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Everything posted by KHlover8

  1. WELCOME!! Enjoy your stay lol, feel free to chat anytime =)
  2. might be going to D.C with my class as a field trip in May! CAN'T WAIT WOOHOOO 5 DAYS IN D.C!

    1. KHlover8


      YAY AXEL!! I LOVE AXEL!... and Yay Roxas lol

    2. Mikuo


      ........... T^T

      ur mean i like Roxas and i barely like Axel T^T

    3. KHlover8


      lol im not mean i just prefer Axel more than i prefer Roxas

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  3. i cant wait for Halloween!

    1. MasterXemnas


      Fool. You can't wait? What are you going to do about it?

    2. KHlover8


      lol i just love Halloween i know i have to wait but im just saying Halloween is so much fun

    3. Cricket


      me either!!

  4. Yay it's friday =) but I have nothing to do =( well im going to go replay some KH games, maybe KH Days or Re:CoM

  5. I say KH2 or BBS but I want the Live Stream to be on the weekend or on a Friday so that I can watch the whole thing because on weekdays I have to get off at 11pm and I don't want to miss anything. =)
  6. KHlover8

    Roxas kingdom hearts 2

    omg i love this pic!
  7. i loved it! it's... helpful lol and it's very true
  8. this story is so sad but its great! i cant wait for more!!
  9. listening to Kuroshitsuji Musical music xD i love these songs they are my favorite! right now im listening to On My Way sung by Sebastian =)

  10. today's tutoring was fun! i really liked it! cant wait for thursday xD

    1. KHlover8


      lmao she is alright... i have about 4 different tutors on different days... its a school thing. the whole class has to stay after on tuesdays (afternoon or morning), wednesdays (morning) and thursdays (afternoon or morning)... we can choose out of those days so i picked tuesdays and thursdays its fun all we do is eat, talk and do homework xD

  11. boring school is boring xD

  12. i am still loving this story!! im not a big fan of Kairi but i still love this story!! :wub:
  13. aaah had WAAAY too much HW!!

    1. superbanana


      I just have math

    2. KHlover8


      =O it's a superbanana! and lucky!! i wish i only had math not right

  14. it was really cool, i really liked it but an HQ version would be better
  15. Keep writing, I still love this story! It's awesome!
  16. omg everyone is getting sick! now my mom is sick WTF



      I've been sick for the past 2 weeks now ._. Gawd Y EVERYONE SICK

    2. Obi-wan


      My sister and mom are so i'm doing everything for them

    3. KHlover8


      im still sick a little but ive been getting better ugh everyone is sick

  17. I really like this story. Please continue. =)
  18. i didnt go to school today because im sick... YAAAY no school!!

    1. Rob


      Didn't you say this before?

    2. KHlover8


      no... well yesterday i said i have a bad cough and my throat hurts but it got worst over night

    3. KHlover8


      ugh i had a lot of make up work! too much make up work is annoying! i will never miss another day of school again!

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  19. have a bad cough and my throat hurts... blaaah

  20. hahaha yay im watching SharkBoy & LavaGirl

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