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Eternal Heart

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Everything posted by Eternal Heart

  1. I'm actually not a big manga fan. I only read manga that I'm familiar with. If I'm watching an anime and I get really into it, I might seek out the manga and get into that. Or if it's based on a game I like (Kingdom Hearts! ) Either way, I prefer to read it online
  2. *sigh* I hate that moment when you realize that only one side of your headphones is working. >.<

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. 4Everbee
    3. Eternal Heart

      Eternal Heart

      hahaha.. guess what?


      There's a big headphones advertisement under my status right now! xD

    4. deathnight55


      YAY! That is random and nice.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  3. Thanks alot - I'm glad I'm getting such positive feedback on this one. Especially since I really like BBS
  4. Thanks alot, and yep I love this song. I like several of their songs, actually - just too lazy to try to make videos. Maybe I'll try editing again soon, since this site has all these pretty new HD clips
  5. Oh yea if you like their music, I'd totally suggest getting the album. Their music is really good, I think~ And, yes the rock part is my favorite
  6. Yes, that's it - this is the last part of the song. [media='']http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_LOOKssMpA[/media] I'm so happy to hear that you like this. It's one of my favorites
  7. I'm very happy that you liked it Poor Xion - I hope she can return someday...
  8. My cat won't leave me alone!!! D:

    1. deathnight55


      Pet it, feed it, then carry it up or down stairs then don't even look at it. lol

    2. Eternal Heart

      Eternal Heart

      Lol yea well I try that and at times she will be fine, but lately she likes to run into the room I'm in, jump on my shoulders and fall asleep there... It's cute but it can be distracting when I'm on the computer, lol.

    3. deathnight55


      Awe I wish my cat would do that.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  9. Name: Xion - She's Gonna Fly Category: Music videos Short Description: I normally don't like this kind of music, but this song just shouted "Xion" to me ...Yea I made this one right after I finished watching the 358/2 Days scenes. I really liked Xion and was sad that she had to go away, but I thought if I made View Video
  10. Yay <3 Thanks for the awesome feedback.
  11. Also this is the last part of the song, so if you do find it and it's the whole song, the beginning will sound a bit different.
  12. It's called Shattered by Trading Yesterday and it's probably not on itunes. It's kind of hard to find it much of anywhere. (which is WEIRD because I see alot of videos with this song) I found it on Youtube from someone else's video. I'm sure it's on 4shared, if you really want it, though. Or of course there's always getting it off Youtube. I forget how I got it - this video was made awhile back, but I am really happy you liked it xD.
  13. Oh, well thanks. I'm glad someone likes it. Even though this video is really short, it's one of my favorite edits I've done. Probably because I like the characters.
  14. Name: Terra - Anthem of the Angels Category: Music videos Short Description: A really short video that I made after watching all the Birth by Sleep scenes awhile back. I was wanting to make a full-length video for Terra, but I just couldn't find the motivation. View Video
  15. Name: ¤ S h a t t e r e d ¤ Category: Music videos Short Description: So just to be honest about this video... I had basically no idea what was going on in Birth by Sleep when I made this. All the scenes were in Japanese, but since I was noticing alot of similarities between KH and BBS, I made this video focus on the things View Video
  16. Name: Kingdom Hearts - Hero Category: Music videos Short Description: Thought I'd share some of my KH videos here... This video is kind of old, but seems to be one of my best so far. Atleast the feedback I've gotten has been positive. View Video
  17. Welcome to the site, Loki.
  18. We have 3 cats, one was a stray so she isn't that friendly at times. The other two are from the same litter, but they look nothing alike. One is a tabby cat (she is gray with black stripes) and the other is a tortoise shell (she's black with a big orange spot on her head). Those two can be very friendly if they like you... unfortunately for me, I seem to be the tabby cat's favorite spot to sleep right now. They are all so different from each other, but they are all cute in their own ways. (when they aren't breaking something in our kitchen )
  19. Welcome to the site. I visited this site a long time before I joined up as well. It's nice to finally have you join us
  20. Yea, in Ocarina of Time, the skull kid isn't really out to destroy the world. He's much darker in Majora's Mask. Still, Twilight Princess is a very dark game, as well. It's just probably not as dark as Majora's Mask.
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