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Everything posted by Key2Oblivion

  1. Only criticism is what TheAprrentice said, but if you did that on purpose never mind. Anyway, nice story so far:)
  2. So I met this guy here at college who is very open about his sexuality. Like, he openly admits he's gay. He is in my "core" group of friends, I guess that's what you would call it, and he's a pretty cool guy. But on Halloween he dressed up as a "sexy" witch with make-up, lipstick, heels, the whole nine. When he said he was going to do it I thought he was joking at first, but when I saw him like that I really didn't like the look, and I was honestly embarassed that he was with us for lunch. I mean is it possible to be okay with "regular" gay people but not okay with flamboyant/"flaming" gay people? Like I feel bad that I avoided him for most of the day...anyway I'll see him today in class. But does this mean I'm homophobic?
  3. Are you still without power Fred? I lost power too but I got it back yesterday.
  4. Okay I'm posting this for two reasons: First off I LOVE HER!!!:DDD Second: This was considered news. Like, I got onto my browser and this was in the news section. I mean why the hell are celebrity couples considered news? Like the Kardashian wedding(to be honest I don't know which one got married or to who). Why was that such a big deal?
  5. Well honestly I like this idea. I mean I'd take a Sony version of a game over a Ninetendo version game 10 out of 10 times, granted this is only based on games that have come out for both consoles but still. Also, there has been a few people begging for Sora to be in Super Smash Bros(never really understood that) but hey, here's there chance.
  6. Any and all kickball teams, mostly because I never really cared for it and no matter what school I go to it's always baseball players against kickball players. So it's something i've grown to hate. But besises that the yankees.
  7. Okay, ummm I haven't really payed attention to global warming since it was a "big deal" awhile back, but I always understood that global warming wasn't necessarily global warming in the sense that the ENTIRE world just gets warmer, but certain areas get warmer causing weather to change. Like the polar ice caps would melt, thus causing weather patterns to change across the world. Personally, I don't believe in it. My high school physics teacher just said that the earth goes through phases, the ice age was his example. So it's only natural that the world got warmer and will get colder.
  8. Alright I don't know how else to word it, you'll see why when I answer.Anyway, Which game series, or franchise, do you consider most addicting? It can be anything, from kingdom hearts to COD to World of Warcraft. I, personally, find Pokemon extremely addictive. Like whenever a "main game"(red,gold,ruby,black, etc.) I will definitely pick it up. On games where I didn't get serious with the training(evs, ivs, etc.) I'm always restarting them and playing through. Also, I just found a pokemon tower defense game and I'm addicted. Like I can play for hours on end, and I can't explain it but I keep coming back to it. So anyway what's the most addictive game for you?
  9. So your stranded on an island, and you find a mermaid/merman. Would you prefer to half fish, bottom half human? Or top half human, bottom half fish? Explain.
  10. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

  11. Well except for SK3 I don't think anyone really likes him. So that doesn't really count.
  12. This site is probably the closest community I think I've ever seen online. I mean I don't think I've seen any legitamate hate between members here. Everyone seems to get along well and everyone can be loose around one another, the running jokes thread and "trolls" are pretty good examples of that. This site is the best when it comes to welcoming new people, well people who aren't complete jerk offs that is. Finally, I know that these were just some jokes, but when people say they are thinking about suicide and the way the people here react speaks volumes. I mean the fact that you would feel, I don't know, "comfortable" enough to tell people you've probably never met that your going to off yourself means that you feel really close to the people of that site. Also, how the people responded shows that there are genuinely nice people here. Anyway I'm rambling, so I guess that's it.
  13. Sundays during football season and whenever I'm in baseball season, since it's usually my off day. But besides those two times of the year it's gotta be Saturday.
  14. What exactly do you plan on doing in this Sexy party?(btw if you want to rack up the posts just go play some forum games, the acronym was a good one...until people stopped leaving their own acronyms...)
