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Everything posted by Key2Oblivion

  1. So my college baseball team is very active in the community. Apparently, they have a Christmas party each year for orphans and foster kids and each player gets assigned a kid for the night. Before the party is even set up, we find out what kind of kid we have. I have a 4 year old girl named Ashley as my kid for the night. We have a $20-$30 cap. I want to get the girl a good gift but I(obviously) have never been a 4 year old girl, also, I have no idea what kind of girl she is. So for all I know, she could be a "tom boy" and she'll hate the cop out barbie doll gift. So any ideas?
  2. I'm a mulitplayer guy. Don't get me wrong there are some single players that I love(i.e. Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, and Infamous) but outside of those I think I only play mulitplayer games
  3. No need to reply if you don't want to, just vote. Only reason I'm asking is because I have seen people say that their New Year's Resolution is to lose weight and what not, so I'm just curious.
  4. Well right now I dress like a straight up bum. For example, I'm in my college library right now in shorts, a hoodie, and trainers. But my New Year's Resolution is to be, and dress, more mature. So come the New Year I'm going to be dressing in button downs, sweaters, nice jeans, etc. Have you ever seen the show How I Met Your Mother? If you have, just imagine Ted's fashion. That's the sort of look I'm going for.
  5. To be more...umm mature looking I guess? Haha I can't really explain it but I'm going to dress "better" and stay clean shaven, as apposed to the bum look I have going on 24/7 now a days.
  6. No, never heard of it. Mind sending me a link to it? It sounds like something I would enjoy.
  7. Hey everyone, just recently I stumbled across this video called My Scary Pokemon Blue Story It's a story told by this YouTube commentator named Blametruth. Through this video I found a whole playlist of some "paranormal" stuff that had been happening to him. I never really had an opinion of the guy, but with the stuff that has been supposedly happening to him, assuming it isn't set up, is interesting. Like the story, which is a little dragged out at some points IMO, is very interesting, set up or not. I found out about this whole situation through another website and they actually pointed me to other videos such as lavender town syndrome, which apparently caused child suicide, but in the description...well I don't want to ruin it. Anyway if you're into paranormal stuff, pokemon, mysteries, or stalkers(the videos will explain) then I recommend going to check it out. Like I started watching at about 7 P.M. and I watched all 21 or so videos in a row. There are 16 in the playlist but another 5ish on a secondary channel, but those get to be a little meh, so they might ruin the good story he has going up til then. So if you decide to watch it let me know what you thought of it, good or bad. I wouldn't mind talking to it with someone new.
  8. why does everyone hate khgirl4ever? well I guess 4Everbee now
  9. At the end of the day there's only one person looking back at you in the mirror, and that's one person you don't want to cheat.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYhf3_9BgDE This video always makes me smile. edit:video won't play here:/ just go to youtube.
  11. So it's you in your tool shed with 15 minutes before the zombie apocalypse. What do you make/use from your shed?
  12. While I do agree that it is easier to win by yourself on CoD than the other games you mentioned(well atleast halo since that's the only one I have played), when teamwork is used in CoD you become very hard to beat. Like I have two groups of people that I play with, the first is a good group of friends and the second is a legitimate clan that me and a friend joined. When it's my group of friends we all do our own things with call outs, bad/funny classes, and we talk about whatever and do whatever, for fun. But when I'm in the actual clan it's a completely different experience. Like we have roles that we play(i.e. slayer, rusher, flanker, defender, etc.), serious call outs/team speak, and we all have lines of sights that are unique and effective. As a quick note when it's me and my friends we don't lose unless we run into another organized team, but when it comes to the clan we have only lost once(or atleast I only remember one loss). p.s. Yes, I am a CoD fanboy, and I realize that someone else has pretty much addressed everything I did, but I just want to get my opinion out there.
  13. So I'm still at school and I was watching a video, and in the comment section a lot of people were saying the PSN is down again. Is it really down again? If yes, why can't they keep it up and running?(Unless there is a legitimate reason for temporarily taking it down, like a tune up or something.)
