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Everything posted by pokebobhearts

  1. Just say " If you and Mom love each other then you will go to counseling. " Because it sounds like it could get physical. If that doesn't work then just say i'm gonna start cutting myself and put fake scratches on ur arms.... It'll bring them together if that doesn't work then message me
  2. It's there but Goku would kinda look like a pedophile hanging around with kids all the time and I think that Naruto has matured since "Naruto" so he wouldn't annoy Sora.... Plus Namine needs more girls to hang with and Kairi could make new friends AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway my opinion
  3. Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I post quite a bit don't i <3

    1. rikuluver15


      I'll say. You posted 7 topics in a row.

    2. 4Everbee


      lol i never seen anybody post 7 times in a row lol

    3. pokebobhearts
  5. pokebobhearts


    Okay so basically this is roleplay and S.O.F stands for School Of Freaks. Here are the required things for you to be in, and i either accept or deny you Name::Age:: Sex:: Hair Color:: Eye Color:: Sexual Orientation:: Status:: Human or Other (If other define): Grade ​PROVIDE A PICTURE OR ELSE!!!!! ​~Favorites~ Hair Style:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Lucinda Age: 15 Sex: Female Hair Color: Golden Brown Eye Color: Green Sexual Orientation: Straight Status: Single Human or Other: Other, Witch Favorite hair style: Choppy and Straight Grade: 10th http://media.photobu...niel/jonowa.png
  6. This is one of the videos I made and I hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3JRehtbmEY
  7. ooh something for me to do ..... Thanxxxx!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Whether you're happy or sad mad or glad toast or roast or just a dead post be happy that you live and always forgive because god gave and mostly forgave what we said, did, and lied about Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I'm so sad, but glad it's over... When I watched the movie I was overcome by joy... I really like the books and movies and I hope they will have another movie/book like it
  10. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2011/07/19/15-year-old-boy-dies-from-injuries-suffered-in-car-crash-with-lakers-lamar-odom/ I really feel for the kid, the team, Lamar, and everybody else involved in this situation.
  11. poor kid, even though it's a book.. The message of this book does reach out to many kids in this situation but at the same time it should be written to adults because they are more likely to comprehend it and mostly we don't want kids getting the wrong message...
  12. So tomorrow i'm gonna make a sword!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it'll be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I live in Florida. It's a really fun place where you get to see people get robbed and sell drugs and not get thrown in jail
  14. It's true that my words hurt but yours are like scorpions waiting to spew their venom on me...

  15. Sometimes u have to burn a b**** to learn how to let go.. Don't get it?

    1. Junko


      i get it mostly

    2. pokebobhearts
    3. Kirie


      Yeah I agree with venice365

  16. I LOVE NARUTO!!!!! And no matter what ppl say it is an awesome anime/manga

    1. pokebobhearts


      Explanation could have been better

    2. Kirie


      Lol then I want to see it! :)

    3. pokebobhearts


      go on gogoanime or anilinkz

    4. Show next comments  81 more
  17. BEWARE: I have just eaten candy :)

    1. pokebobhearts



    2. Kirie


      Why!...... :'(

    3. pokebobhearts
    4. Show next comments  81 more
  18. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow man + woman = vagina + penis = baby
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