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Everything posted by KHSonic

  1. Gotcha Force (Didn't expect that one did you?)
  2. This guy! Played and own all three. Recently started playing Brawl again every weekend with friends.
  3. Its cool for it to go on other systems where the first one sold well. But come on, all those months away instead of a few weeks!? I'm not crazy about the game but it would have been nice to play a new and shiny party-like game on my Wii U again...
  4. That does sound juicy! Whatever it is, I can't wait (really dissapointed by them not saying anything about it last Saturday...). As long as it makes it to Wii U
  5. The manga was great! I liked how it gives people the idea of what it's like in the manga (and voice acting) industry. The ending did come a little fast and I defiantly didn't expect it to end that soon. You're right, it should have been a bit longer. The anime is cool but I stopped watching after the second season bc I got too lazy to look it up lol. It was a really great series. Azumanga Diaoh is an awesome manga/anime!
  6. Not before KH3/a new Sonic game/new Smash/conclusion to Naruto and Bleach/and new 3D Pokemon come out!
  7. By the way Tails, that was me "Jayson" that raced against you recently
  8. Tails wait a sec. You must hav ethe wrong sonic cuz i didnt race. First of all i would have gotten first! Lol jk but i was playing final fantasy 8 and Mario all day and forgot about this. If you didnt race a Jayson then you didnt race me.
  9. Oh shoot guys im sorry for not keeping up with this thread. Can somebody update me on what has been happening? Is it too late for me to race?
  10. I recently bought it and played it for the first time and I enjoyed it to a point. I can see what they tried to do and that much made it cool with me. What i didnt like though were glitches that killed me, LOADING, the way characters controled, silvers levels that took forever (especially the one with the countdown ball omg...) and the events leading up to the final boss and its fight didnt feel right. Not epic enough? Idk. Not sure if ill ever play it again but im glad i did to get my own opinion on it instead of relying on the internet lol.
  11. 10/10 9/10 5/10 Defiantly gets random on hard mode. Guessed on a few and got right lol. I'm not into the whole voice actor thing and idk anything about a 4h emerald meme...
  12. To me the Wii U is really cool! HD graphics, game chat forums, remote control for your tv, great family fun with Nintendo Land and NSMBU, play games without the tv, internet on the fly, and many more promising things to come! To me i see it as a future, a whole nother beast in gaming. Then again who knows the future. If you wanna be part of possibly something great then go for the Wii U. If you want a fall back and choose something more familier then go for the PS3. If you wanna wait to see whats in store in the future then go ahead and wait for the next new console. Just know that Wii U people will be having fun without you
  13. Cant wait! Wonder how they'll do it for the Wii U Cant wait! Wonder how they'll do it for the Wii U
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