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Everything posted by Xenelle
My link short album..couldnt really figure out how to post indivual pics
Chap 6: ***Sky***** Great. The woman I've been living with for the past 2 months decided to leave after I cheated on her with another sexy girl.... not like I was mad. Though, she was a hurricane in bed.... She was pretty mad about it all, which I can't really see why, but I'll problay have another girl falling for me before tommorow.... Phesh, women..... ********************************Asher********************************* I am SO relieved Stephen left for work this morning. I didn't even now he had a job.... But anyway, it was just me, and Daniel, when he left. " So, uh.....wanna do something....fun?" I asked him. It was getting kind of akward. He simply just finished up his coffee and said: " Why? I've got plenty of work to do." Of course...tpyical answer.... from a typicaly boring guy..... Daniel scuffs, and continues: " besides, after your act last night with stephen, why would i want to "Hang out" with such a person as you?" What? WHAT? Is he blaiming ME for last night? " Hey! he started it!" I slyly smile. But it goes away just as fast as it came; " Whats gotten into you, Daniel? You used to be fun!! When we were teens, you were like my best friend, and you were so much more laidback.... now your....." I say more exicted, but still smiling. " Gay?" Daniel frowns. " Boring" I correct. Daniel turns away, still frowning. "Someones mad..." I say, still smiling." Your call was unexpected...." I raise my eyebrows. " Oh? says the person who suddenly comes into MY apartment to spend the night. Not EVEN including your bf to the package..." I respond. Daniel only gets up and walks toward the door. " Look, I did what you asked, can you lay off for a while?" I stare him straight in the eyes. He only looks away. " Luna would be proud I've moved on...." He looks at me from the corner of his eye, and walks out the door. " Oh, I'm not so sure of that...." I mutter. Not sure at all...... ***** Chap 7********** Blue ( 3 weeks later) Today, a new kid came to school..... " Class, we have a new student, please give him a warm welcome-" Ms. Lauren started. I didn't here the rest, I was to busy staring at this kid. His clothes were dark, almost emo-ish. His pants.....they were skinny legs, black. Made him look like a gentleman.... and his hair! Dark navy, with a huge bang up front, couldn't really see his face. Almost like sky's, which made me automaticly dislike the guy. He walked back to a lone seat in the back, and sat down, taking out a thick book. I paid him no mind for a few minutes, but when I turned back around- he was staring at me!!! I couldn't help but think 'freak' as I tried to think of other matters....like Love. " Love, anything after school?" I leaned over and whsipered, Ms. laurens back toward us, facing the blackboard. " Nope, how about you?" " Same. Meet up, say, 3:30, lockerroom, when everyone's gone?" I planned it all out. " Okay." Love smiled back. The whole rest of the day, I looked foward to my time with Love. Finally, after so long I'd finally be able to spend some time togther. I even forgot about the new class weirdo. Dang. just remembered again..... ************************** Love*********** Blue had everything planned, I could tell. It was a little suspicous that he wanted to meet in the lockerroom, I mean, have't done THAT before.... But I trusted him either way. All the rest of the day, i waited for the wonderous moment i could finally spend with Blue. I really was excited; I wonder if blue felt the same way.......... ********************Blue******************** When the time came, I went in the lockerroom, 3:30 on the dot. I searched, but no Love. " Oh, she didn't show" I lower my head in dissapointment, sitting on an old bench by the lockers. " Oh, I wouldn't say that...." Love makes a grand entrance, sitting beside me. In excitment, I grab Love's hand, and my heart skips a beat, as Love quickly looks up, her beautiful eyes shining in the dim light. " I've, always, wanted...to...." I say, slowly leaning in. Love, surpised, but also in a trace leans in as well, as I slowly plant a kiss on her soft peach lips. That was our first kiss...... *************************Aeris********************************** " Yeah, my pads are in my locker..." David tells me. " Oh, having your monthly, manuial period?" I laugh. " Ha-ha, but seriously, thanks babe. I'll be waiting by my car" he walks off. Last locker to the left, eh? Seems easy enough. God, its dark in here....and humid. Phew, smells like sweat... hope this doesn't mess up my hair. Wait, is that it? That must be, I'll just go over and- Wait, was that, a.....voice I heard? Sounded like it came from over there, behind the pillar.... OH MY GOD!!! I knew it!!!!! Love and Blue!!! Making out!!! Oh, i have GOT to show everyone. I've got it, I'll just use my phones camrea, click! Haha! Best believe this is going all over Facebook, and the school newspaper!!!!
awww, what i cute pic!!!!
AWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats AWSOME MAN!!!! shes gonna love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is so beautiful!!!!!! got any more?!
