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Everything posted by Yosuke

  1. feel like trash for wasting time...

  2. kh3 i waiting,,,.....

  3. #concept my mind~

  4. i'm tired.,,,,,,

  5. Have a good dream the keybleader!

  6. I imagine if I were a keyblader, but what should I do...?

    1. Demyx.


      Spank a donkey with your keyblade...It's what I would do.

    2. Yosuke


      You think about it too easy

  7. last chance, if i can to become true me. i always civered my sister.

    1. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      I don't know what you're trying to say.

    2. Yosuke
  8. so so cold, make me chilled..

  9. and now rain to come..

  10. never be undo everything, if KH never end.
  11. New enemy like was nothings, from world of nothing, new villain like vanitas or older Key blade legend.
  12. May be brother, like Roxas/vens~
  13. Why PC gaming (HD), dont in browser (low-end graphics). Nomura is never finish story line KH.
  14. 1. Dearly Beloved 2. Lazy Afternoons 3. Traverse Town 4. Utada Hikaru Opening 5. Utada Hikaru Ending
  15. My fav form is Master, i can blash in air and figh bos Roxas data easy. Limit form, sometime i like in battle only. Limit to bad to me, to slow. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png
  16. i like Axel : enjoying, like Aqua : calm and like Roxas : sad.
  17. Why u dont find outher store, or download ROM iso an internet like emuparadise. in my country KH2 sometime covered wrong. But iso for personal only. Buy it for support game.
  18. US-ntsc, Europe-Pal, Japan/Asia-Pal. what the different Europe Pal with other Europe Country? i dint know? i play US version.
  19. 20. Confused, story line flash back 'n game play suck like shooter game....>
  20. kairi, i dont really care..' may be she making aqua blade, like all of character have armor~
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