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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Thank you for relieving me! Still though,I am wondering weither or not I should get an all-black one like my Nintendo DS Lite or change it up with blue.
  2. Sorry I don't feel like adding random people to my PSN friends list. I am curious though,what games DO you have? P.S even if you have only the games I have,I still shall not add you lol.
  3. Isn't that kinda the purpose of ANY opening in the KH series? To recap all the previous games in the series? With the exception of BBS of course.AND KH 1 since,it WAS the first game in the series. P.S no spoilers about the opening,I am saving ALL of KH 3D for when I get it for myself!
  4. Cool. But I really need to either PLAY TWEWY or see an LP of it because it really obviously changes my feelings about having foreign characters in a KH game. Anyways,there HAS to be an english trailer at E3.
  5. PS3,its the most logical choice. Either that or the PS4.I heard on wikipedia it will be coming out soon,about the end of 2013.And that it is supposed to have a resolution of 4096x2160! Yeah,whats wrong with it? I don't own one but from what I've heard its a fine console.
  6. Most of this for me except I don't ever really listen to his music so I can't judge him on his music part.
  7. The only song's names I know of its the intros,which are Simple and Clean,and Sanctuary! I know of no other names for any of the other songs.
  8. ... no comment... X_X well except that on both threads,people should have just said they are a christian/athiest/agnostic and left it at that.
  9. Yes,I am a christian,as you can see from my sig.
  10. Na.They just aren't dedicated like the 3DS and Vita.But whats with all the hate for games on the ipod/iphone?I mean REALLY,they aren't THAT bad! WELLLLLLL,unless you compare it to a game on the 3DS or Vita lol.But still for games on a smartphone their cool.
  11. lol nice.And at the same time,its like a teaser trailer for KH 3D for those of us who are patient enough to wait for the NA release!
  12. Yeah I would say so.In one way or another its being developed.As in Nomura is thinking inside of his mysterious mind the story for it.NOT as in a whole team developing it.No,no,their too busy with Final Fantasy Versus XIII.I mean with SE's 1st Production Department or whatever its called,there isn't anyone else to develope KH3 until they are done with KH3.If I must simplify my answer,YES!
  13. About that last question about FF Versus XIII,I am really trying to figure out what is going on with that game.And honestly,with that kind of answer,I can't.I mean Nomura just says he wants us to be patient? What could it mean for FF Versus XIII?Again I can't figure it out.The only thing I can assume is that its simply taking a really long time.Either that or their having trouble with a certain part in the game.But at least Game Informer was,as its name implies,IMFORMATIVE!
  14. BESIDES the fact that we wouldn't be able to play it,why would anyone want a FM version ANYWAYS if its keeping Nomura from making KH 3? It doesn't make any sense to want to KEEP KH 3 from coming out.
  15. No.Because it would be better for the general KH fanbase if they just worked on KH3.When I think of KH3 I think of how epic its opening will be.Think about it,with every KH game,more footage is added to the next games opening.Since that IS what the openings are doing,recapping what happened in the past games.Of course BBS is an exception as a prequel.So KH:3D's opening(which I have not seen) had the footage of all the games in the series so far EXCEPT for itself.KH3 WILL! Uh sorry for getting WAY off topic the thought just honestly crossed my mind.
  16. I would say Lightning,since besides a tiny bit of FF 12,the only FF games I played was FF 13 and FF 13-2.But she seems a little bit too cool and serious to be in Kingdom Hearts.So as a second choice,I would say Noel.I can hear everyone's thoughts reading this post,either,"WHO THE HECK IS NOEL?!",or,"Your kidding me right? NOEL? HAHAHAHHA".
  17. lol well my last name does start with L but i honestly don't know anyone named Claire.Its Lingenberg if your wondering.
  18. I'm Matthew. My real name is Matthew.As you can see,I'm not very imaginative.I am very lazy.I love all of the Kingdom Hearts games. I own all of them and I have completed all of them.I watch Youtube in most of my spare time. And the only friend I can think of is a person named Jordon who is in my Youth group at church.I go there on Sunday mornings and Wensday nights.Although every other Wensday he isn't there because of school. There are at LEAST ten other kids that I all know by name that go to church on BOTH Sundays and Wensdays,except for one I think.One of which is Jordon's brother.But I don't consider any of THEM my friends. And,ahem,I guess its worth noting that I was taught cussing/cursing/swearing is wrong.Don't worry that won't be a problem.Cuss all you want on this topic or around me.Oh,yeah, AND I am 15! My birthday is on December 22nd.I am christian,as you can see from my sig,and the fact that I go to church,AND the point that I was taught cussing was wrong.Um,and I hate challenges.If there is any other information you think I should put up on here,please tell me.
  19. This topic is really funny.
  20. If its not too expensive I will buy it.Music like that deserves to be payed for.
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