  14. Honestly this is the first I'm hearing about the ps2 classics coming to PSN
  15. okay, WHY do people bash on others on the internet???? this is so wrong. I never rage when typing out a response, i do NOT sit here all day, and people who use the internet right do not bash other. I like to go on the internet because it is a lot more fun than real life. Also, it's a whole community of people that want to talk to each more often than the average real life conversations. I bet the guy who made this thread has trolled 3 people, failed horribly at two, then posted this cause he was actually successful...
  16. Umm it depends really. I mean if I really get into the game or I'm online with friends, then no, I don't think I take breaks. But if I'm playing the game to waste time or something then I generally don't play more than an hour.
  17. So one thing I want to mention is that yes, I should have done this earlier but the point still remains that she should have given us a heads up. Anyway, for my English class we needed to write a paper then submit it to this plagiarism check site. Our professor made it clear that if we didn't use the site we would get an automatic 0. So I just finished my paper, and the site is telling me I need to pay a fee to use it. It's not a huge amount, only $7, but my parents aren't home right now, and I don't have a credit card of my own. So basically that means I'm getting a 0 because I can't pay tonight. If she had given us a heads up about a fee then this is on me, but I've already asked a few friends of mine they all said that she didn't say anything about a fee but they all payed it. So is this fair and I'm just making a big deal out of nothing, or is my professor wrong for not saying anything?
  18. Well in that case 100lbs wouldn't be terrible, I guess. I mean I never really ask girls their weight so I don't really know the norm haha, but I know my ex was about 130 and she was 5'4 or 5'5 and she was in pretty good shape so I think 110 would be a healthy goal.
  19. Alright so for anyone looking for weight loss tips look at this post #ego Alright so for anyone who doesn't know I used to be 230 lbs 6'0 at the end of my sophomore year of highschool. By the beginning of my Senior Baseball season(around April) I had grown to 6'2 and I was down to 190 lbs(a little muscle, but still mostly fat). And now I'm 6'3 182.8lbs with my body fat % down to 10%(I'm very proud of this).So I know where people trying to lose weight are coming from. Okay when it comes to eating I recommend FIVE small meals a day. the FIVE meals are breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. Having FIVE small meals a day helps keep your metabolism active, which you will need. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner are your "bigger" meals, the snacks are just used to keep your metabolism going. I would recommend a fruit or vegetable you like(if there are any) or a "healthy" junk food option. This can be anything like a nutrigrain bar, granola bar, or a low calorie food. Also, I know it's hard, but try to drink nothing but water. Also, you should try to drink enough water for yourself. You can find this by dividing your weight by 4 and drinking that many ounces of water a day. When it comes to exercise, you need to do something. Whether it's a sports workout(like I had), a commercial one like P90x(I did it and I SWEAR BY IT BUT YOU NEED TO FOLLOW IT STRICTLY), or a simple jogging routine. This, obviously, will burn calories and fat. Now for some quick tips. Your body naturally burns calories through daily things, such as breathing, blinking, etc. The point is that EVERYTHING you do will burn calories, I've burned a few just by typing this. So try adding small things to your day, like kicking your feet when you watch tv(alone) or walk on a treadmill when you play games. Also, try being in colder temperatures as often as you can. This is because your body will try to keep it's internal temperature the same. So when you're in cold temperature your body uses energy(burns calories) to keep it's temperature the same, plus by shivering you burn calories. So, hopefully someone read this and starts following these small tips. And hopefully, in a few months, that person will comment back on this post saying that this did/didn't work for them so others can see. Also, Koko being aiming to be 100 lbs doesn't sound too healthy, how tall are you?
  20. If you could make one doll a real person and get to have sex with it which doll would you pick?
  21. I know all people are showing is this patched version. But ehh it seems people are playing it so it's not too bad I guess.
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