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Everything posted by VaxidXIV

  1. Whoa did that guy just ride on top of the police car that guy is either crazy or super crazy wait is he heading toward pizza zone..no way. Chase said while walking final arriveing at the pizza place. Finally i made it! Chase said while entering the resturant seeing tire marks leading up to pizza zone. Hey can i get a large pinneapple,chicken,cheese pizza. Chase shouted from his booth seat. Wait isn't that the guy from earlier just my luck hes probably here to rob the place.Wait is he about to duel that guy
  2. (How can she just sit there and read....is she in shock?.....doesnt she want to know why was there a grave in the meadow......i'll just make her talk.....no that wont help in a time like this she'll talk about it when shes ready...) Hey umm shadow are you thirsty or hungry do you want a soul i'm sure i can round up a kishin soul in no time flat. Suki said while heading toward the closet looking for a blanket.
  3. Wonder if pizza zone is open today. Chase said while walking thinking about his favorite pizza place located in the middle of central city Huh? Chase stops infornt of a window with a tv broadcasting an urgent news feed. Rebel Dualist,Dualist tournament sounds fun guess i should sign up for it. *Stomach roars* Ehh maybe i should eat before i sign up cant win with an empty belly. Chass laughs faintly and continues to walk while syrins blasting as a man on a motorcycle zoom past with cops talling him. Whoa!
  4. Name:Chase Bloodstone Age:16 Gender:male Bio:Chase grew up watching duel monsters tournaments and he quickly fell in love with the game his first card was given to him by his father on his 10 birthday since then hes built a deck of his own challengeing anyone and everyone he could. Attribute:Warrior Lead card:Red eyes black chick Appearnace: Tan skin tone black and sliver outfit hair is jet black and messy. (Sorry i have no video of my lead card but i can't attach one i'm useing my phone at the moment.)
  5. Suki leaped onto the dragon lances with a look of dread across his pale sickly face. S-Shadow what was all that....(.....wait why am i asking her that.........its obvious by her expression that she had no clue that there was a graveyard in the meadow......)Suki looked at the Large tree with the carveings and looked away with a painful look in his eyes. (This place........what exactly is this meadows story......i'm getting a terrible feeling the longer i'm here.......)
  6. Sooooooo bored...someone save me

    1. VaxidXIV


      ...........the answer is yes lol

    2. Pandora2721


      *grabs you and runs* I'm sabing you now!!!!

    3. VaxidXIV


      yayy lol my hero

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  7. Name:Chase Age:17 Personality:Funny clever, a bit of a hot head at times Appearance:tan skin tone jet black hair grey eyes, Black jacket gold shirt and blackish sliver jeans shoes are gold and black Alignment:Evil Goal:simply to serve the king and carry out the orders that are given to him. Weapon:Claymore Sub weapon:Crossbow Japanese voice actor:Toshiyuki Morikawa English voice actor:Johnny yong Bosch Theme song:One winged angel
  8. IM BACK!!! i havent been on this site since halloween sheesh thats a long time ago huh lol

  9. Suki watched as shadow walked deeper into the meadows hmmm.....wounder what could be behind there? Suki said as he slowly made his way to shadows side. Hey shadow whats wrong hello yooohooo.Suki said while staring at shadow pale emotionless face. Is something wrong shadow.Suki said as he traced the path that shadow was gazeing at. WHAAAA what is all this!?!?!?!? Suki questioned as he stared at one one the larger tombstone Adilene and Victor isn't that her parents?Suki thought as he looked at the graveyard in shock..
  10. Happy Halloween Ghouls and Creeps this is the best night of the year!

    1. Mikuo


      Yes it is and also Happy Halloween to you and hope you get a lot of candy to eat

  11. Stupid psh nothing i do classifies as stupid.Suki said as he craved into the tree bark just below of shadow's parents name. Suki and Shadow greatest weapon and meister ever! So what do ya think shadow? In the future when someone discovers this place they'll know that were the best there was is and ever will be haha Suki said as he looked at the tree and grined.
  12. 16 i'll turn 17 in jan...........16 yr olds rocks lol
  13. Wasn't that sieg.......na couldn't be. Manic said as he saw a hedghog with a young tiger. 0k now its time to find the blur.......i lost him aw man curse my short attention span well theres only one thing to do now and thats to......errr....ummm...ok idon't know what to do i guess i'll just walk around and look for the black blur.
  14. Huh no its nothing i'm going for a walk i need to fill up my stomach tank with chilly dogs i'll see you guys later. Manic said as he rushed out the room heading toward where he saw the black blure. I have to know who that was and why does he remind me of sonic? Manic thought
  15. Yea i know sonic we are brothers after all we use to pay in a band with our sister Sonia. Manic said while looking at out the door.
  16. This is getting out of hand and you what did he mean by grandfather? Manic thought as he looked to the others and then walked towards the exit and saw a dark blure. Whoa who or what was that?
  17. Suki looked at the tree with the craved words and smiled. Your parents must have been madly in love and i think its so cool that those too would crave their love into this tree low class or not its awesome. Suki said as he let shadow go and walked to the tree while laughing a bit. Shadow lets see if we can 1 up your parents by writing something of our own. Suki said as he looked at the names perserved in the trees bark and smiled.
  18. hey shadow i don't know why but this reminds me of the first time we met. Suki said as he smiled and looked into shadow's eyes for a moment then quickly looked away. Hey shadow do you think we became meister and weapon out of fate or just plain luck well whatever the reason i'm glad that we became friends. Suki said as he looked at the flowers and blushed bright red.
  19. (Sorry for being so late but i had problems with my internet) Manic thought about the plan and then he listened to scorchy. Yea that might work i can convince the others not to board the ship and everything should be ok. Manic said as he sat in a dusty chair coughing from the dust
  20. Suki smiles softly as he took shadow's hand and pulled her closer and starts to dance following the rhythm of the soft natrue song. This is kinda akward i hope i don't step on her foot arghhhh why did i ask her to dance i'm so lame.Suki thought as he nervously dance with shadow blushing while trying to look away from shadow
  21. Suki looked at the flowers in awe then thinks. lets see well we have music.Suki said as he pointed toward the waterfall and to the flowers sweing in the breeze making a soft harmonious sound that soothes the soul. I think this would make a great addition to the wonderful melody thats being played. Suki walks toward a large tree and ties a couple of bells and chimes around the branches. Ok done i think that makes an even more great sounding rhythm. Care to dance partner. Suki said as he held his hand out.
  22. Wait your his descendent........so that makes me your great great great great uncle huh? Manic said while joking trying to calm himself But don't worry schorchy i'm ok lets avenge sonic and defeat eggman but first we need a team right so you guys have any suggestions?
  23. Sonic's grave...... if this is 300years in the future how do i know that sonic didn't just die from old age how do you know that eggman killed him can you explain that huh? well can you. Manic yelled
  24. Have our own party? Sure sounds like a good change of pace and besides i didn't wear this tux for nothing.Suki said as he took shadows hand and smiled
  25. Huh is that shadow why is she leaveing? Suki gets up and dusts himself off and jumps off the DWMA and breaks one of the three spikes that decorates the school. Ok kid is going to freak i better leave ASAP.Suki said as he dashed off following shadow. Hey shadow...oh there you are. Suki said as he saw shadow leaning on a tree. Hey why are you out here the party is still going right let me guess you left because you felt a little akward at the party.Suki said as he pinched shadow's cheeks making her smile.
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