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teh lazy prince Xylek

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Everything posted by teh lazy prince Xylek

  1. it makes everything easier except the fishing ans swimming
  2. what so far the whole series has taken place on one continent?
  3. i want the game to tell the truth do you think cold steel people will show up in the next one after 4 i mean
  4. lloyd but can i be the winner this time
  5. the only thing so far is maybe what luara brings up to him
  6. sure but luara like didn't like him cause of that she was just like be yourself *not like
  7. well...they all kinda like rean but some others might say that about the others
  8. dang ol kids yo it makes the jusis and machias bromance better
  9. i would say give it till the half way point cause thats when the characters start being themselves
  10. i didn't like machias at the start
  11. you play the game for 5 seconds you can't say any character sucks
  12. otti's playin cold steel now too
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