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Everything posted by r0ckstarferlife

  1. How could you!? she was a great character, the series wouldn't be the same without her.
  2. Is it weird that this reminded me of the harry potter (pt2) trailer, idk what it was about it. But seriously i enjoyed this A LOT! thank you
  3. Thanks guys haha after some thought I've decided on taking it.
  4. $43 dollars for ten songs i may be a huge fan but im not supid.. smh gahhh stupid* .....
  5. So i was shopping the other day and one of the managers pulled me aside and asked me if i lived near, i replied yes and he told me i would be great for working as a floor model at Hollister, i'm seriously considering it. I currently work at a "deep discount" grocery store and i hate it more every day the customers are old and rude, the dress code sucks and the place is disgusting, but its stable work, i get 25 hours a week and get paid 8.70 an hour. Does anyone have experiences working at a clothing store like Hollister, Advice? did you like it? how many hours did you get? Thanks.
  6. Anything from Kingdom hearts. Favorite Character, scene, Secret ending, soundtrack song, death, game and if your up to it why? Deep Dive is my favorite secret ending Favorite character: would have to be either Roxas or Xion because of all of the pain they have experienced together(living in Sora's shadow) it's very sad. Scene/death: even though it was sad was Xions death I almost shed a tear for that one. Soundtrack song: Another Side Another Story, gives me chills every time. I cant choose a favorite game (re:coded is at the bottom of my list though haha) maybe you guys can. So what are your favorites? (pictures encouraged)
  7. i enjoy both i think that the move has potential if Sony would get their act together and produce some GOOD games for it. I love Sony but i'm noticing a loss of support on products that i spend a decent amount of money on. (Vita, Move, PSP, DLC coming out months after the competition..... it goes on) its really starting to annoy me. hopefully they can save their reputation, im still waiting on a good game to play on the vita other then lego harry potter, SMH
  8. the prices would have to drop at least by 15 dollars for me to even consider it because the resale value has been reduced to nothing.
  9. I hope they have something about KH3 there this year... i think that the fans have waited long enough to get a teaser trailer or at least have it mentioned a little. or maybe we will hear something about this secret "light" title that has been in the works.
  10. i like playing games by myself with someone playing another game next to me haha
  11. I'm so glad that they realized that fans of the series already own 358/2 days and re:coded, i just preordered mine on amazon
  12. i love working 4-10:30 Tues through Friday on school nights .....

  13. well i wasn't sure or not that's why i used the word feel (after looking it up you are correct wii does sell more), but ps3 still has superior graphics. which is what kingdom hearts deserves
  14. haha i was and i was on my phone so i didn't realize i didn't post it correctly. so you would really want to see kingdom hearts 3 on the Wii, because i feel like the PS3 out sells it in japan (which is where Kingdom Hearts sells best) and it has a much better experience playing on a dual shock compared to a wiimote .
  15. i was hoping for some more details on either 3 or the possible hd remakes, but ill take what ever is announced
  16. please don't make me buy an iPad, PLEASE!. Make it available for android too ............ cant tell if joking or just trolling
  17. I have the hp touchpad and i hacked it and put android ics on it. i love it and it only costed me $249
  18. I hope that Square announces something at e3 :) im hoping for HD remakes of the KH series so we have something to do while we wait for 3 :)

  19. Do you guys think that Kingdom Hearts characters will be included the upcoming Sony's PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale or Nintendo's Super Smash Bros? I think it would be awesome if I could play as Sora or Riku (with the Keyblade!!!!) just a thought. I know for the most part they only put in games that are Nintendo exclusive, but this is the first type of game that we have seen from Sony, and given KH's popularity i could see it happening.
  20. story, suspense and all of the emotions that kingdom hearts provides haha
  21. i hope they announce an HD collection for the tenth anniversary in the US
  22. would really love it if square would bring kingdom hearts or final fantasy to the vita

    1. r0ckstarferlife


      Wow I must have missed that has square given a release date?

    2. darkchaser


      not yet but hopefully soon. I never played FFX so to play it in HD on my PS3 will be awesome :D

    3. r0ckstarferlife


      Yeah me neither I've heard its one of the best ff games, im really pumped for it now :D

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