  15. I got motivated by my coach, and baseball in general. The summer between sophomore and junior year I weighed 230, but I knew if I wanted to make varsity I needed to be in better shape, so I ran everyday and ate healthy the whole summer. But by the end of the summer I was only down to 225. The fall season came and went and in the off-season the coaches called the players into their offices individually and told us what we needed to improve/do during the off-season if we wanted to make the team. They said I was too out of shape. They never heard much about me from the freshmen and jv coaches(I didn't pitch much) so what they saw impressed them, but they wanted me to lose weight. So during that off-season I followed the workouts they gave, continued my own extra running, and FOUND A WORKOUT BUDDY. So by the time the spring season came around I was down to 195. I saw those results and continued to get to where I am now. So for you, or anyone who says the can't be motivated, make something your motivations. You like a girl/guy? Use that as a reason to get in better shape(yea yea personality is good and all but if you could choose between a guy/girl whose in shape and has a nice body and one who isn't in shape and has a flabby body, and they have the same personality, which would you choose?). Or maybe you're trying out for some team as well, it never hurts to get into better shape. Also, FIND A WORKOUT BUDDY. I mean when I workout alone I listen to music to help me get through a workout, but even then I usually find myself more into the music than the actual workout. But having someone there to talk to you, to push you, to joke around with helps alot. Alright hope that helps.
  16. I've always been known as "nutrition/workout guy" at my high school cause a lot of people knew me as this 230 lb 6'0 kid who was really un-athletic but then I changed my life around, in a sense, and by the end of senior year I was 6'2 and weighed 180, a good amount of it was muscle to:). Anyway, I liked being known for something, and plus I've realized that some people here are like that. Like Fredfred(to me) is a troll without trolling, if that makes any sense. SK3 is apparently a sex change away from being the new definition of a heterosexual . Razorwind Keyblade loves DBZ and One Piece....along with a lot of other anime. The mods are all extremely sexy females. The admins are basically god. And so on. So I know I haven't done much on this site but I need something that makes me different. But for know...if anyone wants nutrition/weight loss tips, I'm your guy haha.
  17. Granted you head is now gone. I wish someone will make a wish for me.
  18. Granted but your muscle are muscles become so huge you can barely move. I wish I will never be this bored again.
  19. So I honestly don't give a flying firetruck about what is going on with the government in America, I am an American. But, the SECOND, someone bashes it I getting extremely defensive/proud and I am suddenly a super patriot, and I go to war with the person...So anyone else?...or just me? lol
  20. We were together for a little over a year, and the others were 8 and 6 months, so yea, what we had was definitely more meaningful. Also, when it comes to the whole "no good relationship ends in a split" I agree, it's just that the reason we broke up is because we couldn't really put the time in anymore, and with me starting college we knew that wasn't going to change so we just called it quits sooner than expected, so it's not like we didn't like each other anymore you know? And with the closure I don't really know how that would work. I mean we left on good terms, we tried being just friends for awhile, and until someone told me she liked this other guy we were actually really close, but once I mentioned that I heard she liked this guy things have gotten really awkward between us. So thank you but please stop. Not because I don't appreciate the advice, because I do, it's just that when it comes to my love life I get defensive and try to make it seem like everything is ok even when it's not. So again, thank you, and the night went well actually, so who knows maybe I just made too much out of the situation.
  21. Do you mean what is the best video editing software? Just want to make that clear, anyway I used to use sony vegas. I know that isn't on the list, but hey, just giving my opinion.
  22. So me and my ex broke up awhile back, and it took me awhile to get over her. But I was pretty sure I had gotten over her 100%. But now, I know(pretty sure) she is going to be at this football game I'm going to tonight, and I just realized that I tried to find any and every excuse I could think of to tell my friends that I couldn't make it. I love my old highschool team, I know about half the team, I'm going with a good group of friends, the game is against our biggest rivals, and it's homecoming on the school's new turf field. So put all these together and I should be racing out the door to go watch, but part of me doesn't want to go and see her with her new boyfriend(I know he's going to be there, so I'm assuming she's going). When we were together I never really thought of what we had as love. But that was the thing I kept going back to when I was trying to get over her, it took me MONTHS to get over her while it has only taken me a few weeks to get over my other two ex's. And now, I'm trying to avoid having a night out with my friend because I'm worried she's going to be there...so what the hell is wrong with me.... Oh btw, this is me just sort of venting. So no real need to reply but if you feel the need to say something please don't say stuff like "get over her, she's your ex for a reason." Because believe me my buddies won't let me hear the end of that, plus I'm giving myself enough of that.
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