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Eternal Heart

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Everything posted by Eternal Heart

  1. Everything - by Lifehouse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHVeQ1PG0sE
  2. Haha, well it is kinda old, so probably
  3. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=5al1uCfVdds Okay, so after asking around, I finally found out that I could share non-KH videos here. So here's a video I have been working on for the past few days. I don't know if other people are having this problem with WMM, but it likes to freeze up on me and only likes to save parts of the video when it comes time to save it to the computer. So I have to take the song and cut it into sections and work on them individually, combining them into one big video when I am done. Anyway, I hope someone likes it. Music is by Pillar (one of my favorite bands right now)
  4. Hmm is it alright to post non-KH amvs on here?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Eternal Heart

      Eternal Heart

      What I meant to say was that there is a "Fan-Made Videos" section. Is that for only KH stuff? And the "Videos" section of the Forums is for any kind of video?

    3. Sora96


      Lol. Bad typos by me.

    4. Eternal Heart

      Eternal Heart

      Luckily, I can read typos. Those weren't that bad though. :)

  5. I think it was pretty good for a first video, actually. Much better than what my first videos looked like. I see some potential here
  6. I can't stop watching/listening to this D:

  7. Is there any special reason why you can't just tell her how you feel? I mean my mom and I talked about this stuff when I was younger. She knew I wasn't like the other girls, so she just improvised. Instead of shopping for dresses and makeup, we would go to the game store. Sure she didn't really understand me because she was always the kind of girl who liked the stuff most girls like, but she still accepted me.
  8. Nice video I've never heard this song before but I like it! The music goes very nicely with Kingdom Hearts
  9. Hmm... well I only have one parent right now. My dad passed away right after I graduated from high school. Most of the last semester, he was sick, and he wasn't able to make the graduation. It was hard time for my family, because my dad was getting old and he would forget who I was and stuff, and near the end he couldn't even breathe without the help of machines. I used to argue with him (I was a teenage girl after all), but one day he was gone, and I realized how amazing my dad really was. Anyway, I'm guessing from the way the poll is set up that having "discussions" is a bad thing? I mean my mom and I discuss things, but it's not like it's a bad thing. We just talk. We do have arguments from time to time, but that's just normal. My mom doesn't understand me all the time, but she still loves me no matter what. I think that's what makes parents special.
  10. Name: Will You Be There (KH music video) Category: Music videos Short Description: This is my first time experimenting with the HD scenes from here. So I thought I'd make a tribute to Sora, RIku, and Kairi View Video
  11. Welcome to KH13 We all like Kingdom Hearts, too, so you'll fit in just fine Also, you absolutely must try KH2 when you have the chance. One of the funner games in the series
  12. Yea I miss my childhood alot. Back then I'd hang around my sis and nephew (he was 7 years younger than us, so more like a little brother). Every weekend, my nephew would come over, and the three of us would play video games together, play outside together - we'd do everything together. We were like a team! But as we grew older, we drifted apart. That was the hardest thing about growing up for me. Sure school work got harder and everything, but I think the worst thing was remembering all the good times I used to have with them, and realizing those times were over. Even now as I'm typing this, the thoughts of my childhood both make me smile and also make me want to cry a little inside. Difficult subject for me..
  13. Welcome to KH13! We all like Kingdom Hearts too! And of course, other things as well.
  14. 1. Ansem 2. End of the World 3. Beast
  15. When I was younger we would celebrate Halloween every year, but nowadays we just buy lots of candy because it's always on sale around this time of the year!
  16. People seem to have problems accepting people who are different than them. (race, religion, sex, interests, personality, etc) I'm not gay, so I do think it's weird for someone to be attracted to the same sex. However, I don't think they should be attacked for it. No one should be persecuted for being different. So what if people want to live their lives differently than you? Sure it's not "normal" but that doesn't necessarily make it bad, does it? They aren't hurting anybody, so why does it matter so much to you? As long as no one is being hurt, I think we should let people live the way they feel is right. *** I'm not really bashing anyone here - "you" can mean anybody. ***
  17. I voted for 7 and 8, but my love for those games is closely related to the fact that I have fond memories of playing them as a child. I never beat them, but I always liked playing them when I got to go over my brother's house. I think my favorite Final Fantasy today has to be XIII, though. It has an amazing story, and the graphics aren't bad either Of course Crisis Core would have to be on the list, too, because that one really touched me. I liked being able to see Sephiroth before he went psycho. Definately one of the more tragic Final Fantasy games out there.
  18. Hmm, other than Kingdom Hearts, some of my favorites are Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, Dragon Quest, Ratchet and Clank, Harvest Moon, and some of the Pokemon games. I also really like the Arc the Lad: Twilight of Spirits game for the PS2. But I suppose my favorite series outside of Kingdom Hearts would have to be the Tales series by Namco (specifically Tales of Symphonia).
  19. I prefer third-person games over FPS's, mainly because I can't aim. I also have this problem where I can't stand not being able to see the character that I'm playing. I would much rather play games like Ratchet & Clank or Kingdom Hearts. It's fun watching someone else play them though, especially when your friends scream when some monster jumps at the screen. My friend was playing Fatal Frame one time and it was hilarious watching him get scared of all the ghosts. Then he handed me the controller and said, "Shoot him!" - but I couldn't aim, so we died... D=
  20. Hmm.. well obviously I love Kingdom Hearts. Even though the last one I actually played was KH2, I've been keeping up with the other games through this site. I'm also a big fan of Final Fantasy games. In fact the main reason I got into Kingdom hearts was the Disney/FF aspects of the game. Of course, that's not why I like the games today. I'm also a big fan of the Tales games (Tales of Symphonia is my favorite). I'm a big fan of RPG's - I have been ever since I was young. The Tales games just stand out to me, though. Perhaps it's the action gameplay (the turn-based stuff gets old after awhile) or maybe it's the great storylines some of them have. Either way, I love the series. And of course, Legend of Zelda is on my list of favorite games. I've loved the series ever since Ocarina of Time, even though, to be honest, I have gotten frustrated with the games at times (stupid Shadow Temple).
  21. Wow, thanks~ I'm glad people like this video, even though like I said I had no idea what was going on when I made it, haha
  22. Oh did I say something strange? Sorry if I worded my post strangely. I wasn't trying to, lol
  23. One of my favorite songs - it looks really good so far, I think
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