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Everything posted by VaxidXIV

  1. Chase hear a lound crash from down the hall suddenly followed by the word S.T.A.R.S Wonder whats that all about.chase said as he took out the red9 and cautiously walk to the sercurity room Its surprisely empty over here wonder where is all the t-virus infections originated from? Chase said silently while makeing it to the sercurity room closeing the door tight posting a chair infront of it. Ok now lets see footage from eariler today. Chase watches footage from 12:23 to 4:56 when the virus 1st hit.
  2. Off in the distance chase heard a door open and what sounded like people. If its more of those zombie freaks then theres no point in going threw there. Chase walked behind the front desk collect ammo and and grenades. All loaded everythings good to go zombie scum come get some.....good thing no one heard me say that ok i gotta get to the security room thats where i'll find my answers.
  3. The lunatic slashed at Chase with his chainsaw sliceing chase slight across the face while chase quickly sliced the guys neck with his knife the madman fell to the ground the chainsaw still running. Agh....darn it i better leave before another one comes. The chainsaw guy gets up as Chase climbs out of the sewers just outside the RCPD. Close call it took all day but i'm finally here chase runs threw the doors and stops inside the main lobby dead police officers everywhere. Dammit not here too....
  4. Ok they're all dead i need to find an opening or another man hole darn it what would leon due..... Chase ran down further seeing a man with a sack over his head and holding a chainsaw. Uh-oh man you gotta be kidding me! The chainsaw guy ran at chase swing his chainsaw rapidly, Chase backs up slightly then pulled out both his regular pistol and his red9 fireing at the crazied lunatic Why you die what are you? Chase said as he continued unholding bullets into the guy the chainsaw brute getting ever closer.
  5. Heartless are seen running past vaxid holding hearts. Hearts could one of them be mines i have to know Vaxid chases the heartless through a portal arriveing in the land that never was. Where are they Vaxid said while clutching his katanas growling loudly. Where are they those little... Vaxid suddenly sees a bunch of people talking. What are they doing are they in lead with the heartless.Vaxid said while hiding trying to easedrop on their conversation.
  6. Wonder if theres any zombies in the sewers*Hears fleash tearing and chewing* ok that answers my question reloads the red9 and walks cautiously deeper inside the sewers. Ok come out come out where ever you are.Chase whisphers as he turns the corner seeing 5 zombies ripping and devouring what seemed like human flesh. This is horrible i need to conserve ammo in here no telling when i'll get outta here Hey zombies eat nades! Chase tosses a grenade and sheilded himself behind a corner as the grenade blew.
  7. Vector proceed to your next target....beltway out. Lets see theres a pool of infecteds below the gas sign. Vector pulls out a sniper riffle and aimed it at the gas pump Mark...Fire! Vector shoots the pump explodeing the outside of the gas station. Heading toward the RCPD sync up with my coordinates.Vector radio the rest of the delta team. Chase barely escaped the explotion at the last second he snuck into the sewers. Dammit barely made it looks like i can't go back up that way so i'll have to keep moving.
  8. Hello.......can anyone here me hello........come in anyone?.Chase was using the police radio in Leon's busted squad car. Dang it its busted...or maybe no one picked up because their dead.Chase said as he sat in the empty damaged car. Target in sight proceeding with plan eradicate give the order when ready......FIRE!!.A rocket was shot explodeing the cop car. Target down i repeat target down moving on.Spectrum reported to the other umbrella spec ops team while walking from a rooftop.
  9. Chase collected the grenades and moved toward the Police station cautionly avoiding the roads and back alleys. So far so good the station is up ahead wait is that Leon's cop car pinned between the pole and truck LEEOOONN!! Chase yells in a paniced tone running to the car. Leon?no one home.At least i know hes ok maybe hes at the station or maybe he made it out the city i have to find out is that the red9. Chase said while grabbing the red9 out of Leon's car Thanks big bro its just my size.Chase joked.
  10. Gotta keep moving can't be caught off guard i should try and head toward the police station leon still might be there along with the rest of the speacial unit. Chase said as he quickly opened the window leaping onto the fire escape. Ok this should be the safeist route to the bottom pending on how many zombies i face on the way down Chase quickly walks down the fire escape then jumped to the ground below. Ok thats done now its off to the Station, wait what are these flash grenades and regular grenades?
