Trust me you'll need it." Aaron and Minato go back to the tent and Aaron falls back asleep. Minato lays back on the the covers wondering who that man in black was. Tired he falls asleep.
  5. Well...if ur the 4th hokage then I'm the 5th hokage!!!!!

  6. Minato looks at Serah. And says, "It's alright Serah, i'm old enough to take care of my self. I'm 28 years old after all." Minato stands up in front of the tent. He looks up to the night sky and closes his eyes. "Naruto, he says, "I hope you become the hero i envisioned for you". He goes back into the tent and lays back and falls asleep.
  7. *still preparing ultimate jutsu*
  8. You dare interrupt my most awesome battle in the universe!? *slices Sora/Roxas in the Neck thus he bleeds enternally* Now lets go Yugi!
  9. Now if we can continue.... *prepares ultimate jutsu* Get ready for this Hokage style!!!
  10. Haa! Just when think i'm dead, you're wrong! I always have a plan! You destroyed my Substitution fool! *slashes Roxas's head off* Haa now you're dead!
  11. Anyone heard about another SMB game on the Wii U and N3DS? I heard it's gonna be good.

  12. Sweet! I chased that Yami Yugi Fool away! (FFVII Victory Fanfare plays) Alright well i gotta go so. I'll let Razorwind Keyblade kill all of you! See ya!
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