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demons tooth 27

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    the king of power!!
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  1. true but is sora donlod and goofy would not get in my way that planet would have been mine

  2. again my plan backfire damn heartless xD

    1. KingdomKatherine


      That's what you get for pullin your punches.

  3. blast that sora he folied my plans!

    1. superbanana


      Don't worry. We can rebuld the missile,rebuild our empire, and rule the world again!!!!

    2. demons tooth 27

      demons tooth 27

      excellent mhahahhah >xD

    3. demons tooth 27

      demons tooth 27

      but wait do we have the budget to make it?

  4. soon i will controll the heatless mahahahahah xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. superbanana


      i call the unversed!

    3. Kirie


      Oh yeah!

    4. demons tooth 27

      demons tooth 27

      yup and ami don`t u think u would be an awesome queen of the nobodies?

  5. to control the heartlless mahahahha xD

    1. superbanana


      gl with that

    2. Lt Ultima

      Lt Ultima

      what banana said

    3. Lt Ultima

      Lt Ultima

      what banana said

  6. i love kingdom hearts

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. demons tooth 27

      demons tooth 27

      i see that u have the keyblade name oath keeper nice

    3. J. Severe

      J. Severe

      Join the club.


    4. Koko
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