  11. Chase enter the intensive care ward. This place is like a maze huh whats that over there? Chase finds shotgun ammo handgun ammo and a first aid kit. Sweet handgun ammo finally i think i'll hang on to the shotgun rounds just in case so lets see is their any record of whats happening. Chase flips threw files looking for any sign of his brother. Dammit nothing wounder if anyone knows whats going on here. Chase sits in a chair and buried his head in his hands.
  12. Chase shot emptying the guns clip on the zombie like people killing 2 of them. Dammit you guys sure know how to eat a bullet, crap i need ammo. Chase cursed as he reloaded his pistol. Maybe i should try to shoot them in the head like on tv hope this works. Chase fires five rounds hitting and killing the zombies. Well that worked oddly enough ok I should round up some items i'll need all the help i can get. Chase said to himself as he put his pistol away and jogged toward the emergency exit.
  13. Chase quietly closes the door and continues to walk down the hall. What did i just see?..... (Nevermind that i have to find leon and fast) Chase thought. Chase walks into the checkout center of the hospital its all torn apart and blood splattered over the floor along with bodies. Is anyone alive what happened here? At that moment Zombies came from out a room chargeing chase. Holy crap i need something. Chase looks around and finds a sliver pistol on the body of a dead policemen. Yea that'll work eat lead.
  14. darklighter accepted and now we can start. Chase awakes to find himself in a hospital room the door shut and all he can hear is muffed silence. Hello is anyone here? How did i get here where is Leon. Chase hops off the hospital bed and walks toward the door and opens it the hall is dark blood spattered everywhere the lights flickering. What happened here chase slowly walks down the hall passing a room where he can hear squashing noise he cracks the door to see a man ripping into the flesh of a woman.
  15. i beat your wondering why i destroyed that heartless you see it had something i long to have but evades me at every turn i wish to regain my lost......umm look at me i must be boring you. Vaxid said with an experssionless face.As he looked toward the shining lights coming from the town.
  16. Huh? a girl what could see want with me shes getting closer. Vaxid thought to himself as he made his sword disappear. H-Hello nice weather we're having you see every star in the sky. Vaxid tried to make conversation with the girl seeing if she was freindly.
  17. The sky looks breath taking tonight almost makes me feel happy to bad i dont have any emotions im empty hollow im a shell of my former self. Vaxid said sorrowly while sitting on a park bench stareing into his hands. I cant remember how i became this way.Huh? At that moment heartless appeared running with a heart. A heart maybe i can have that and become a sombody again.Hey heartless stop! Vaxid leaps in the air drawing his katana sliceing threw the heartless and in a flash of white light the heart vanished
  18. Haha its more than good Azure Accepted ok now all we need is two more and then we can start^-^
  19. AnsemTheWise Accepted and lmao at scissors nice choice
  20. This RP takes place in the run down zombie infested city of raccon here you can be either the spec ops whose orders are to eliminate everything and everyone in the city including the police officers, civilians etc.. or you can be a policemen or even a regular civilian. If you choose to be a poicemen or civilian your objective is simple your main objective is to make it out the city alive and help as many people you can also being a policemen or civilan you won't have as much high tech at your disposal basiclly you'll have the basics like riffle, pistol, knife etc...don't worry you can gain extra weapons as the rp progressess. RULES Normal rping rules of course No God modding No Controling other peoples original characters with out Permission I'll let cursing be permitted just don't go overboard with it No killing other peoples characters with out Permission posts must be at least four lines long Character Sheet: Name: Gender: Age: Personality: starting Weapon(can't be a rocket launcher lol): speacial skills: bio: yrs of training(only for spec ops and policemen): Apperance: Here is mine Name:Chase Kennedy Gender:male Age:17 Personality:playful strong willed smart and short tempered starting Weapon(can't be a rocket launcher lol):pistol and army kinfe speacial skills:steady aim and quick shot bio: Chase is Leon S. Kennedy's younger brother he came to visit Leon to congratulate leon on his first day of being a policemen when they were separeted during the mayhem and confusing that was taking place in raccon city he is now trying to reunite with his brother. Apperance:
  21. Stupid gravity useless waste of atoms...... Vaxid mumbled as he layed on the ground rubbing his head I think i should go take a walk around town see if i can find a way to past the time. Vaxid leaps to his feet picking up the splatered frozen desert and threw it in the trash. Now lets see where to stop first the music store maybe or the game arcade. Vaxid said while placeing his hood over his head so the sombodies wouldn't findout that hes a nobody.
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