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Everything posted by riku1123

  1. after looking at your picture i became depressed because miles edgeworth 2 isn't coming to north america and professor layton vs. phoenix wright hasn't been announced, but yes a spiritual sequel to 999 has been released, I have two major questions though. 1: who was all involved in the Nonary game 2: how does Akane inform you of the truth is gone thing after getting the coffin ending
  2. the quality of a browser is a matter of opinion, I find that safari works far better than internet explorer. I agree that Office is better than Iworks, but that wasn't the point of my argument, I said that Iworks is a program that pc doesn't have. I still go by my earlier comment that I agree that pc's are better for desktops because that is where my printer is, where i play games, etc. and that mac's are better for laptops as load times are at least 3 times faster, which comes in handy when you want to quickly look something up. I think that both computers have their benefits, Pc's programs and Mac's speed, and downfalls, Pc's lac of speed and Mac's lack of programs
  3. #6, if your saying that it doesn't have programs like word, powerpoint, excel, internet explorer, etc., you could also say that pc's don't have pages, keynote, numbers, safari, etc. Furthermore you can buy word, powerpoint, and excel for your mac. Honestly saying that pc's have all the programs that macs don't is not true.
  4. Up, toy story, 101 dalmations, and some world's from bbs for a sora related story line
  5. It depends on the usage, pc for gaming, mac for anything else, I'd go with a pc desktop, and a mac laptop
  6. So I thought that Kingdom Hearts had a crazy story, and then I played 999. That game is great, and i suggest everybody should buy it. Who here has played it
  7. I loved that show, and I'm a guy, my sister has all the seasons, and my favorite character is Seth of course
  8. thanks for all who posted, I just went to the Mirage Arena, levelled up until i got to the battle with the prize pods, and got the Sweetstack Keyblade, then i promptly beat him
  9. But how much more epic did it make the movie compared to that, no disrespect to J.K. but I like the way the movie did that part more than the book
  10. There was a battle between Harry and Voldemort, how else do you think he died. It was different in the movie, but it was still the battle between them
  11. How is the battle between Harry and Voldemort unnecessary, don't get me wrong, I think they could've added to Fred's death but taking away from the climatic battle of the series would make more fans mad. Voldemort's name was a taboo, so if anyone had said it, Voldemort, death eaters, and snatchers would be attracted. That's why McGonagall said that Flitwick should use his name because he's coming to kill them anyway. That was a problem in the first part because in the book Harry says Voldemort and that's why the snatchers find them. The only part of the movie that bothered me was that George had his ear again. You would think someone would have noticed that. But I didn't even notice it my first time through.
  12. In the final chapter i hate when Xehanort does that giant keyblade attack, i can never avoid it and then i die, thirty seconds away from the second one. Any sugestions how to avoid that
  13. oh man, how i met your mother is the best show ever, i love "Two Beavers are Better than One"
  14. I like MX because he was voiced by Leonard Nimoy, and without him there wouldn't be any of Sora's adventures
  15. No, most movies made after games don't turn out well or are hit and miss. An example of movies that didn't turn out well is the live action Mario movie. An example of hit and miss is Prince of Persia, most people who had played the games hated it, most people who haven't played it loved it.
  16. True, I wonder why Xaldin wasn't included in that project.
  17. He wasn't part of the original group, he joined at the same time as Axel
  18. Well he included Xigbar in the Replica program, (he's the only surviving original member other than Xemnas) so you would think there is some trust there
  19. The reason Eraqus tried to kill Ven was so the x-blade would not be created
  20. demyx, for a guy who says he can't fight, he can hold his own, except against, you know, Sora and Sephiroth
  21. set up a deck so that you can pull off a good sleight repeatedly, for a few cycles through, and put a few elixers and cures in there
  22. it's 20 games that i wouldn't have got before so i'm happier
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