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Everything posted by KHSonic

  1. "A-Alister!?" Jayson said surprised like he seen a ghost. Arbok got out of its pokeball to see his former master.
  2. Jayson's Team Wartortle Male Level 28 Arbok Male Level 26 Gallade Male Level 31
  3. "Ok you got us now what?" Jayson asked.
  4. "My Arceus..." Jayson said to himself.
  5. "Well what are you waiting for huh? I'm sure Team Rocket is on their way here to capture us and your in the way so if you would stay out of this we can all get outta hear quickly to avoid any further crap" Jayson said furiously to the clocked figure.
  6. Everything happend so fast that Jayson couldn't tell if he was hurt, shocked or annoyed that everyone around him seemed to like fainting today. Gallade used night slash on pikachu and it fainted, if only temprorary. "Ok this is all happening so fast. And what he freak do you want from us creepy dude.? What have we done to make you get in our way all these times?" he asked the clocked figure.
  7. "This guy again???" said Jayson as he braced himself for impact... but Gallade intercepted the night shade with its body and suddenly quickened its speed. It grabbed Jayson and pikachu (who left the bike undamaged) as well as Alexia and Kirlia and ran full speed to the entrance but jumped really high through a window. To there surprise they found summer lying down!
  8. (Lol sorry guys I'm at work so I'll post something now cuz I gotta get back. I'll be back later in the day though http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png;) Jayson's Gallade took out many pokemon with his leaf blade and night shade attacks but Jayson was looking for the others. "Let's not get tied here, they must be close by so let's get in and get out. I feel like the higher up we go the stronger they will become" (Ill post pokemon pics later too. Sorry again http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png;)
  9. Jayson nearly fell off his bike when he seen the figure. He was ready to jump off and battle but it went away too quickly. He realized though that he was heading to the HQ and none of the team were strong enough to face team rocket especially in their condition. "We gotta make this quick" he said to Alexia. They neared the doors to the HQ.
  10. Suddenly a helicopter landed in front of them and An officer Jenny jumped from it and stopped Jayson and friends on their pursuit by blocking their path. "Hold it right there!" she said. "Sorry officer we are in a hurry. What's the holdup?" Jayson told her. "You must be Team Revolution. I have some bike issued to you guys. There seems to be extra so use as many as you need." she said to them. "Right on time!" Jayson said and grabbed his bike that she gave them and biked off. "I'll put the rest in the PC's" She yelled to them. "Honestly kids are so spoiled these days..." to herself.
  11. "Thanks Alexia" Jayson said to her as he continued to follow Pikachu and use the items on his pokemon.
  12. "Well we gotta help somehow. So lets go." he said as he ran after it. (He can't help but help pretty girls in need)
  13. Pikachu tugged on Jayson's shorts while he watched the phantom. "Hey maybe this Pikachu is that girl's... oh wait where is she!?" Jayson wondered. Pikachu ran out the gym and shook its tail as if it were saying to follow it. "Lets follow it! Come on!"
  14. Jayson picked up his sword and badge and went to Pikachu. "Whats up little guy?" he asked.
  15. Jayson noticed a Pikachu nearby making a fuss but he ignored it. "Gallade slash 'em" the attack went critical and surprisingly OHKO the Magnaton!
  16. "That thing is huge!" Gallade used swords dance to prepare itself.
  17. See it while you can! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o2nLEwwmG0&list=PL1201A3EB5EB1E2FC&index=1&feature=plcp
  18. Jayson threw down his sword sheath in anger. "Dang how many of those things does this guy have??? Your all I got Gallade." Jayson said as he threw out his final pokemon.
  19. "Wartortle use water pulse on both of them." Jayson shouted. The attack KOed the electrode but only confused Raichu.
  20. Wartortle stood by ready to protect his teammates.
  21. (I know but he coulda had something to do with it I guess. Idk just a suggestion lol) "Well let's use some status effects on these guys! Make it happen dude." Jayson said to Lucifer.
  22. "What attacks does Bulbasaur have?" (Hey that could be that phantom guy's doing. Arrow and Aryaanne) "What attacks does Bulbasaur have?" (Hey that could be that phantom guy's doing. Arrow and Aryaanne)
  23. "Wartortle knows protect so if you guys stay close to it then it can block any attacks while you guys dish them back out." Jayson suggested.
  24. Wow I must have messed something up or someone got on my computer... anyway I'll just use this to test stuff out. Ignore please.
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