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Everything posted by r0ckstarferlife

  1. Cant wait for KH 3d.... is anyone getting a vita? I want one but i think im going to wait and see what Square develops for it (fingers crossed for BBS V2 and/or HD remakes)

    1. Rob


      So what is the advantage the Vita isn't using Mr.Hater?

    2. Sora96


      Just look at the 3DS.

    3. r0ckstarferlife


      ... i own the 3ds and its not that impressive. The only reason i picked on up was for KH 3d. Now i haven't touched the vita so i don't know how i feel about it and unless you have imported it i would assume you haven't either. So i don't really understand why your hating on it so much when its not ever here yet?!? What has the vita not taken advantage of?

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  2. Does anyone know if this will be the first print edition (if there is one) similar to what days and BBS was
  3. Kingdom hearts 1,2 remastered with the final mixes (so technically COM too) ... i really want them to re make days but i know that's a slim chance since its still playable on Nintendo's 3ds
  4. I cant wait, i hope the american release isnt too far off from march .. if i have to wait like a did for BBS i think i might go crazy
  5. r0ckstarferlife


    first we have seen of Xion in high def

    © Square Enix

  6. Actually i think that days story is one of the best in the series, it runs emotions deep, goes way into detail about the organization and the friendship between Roxas and Axel.(because most people would have been confused going from KH 1 to KH 2), and the end was tragic. Even with the DS's limitations it's my favorite game in the series. but i'm definitely not saying putting it on the DS was a good call i would have liked it 100x more if they would have released it on the psp (especially the ps3). If you want to play a game that lacks story like "dragonmaster" has mentioned re:coded is that game.
  7. "So, suppose you get to another world. What would you do there?"

  8. i want them all remade but 1, 2, and days the most !! Days remade would be B/A !!
  9. Yes i would, it would make a great Christmas gift if anything else, especially since the vita's launch was delayed, just sayin. Also i would love to see them remade in HD. Do you think they would re-record the voices if they remade them?
  10. OMG YES I WOULD i wish they would remake all of them including days just make a bundle pack i would replay them!.... ive already played each game like at least 2 times
  11. Want KH .5 or 3d please give us a release date or something square !!!

    1. Kinode


      They don't read this.

      And whining about it won't make it happen sooner.

    2. r0ckstarferlife


      yaa but its a status update that was "what was on my mind" im fully aware they dont read it its a fan website lol

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