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Status Replies posted by pokebobhearts

  1. I'm officially the awesomest person in the world

  2. Tobi and Pein are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! xD

  3. stabbing the wall with a pencil cuz i'm bored. say hi to my panda BOB #2 xD

  4. Tobi and Pein are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! xD

  5. Tobi and Pein are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! xD

  6. I'm not totally dead. I'm partially zombie

  7. I'm not totally dead. I'm partially zombie

  8. I'm not totally dead. I'm partially zombie

  9. I'm not totally dead. I'm partially zombie

  10. I WANT A PANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD

  11. I'm sick of people asking if i'm like emo or punk and that stuff. I'm just me don't title it!!!!!!!

  12. as of rite now, nothin is really on my mind. i'm in lala land 24/7 so i'm not thinkin at the moment.OOOOOH I FOUND WHIPPED CREAM!!!!!

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