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Everything posted by DarkRealm20

  1. This was a awesome topic and I think your a flaming homo friend
  2. To everyone on the new "Friend Codes Exchange" I added all of you as of now :)

  3. I'm going to add all of you!! Name: Richie FC: 2578-3109-8936
  4. Just watched the movie "Brothers" with Tobey Maguire on Netflix and I was almost brought to tears... damn what a great movie :)

    1. Koko


      it is a good movie

    2. DarkRealm20
  5. Na, they mentioned "under the hood" changes to the NA/EU versions I GUARANTEE they prepatched it!!
  6. Go for it Everyone wheres HOLLISTER it`s VERY popular now everyone wheres it so you would def. have good work! I wear HOLLISTER and so do most of my classmates, hell mostly everyone in the school
  7. I`m getting $50 for my artwork!! KH1FM!!!! Also a kneaded eraser!!

    1. A mystery
    2. DarkRealm20


      Yeah! I'm getting it used on amazon ^_^ I decided to completely re-boot my collection :D Get rid of all the titles that have a Final Mix and just by the Final Mix (I feel as if THATS the final version of the game :) )

  8. Today on my finals I got a 102% SOOO HAPPY *trolol* Just kidding (wasn't funny) Hope everybody does fine on their finals!!

  9. Oh well, tell them to go f`uck themselves, the problem is that everyone complains but no one wants to do anything!! If you saw it you should of done something.. to him they are bullies, but to you (i`m assuming that you are bigger than the middle school "thugs") they are just a push over... anyway thanks for the complement I just got into FMA I LOVE IT SOOO MUCHH!!!
  10. Does smirking (ever so slightly) count?
  11. Feel better YOU OVERREACT AND SHOULD PROBABLY SEE A SHRINK OR A PSYCHOLOGICAL DOCTOR IF THIS IS YOUR CASE OF "I dont wanna life on this planet anymore" I thought that it was just a joke, they are his friends I mean I could see if it was just a random dude.. anyway that guy should get over it..
  12. You people are disgusting... SHIT TACOS FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!
  13. Yeah!!! LOL I loved this guy... oh and what about that one dude who loved to make samiches? lol I remember playing the online flash game when I was little with my sister!!
  14. Fan-made.... I've seen PLENTY FULL of Nomura`s art, I can see slight differences in coloring, inking, and plus the drawings look slightly stiff, not very fluid like Tetsuya
  15. LOL Yeah I loved that guy!!! (forgot his name) Wasnt he from Stitch?
  16. Last week of school!!! LEH DO EEETTT!!

  17. Just saw the ending of Glee all I can say is damn....

    1. Amon


      Everyone dies

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