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Everything posted by KHSonic

  1. Lol Larxene isn't on there bc it would be a landslide. (actually I guess the intention of this was to see if anybody hated any of the good guys).
  2. Oh wow I didn't know that! Well if I pull a miracle and kill black Vanitus then ill have something to look forward to. ^^
  3. Um... I honestly dont know so i picked re:com bc its cool but not all that cool??? (where is the option for "all the games rock"?)
  4. I told myself that as a Nintendo fan I would refuse to buy anything that had to do with the other consoles. But... I couldn't resist!!! I needed BBS! Now I see that maybe the other systems may not be so bad kinda. The PSP rocks! Still like my DS though.
  5. I might be the only one that isnt much of a MM fan. Im not anticipating that they remake it and i could care less if they dont. If it is remade then cool i might end up getting it for the heck of it but im not gonna sit here and wait for them to maybe possibly remake it.
  6. I would reply to this review but I don't wanna be spoiled by anything. But I wanna say that I loved the transformers movie and I didn't think there was anything wrong with them until I looked on the internet. Idk maybe I'm a simple guy but I thought they were pretty good. I can't wait to see the new one.
  7. Its honestly hard but my least favorite was 3rd. I think 5th is pretty cool.
  8. Hey I've been taking japanese too! Your name means tasty and your message sayse ~Not cute ~Tasty (lol I still got it)
  9. BBS just to see differences from it and all the others. And to be destroyed time and time again by the black Vanitus boss.
  10. I would get it. I thought it was pretty cool in a "different" kind of way. KH has some interesting games and that on is very creative. So if you have the money and there isnt anything better to get with it go for it. At least you will know what everyone is talking about. (i mean if you bought Re:CoM then this game shouldnt be so bad to get lol)
  11. Facebook. I have a Twitter too but only use it if i have to (some kind of promotion that makes me use twitter to keep with updates or make a direct tweet or something)
  12. Hey if I'm online but don't seem to be chatting then I'm on my phone. ^_^;

    1. spenskh89


      I will keep that in mind. :) shame your not making more status posts.

  13. Yeah go for it. I'm new here so idk what you've said about her before. If you want you could redirect me to where you've talked about her before. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.gif;
  14. I see that there are quite a few people that like Aqua and the way she fights. I like playing her in all but I want to know what makes people make her their favorite.
  15. Sora but Terra is a close second. Maybe I would say Terra on a different day. He is so powerful...
  17. An update is an update so its something. Guess ill be geekin when school starts. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.gif; SN: Good day so far for Sonic's Birthday. ^^
  18. Well i guess you can look at their profile if you are really curious lol. (new member as of yesterday ^^)
  19. Started playing KHCoM around 2005/2006 but wasn't interested bc i didnt follow the story... but got interested in 2008/2009 when I actually played the first one. Been hooked ever since. 2-5 years ^^
  20. I got one Hero Name: Dav Cannon Keyblade: Zero/One Personality: Computer geek (gotta have one right?) Appearance: A Dexter's Lab type look but with red hair with glasses. Average hight Bio: While he is a bit nerdish, he strives to become a master keyblader to prove that its possible for brains and brawn to be in one body. Light/darkness/in between: light Villain Name: Clide Sezon Keyblade: Pumpkinhead Personality: Stays positive and smiles a lot... but believes that the evil way is the way to go. Appearance: Brown hair (DBZ trunks-like), skinny, average height. Bio: Parents were killed so he grew up with the wrong crowd. He is fully aware that it is wrong but he feels like he owes them so he will do anything (ANYTHING) in his power to help. Light/darkness/in between: Darkness Who are you working for/is someone working for you?: Works for bad guys.
  21. Hello all. I'm a new member. I guess that's about it. Glad to be here though. ^^
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