that would be weird seeing a bunch of Sora's with keyblades battling each other i mean REALLY just picture it,theres like 10 vs 10 capture the flag,2 Sora's are at each flag for each sides flag,then its like team blue gets team red's flag then from the Sora with the red teams flag...,"OH CRUD AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...." and then he gets SWARMED WITH SORAS SWINGING THEIR KEYBLADES AT HIM THEN CHAOS 5 REDS AGAINST 4 BLUES!THE END RESULT? ONE RED WINS AND WIN THE GAME ! but really that would just be REALLY LOTS OF CHAOS with everyone swinging their keyblades at everyone on the other team.I MEAN IMAGIN FREE-FOR-ALL! NOW THAT WOULD BE HECTIC!