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teh lazy prince Xylek

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Everything posted by teh lazy prince Xylek

  1. funny noir i had a buddy say the same thing
  2. 2 the trophy for the mini games is hard because the drum mini game has messed up timing
  3. and gives all the monkeys machine guns
  4. you won't be sayin that when specter gets out
  5. i beaat all the ape escapes in a day before
  6. so is it goonna come with the stand its on?
  7. i tossed one of @KH-Queen pokemon away
  8. i mean isn't that what the normal game is pretty much just with a pathway to walk on
  9. to show you how to do didn't animations
  10. they get the people that made the pokemon colosseum games
  11. you sayin everyone that likes chao's are 2 year olds?
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