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Everything posted by DarkRealm20

  1. Im a PS3 fan... but the Kinect is great hands down!! firetruck that dildo looking Move lol
  2. Why is Razor Wind so rude.. Didn't anyone teach you manners? Especially online, where you think just cause your anonymous you can do whatever you feel like. You think your so smart and clever but your not, okay "BRO"! I mean seriously you are making no sense! "by replying to this thread you only prove my point" WHATTT POINTT!! I really don't get you and even to everyone else you have been nothing but a mean nusence to everyone on the forums. Please try to be nicer. This is a great forum to be apart of and lately it has been turning to crusty doo-doo (not just cause of you). So please don't add to the problem.
  3. He is freaking Halarious and a bad-ass!! Don't forget Jim Parsons too love those peeps!
  4. Just put $15 down for Sleeping Dogs!! CANT WAIT!!! Also I cant wait for The Amazing Spider-Man!!

    1. DarkRealm20


      Whaaa... The minimum is $5? It doesn't come out till August.. I don't know what you mean?

    2. KeyBladeMaster01


      Back here a not even launched game is, like, 200 reais. That like 100 dollars.

    3. DarkRealm20


      Ohhh lol I seemed to get confused I didn't know you weren't in America lol I put a pre-order down for Sleepig Dogs and $5 bucks was the minimum to put down but I saw I had extra so yeah :)

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  5. When we are older well understand it`s enough when I said so.

  6. Japanese consumers are more interested in RPG`s or Fantasy/Fighting games not CoD and BattleField ya know?! I did a project on Japan recently http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  7. What does it do.. I have spoiled myself for KH3D MY BODY IS READY!!
  8. Check out HotToys and their Avengers figurines! THEY. ARE. AMAZING!! Which reminds me I must buy the new Spider-Man when it comes out!!

  9. I wonder who always dislikes the "I have no interest in KH3D" on the Poll of the day??

    1. Koko


      Maybe they're not trolls and they actually just do not give a shit.

      Aka me.

    2. Sora96


      The trolls are Space Cowboy, Chronic Tumour, Fred, Nathan, AD and a couple others.

    3. DarkRealm20


      Koko thanks for clearing that up.. I mean it`s TOTALLY like I didn't know this this before or anything! :) But seriously what is it that doesn't interest you in 3D? Honestly :)

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  10. I heard they were sold out!! I think amazon does though!!
  11. commented on it through deviant art!!
  12. Simple Plan... best shit!!

  13. PS3 FTW!!! Hell yeah!!! Most likely wont happen... BUT! Nomura did say he want KH3 to be multi platform so...
  14. Gonna finish off my pre-order for KH3D tomorrow and also pre-order The Amazing Spider-Man!!!

  15. The game "Sleeping Dogs" looks soooo kick ass!!

  16. http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1600&bih=799&tbm=isch&tbnid=3_M3aSRjtuZ7HM:&imgrefurl=http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/34047/t1678598-neku-co-to-appear-in-kingdom-hearts-3d-dream-drop-distance-with-music-kingdom-mix/13.htm&docid=fg7XoDopSMfaQM&imgurl=http://i45.tinypic.com/2wohaug.jpg&w=500&h=469&ei=CVvWT9bcMcLe0QH_h-SlAw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=639&sig=102830154104674307793&page=2&tbnh=133&tbnw=142&start=35&ndsp=42&ved=1t:429,r:22,s:35,i:254&tx=106&ty=36
  17. Thats the month I was born! DarkRealm20 welcomes you!!
  18. Thank god it's not that silly leather coat!!
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