\ totally epic man...............did she see it yet? she gonna be SO happy!!!!
okay, next chaps:Though, we can make up time for that later..... Chap 5 ***blue**** Never, EVER try to make sausgage in the mircowave. I tryed it this morning, when there was nothing left to eat, and I was to lazy to really make anything. Left it in there for about 3 minutes, and thank GOD I walked out of there in time. I come back, and find the microwave exploded, and it's door on the wall, on the other side of the room. And when I looked INSIDE......wasn't pretty. The "sausgage" was now a black, burnt peice of coal with a bunch of grease surrounding it. It made my stomach turn... and it made me wonder 'was this what happened when someone really punched your nuts? hard?' The worst part was cleaning it up, and explaining to Leo what had happened. " WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" He said, walking in from a late party last night. "Um, ah, happy...birthday?" it was the only thing I could say, or think of at the moment. Leo wasn't happy that he had to spend his morning cleaning up the kitchen, alongside with me. He went on and on about how I was such a dumbass, and how he can't leave me for 2 seconds without blowing up the kitchen. He would have contuined ALL day, if he hadn't looked at the clock. " 8:00? if we dont get dressed NOW were're gonna be late for school!" We raced up the steps, put some clothes on (no time to shower) and ran out the door. We got to school around 8:45, when first period was well on its way. I sat down in the front seat, and all eyes were glued on me, which only freaked me out. I looked around the room, and saw Love was no were to be found, and I started to worrie she wasn't coming today. That's when she walked into the room, breathing heavliy, handing the teacher a late note. "Sorry everyone" she whispered, gasping. It was obvuios she was in a rush to school too. She sat down in a empty seat by me, and leaned over. " Sorry, Olivia just came home from a party, and made me late. She demanded I wait for her...." she whispered. "Wow! same! well, exept for the fact that I blew up the kitchen" I smiled. Love smiled and took out her textbooks. " Oh god, wait, do we have Gym today? I forgot my sneakers! I can't miss ANOTHER period of gym, or I'll fail!" Love sighed. She was right, if she didn't partipate in this gym period, she would fail, and I wasn't about to let that happen.... "Wait, I have a extra pair in my locker, the ones I use for track, you can use those!" I thought up a plan. "Really? THANK YOU! wait, will they fit me? your so tall, and.... I mean, look at these tiny feet!" she spectulated. " Nevermind, doesn't matter, as long as I have SOMETHING, I'll pass. Thanks much!" Love said, hugging me. Gym finally came 3rd period, and when Love walked in with my large sneakers, on her tiny body, girls laughed and spat remarks at her. I seemed to lose my temper, because when one of the girls, Aeris, called her a poor, ugly b!tch, I snapped." You shut the firetruck up, before I slap that cheap makeup off your face!!!" I yelled. The whole class, including Love, stared in amazement for 2 minutes at what had happened. Embarressed, I walked into the lockerroom to change my clothes for gym, and shower. " That was some stunt you pulled out there..." David, one of the jocks at my school, said when he came in from football pratice outside. " Thanks" I said, I was still angrey and I left my clothes out on the bench, to take a shower. The cool water seemed to calm me down, and by the time I got out, I was almost back to normal. I dried myself of, reached for my clothes, and- and----- there not there?! I began to panic, so I wrapped the towel around me and searched the locker room. Nothing. Looked a second time, still nothing!!!??? That's When I heard laughing outside the locker room. I peaked out, and David, along with 2 others, were holding my clothes. " Looking for these? " David teased, as the others laughed. " David? WHY! give me back my clothes!!!" I yelled. David stopped laughing, and looked seroiusly at me. " Why? Because you messed with my girlfriend. Don't you know? I go out with Aeris!" That's when it me. Hard. As in, knock me over, hard. I had heard something about that, but never really thought twice about it. And now i paid the price for it. " Look. I don't want to start anything, just give me the clothes back. NOW." I was getting angrey again, and at the moment, I didn't really care that I was talking to the biggest, strongest, jock at my school. David just stared at me, and walked away. WITH my clothes. Nice.... I don't know how long I was in there...maybe, 10 minutes? I reliezed that I would have to walk out there EVENTLAULLY, but the embarressment would be to much to bare. I was about to walk out, when I heard light footsteps. I quickly walked back, shamefully hiding myself from the person. " Blue?" someone whispered.....it was Love. "Love! Over here!" I whispered back. The tiny footsteps slowly, cautiously, came over to were I stood. " hey there" I said, peeking from behind the pillar. Love giggles, and hands me my clothes. " David left them on the bench outside... I grabbed them the minute he set them down. That's why I was so scared to come in here...Im might have ran into him...." she turns her back as I put on my clothes, and goes on and on about how happy she was that I stood up for her. " That really was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me...." " It was nothing" I say, zipping up my pants " I guess were're even, now that you bought me my clothes" I laugh. Love laughs too, but, a little nervously.... " Do you....think that anyone figured that you and I-......." she slowly starts " are going out? By what just happened, I mean." I button up my shirt. " I don't think so.... I mean, it wasn't even that big of a deal..." But, sure, I was wrong * Blue* "well, when my mom first found out she was pregnat" *looks down* " she wasn't to happy. When she came back from the doctors, she went to a japansese resturant. The waiter looked at my mom and said: "Why so rakutan? Why so depressed? Sad, Blue...." * Looks over to blue* "well, if it makes you feel any better, I feel happy around you...." *****************Aeris***************************************** No, I'm not TOTALLY mad about early. It's just...the way Blue stood up for ove. It was almost like there're....into each other. I mean, did you see the way his face was lit up when I called Love a b!tch? A little over-protective, even for friends..... Somethings going on here, and I'm going to find out what...
NAW!!!! THANX!!!!!! *ahem* this is not to offend anyone, but if u got a comment about it, come c me!!!!! okay, okay, it may not be quite clear in the begining, but, THE NARROTHER IS A BOY. then, it switches up to another person........am i making sense?