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Everything posted by pokebobhearts

  1. Banned because their is nothing wrong with that.
  2. Banned for missing the part underneath so now.....
  3. Banned because your signature is cruel! Poor Nunnally
  4. I don't exactly like either. :wub: But anyways if I had to pick one i'd say dragons.
  5. Banned because I love every part of that anime.
  6. Banned because you put a comma after Grammar Nazi and not a period indicating that the sentence was done.
  7. If that was Chinese I would see some logograms.
  8. 10 on both http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png you cheated using my two favorite ppls.lol
  9. I don't speak Russian but I think you said Vodka and crap?
  10. *Clears throat* When I was 8 years old my mother took me to Gamestop to purchase a video game for my older brother. I was roaming the aisles and saw their was a whole bunch of crap! No game was suitable for my brother's needs and they didn't even touch my standards. Then my mom brought KH I to me at first I was like "uhmm?" But then I read the back and scratched my head. Then I was like "I like this one." Then my mom bought it. When we got home my mom says it was actually for me. My brother beat it first as I watched then I went through by myself. Anyways it was so fun!
  11. Banned because y.o.l.o is an acronym and should be treated as so. (LOL I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT)
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