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Eternal Heart

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Everything posted by Eternal Heart

  1. Sigh.. so many to mention. D: I'm afraid of poisonous spiders... and since I can't tell which are poisonous, I kill them all.. except the big ones - I beg my bro to take care of those. Yep, and snakes too.. and the thought of a bunch of bugs crawling over me...Yuck! And heights, and volcanic eruptions, and tornadoes sweeping across my neighborhood, threatening to engulf my home, and zombies being real and trying to eat me, and, and, and...... I'm mostly afraid of pain, though - and it comes in a variety of ways, so I'm pretty much a scaredy-cat. .
  2. The gameplay for FFXIII was questionable, but the storyline was amazing. I never actually played the game, but I watched the scenes, and was pleasantly surprised at how touching the story was. I don't know about the sequel yet. I've seen the latest trailer, but the story hasn't really dragged me in yet. Perhaps when it does come out, I will be surprised again. As far as the skirt thing, you guys are talking about two different scenes. When Sazh (the black guy you referred to) is traveling with Vanille (the girl you referred to) and she is climbing up a rock or something, he accidentally looks up her skirt, but quickly looks away. He considers her a kid after all. The other instance is when Fang lifts Vanille's skirt to investigate the mark she had been branded with (all of them had marks in different places, but Vanille's was hidden). Anyway, as far as Final Fantasy's go, FFXIII was a personal favorite of mine. It may not be as popular with the FF7 or FFX crowds, but I thought it was a beautiful game, as far as graphics and storyline go.
  3. I prefer English music since that's the only language I can really understand very well, but I have been known to listen to Japanese soundtracks from games or anime I like. I've also listened to multilingual versions of songs I enjoyed first in English But I don't really make it a habit to seek out music written in other languages, although if I stumble upon something I like, I will definitely wear the song out before long, regardless of whether I can understand a word they are saying...
  4. Hahaha, that's awesome. I could never write music, much less play it. But I can listen to it all day. Awesome job with this one
  5. Pretty awesome song there. And you composed it as well?
  6. O.o Sorry in advance for any trauma this video may put you through... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sykUn2kI9ZI Yea, it's a pretty old video. Made it several months ago, but figured if I was gonna post any of my videos here, might as well be my crazy one. I do intend on posting new videos here, but I've been incredibly lazy as of late
  7. Here's mine - http://youtube.com/ksamvs2
  8. I don't like Master Xehanort. that's probably the only one. Heh, I do like Ansem and Xemnas though.. Go figure
  9. Haha, thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. That's really cool, Rose Riku. I'd love to see what kind of video editing you can do. I bet it's really good. Lol, looks like I got a bunch of twins~
  10. Awesome news - can't wait to see them I love all the KH games, but the very first one remains my favorite.
  11. I just joined today, so I thought I'd say a short hello to everyone here. I've been on this site awhile, watching the videos and even trying my hand at video-making. Not very good at them - I've seen some beautiful videos out there, but I use the freebie program, Windows Movie Maker. It does what I need it to do, so I don't mind being a little basic in my videos. Today I finally decided to join since I've been stalking this site for several months now. I'm a girl who loves games and music. My favorite gaming genre has to be RPGs. I like a good action game every once in awhile, but it's the stories and strategy of RPG's that really keep me gaming. Of course, my favorite are Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. I enjoy the beautiful cutscenes, and even the stories for most of them. As far as music goes, I don't have a favorite genre really. I like whatever sounds good to me. Sad music, action music, silly music.. I can listen to it all. I'm a quiet person for the most part. I don't say a whole lot, except when a subject really interests me. If I don't say much to you, don't take it personally. I don't dislike you - I'm just a bit introverted. Oh yea, and I tend to use a lot of smilies sometimes... it's a habit.
  12. Just got done watching all of the Birth by Sleep cutscenes. People don't give the game enough credit - I found it very good.. The ending was kinda sad though, but hopefully Sora can fix everything (probably won't be for a few years until we get to find out, though ><)

    1. AnsemTheWise


      The ending was totally sad... made me cry inside...

    2. Rose Riku

      Rose Riku

      I just watched all the BBS cutscenes recently too! I loved it a lot more after seeing everything lined up like that.

    3. Eternal Heart

      Eternal Heart

      I know.. they always seem to pick the best music for these emotional cutscenes lol. I love it even though they make me sad everytime.

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