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The Transcendent Key

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Everything posted by The Transcendent Key

  1. Miss you, honey*kisses*

    1. Sikota Urinakano

      Sikota Urinakano

      Now I'm confused...

  2. Welcome to kh13 buddy. If you ever want to talk, I'm here to listen.

  3. Solitude. Sometimes we prefer to be left alone, to reflect upon our actions or think and dream of our one true love. But is too much solitude a good thing, or a bad thing? Is solitude necessary??

    1. Kingdom Sora

      Kingdom Sora

      Too much solitude is a bad thing. GREAT JOB!!

    2. Sigrun


      mmm this makes me think, KEEP WRITING :D

  4. I love all of your comments and i'm glad that all of you like my story. Here's chapter three! Chapter Three: Answers Riku enters the portal that Dexeres opened, and for a moment finds himself drifting in a vortex of darkness. After a few seconds, he appears at the door of the Mysterious Tower. He looks around to be sure that no Heartless or Unborn followed him. Then he approaches to open the door but hears voices, so he closes in on the door to listen. Flora: Oh, I'm so worried, it's been two days since the master has been inside his chambers. He has'nt come out for even a moment. Fauna: I'm sure it's nothing too serious. Maybe he is studying one of his books. With the war looming like a dreaded fog, he must be researching. Merryweather: I feel something of ill omen is about to happen. This troubles my mind too much. Suddenly, Riku enters through the door. Riku: Excuse me, I wish to speak to Yen-Sid. Flora: I'm afraid the master is busy at the moment. Riku: I'm sure he has time for an old friend. Fauna: But the master should not be- Riku: There is no time for delays, I have to talk to him! Merryweather: I like him, he takes action! Riku knocks on the door-Yen-Sid, it's me, Riku. Yen-Sid: Proceed. Riku: Master, I've brought the artifact, what is it? Yen-Sid: Ah, you have found it. Well done, as for what it is, I have done some research. It is called the Atarax meteor shard, an item that, if used properly, can bestow unimaginable power upon the user. But I keep reading, but i don't seem to find how must it be used. Riku: Then what good is this for? Yen-Sid: That is for you to find out, my friend, I am leaving the meteor shard in your care. Riku: Master, are you sure? Yen-Sid: Yes, Riku, your control over darkness and light ensure me that the shard is in good hands. Then, suddenly, Dexeres appears from behind. Yen-Sid: Ah, so you've come as well. Riku: You know him? Yen-Sid: Yes, Dexeres, he joined us not too long ago. An astounding ally. Dexeres: Baron is safe for now. All the Unborn have been destroyed. Riku: Wait, the Unborn. Yen-Sid, they appeared out of thin air when this man in a hood appeared. Yen-Sid: This is far worse than i could have imagined. Instantly, the troubled Yen-Sid sits to think. Riku: Master- Dexeres: He's fine, just troubled. Riku: Who is the man in the hood? Dexeres: He never revealed his name, but I've known him for a long time. He used to be my friend, but he always wanted to push the boundaries of his abilities and so he began going to the realm of darkness and back to examine and learn to utilize the darkness's true potential. Riku: How could he go and leave to the realm of darkness as he pleased? Dexeres: His mastery of darkness allowed him to come and go. I learned to wield the darkness by myself, in the hopes of using it for good. But then he betrayed me, and killed everything I held dear. I tried to stop him, but he released my heart. I was slowly creeping toward death's cold embrace, when I saw a faint glimmer of light. I reached out to it, and suddenly, I was reborn as a Nobody... Riku: What!? You're a nobody!? But how do you remember your past? Dexeres: I'm not sure, but i think the faint light had something to do with it. Yen-Sid: You must go to Radiant Garden, I sense something is going to happen. Riku: No, Kairi and the others, they're in danger! Dexeres, we have to go! Dexeres: Right! In the blink of an eye, Dexeres opens another portal.-Let's go quick!- Riku: Wait, Master, why are the Unborn appearing? Yen-Sid: The hooded man is the source of them, he has the soul of pure evil, more powerfull then Xehanort himself. When Riku hears this, he rushes in to the portal along with Dexeres. They go to Radiant Garden in the hopes that they can prevent the dire event Yen-Sid forsees. What will happen? And where is Sora? Stay tuned for Chapter Four: Arrival in Radiant Garden...
  5. Freedom. A right we all have as human beings. We are all born as free spirits, and as such we have freedom of choice. We could choose to make the world a better place to live or destroy it with cruelty and madness. We could choose to guide the people to hope and justice or strike fear and despair in their hearts. Freedom is our right, but's it up to us to decide what to do with it.

    1. Sigrun
    2. Kirie


      I agree with oath_keeper14

  6. Thanks for the comments, people, here's the second chapter. Chapter Two: Escape from Baron Riku, Kain and Cecil face a formidable opponent, and so they wonder how to take down the giant Unborn. Kain: We will have to use all of our strength to defeat this foe. Otherwise, we're done for. Cecil, Riku, we must hurry! Riku: Let's do this!!! Riku makes his first move and climbs quickly to the top of the Unborn's head and uses his Dark Aura attack. Kain and Cecil focus their attacks on the Unborn's legs. The beast simply shakes them off and sends a shockwave to the ground. The three warriors are barely able to dodge it's attack. Then, the giant beast unleashes a swarm of Unborn, which surrounds them in an instant. Cecil: This thing releases more demonspawns upon us. Not to worry, I can take care of them with my darkness and light attacks, you two take care of the giant beast! Riku: Right! Kain: *nods* Meanwhile, The Mysterious Figure and Dexeres are battling each other... Dexeres: Huh, you seem to be losing your edge, my old friend! Dark Arrows!! Dark Shuriken!!! Mysterious Figure: Hmph, do not be too overconfident. Shade Sword!!! Dexeres: Ah, so you still have some tricks up your sleeve. This should prove amusing for the moment. You do realize your little puppets are nothing before my powers. Mysterious Figure: So it would seem. Hmph, I don't know how you managed to stay alive, but this time I will be sure to kill you swiftly and painlessly. Hahaha, this is perfect. While we bicker here, more of my Unborn invade this castle. I should actually be thanking you... In just moments, The Mysterious Figure opens a portal and vanishes. Dexeres: *gasp* The others, I have to help them! In the blink of an eye, Dexeres teleports himself to Riku, Kain and Cecil. Cecil: Dark Flame! Riku: Shadow Break! Kain: Rising Dive! Dexeres: Rise of Shadows!!! When Dexeres utters these words, enormous pillars of darkness rise from the ground and kills the surrounding Unborn. Then he jumps to the head of the giant Unborn and uses a flurry of dark arrows to kill it. And in just moments, the giant Unborn falls to the ground dead. Riku: Incredible, that power! Dexeres: You must leave now, before more of them come. Take the artifact to Yen-Sid, he will know what to do. Go through this portal. Riku: Kain, Cecil, will you be alright? Cecil: Do not worry, we shall keep things in order here. Kain: Cecil is right, now go! Riku: Hey, stranger, aren't you coming? Dexeres: I'll go soon don't worry. After bidding farewell, Riku goes through the portal. Where has The Mysterious Figure gone? And just what is this artifact and what does Dexeres mean when he says Yen-Sid will know what to do? Find out in Chapter Three: Answers...
  7. Before reading the story, read the prologue first, which is the link you see here. http://kh13.com/forum/topic/18431-the-keyblade-war/ Chapter One: A deadly darkness approaches Kain and Riku storm through the castle as they defeat Heartless after Heartless. They rush to retrieve the artifact before it falls to the hands of their foes. As they keep ascending the floors of the castle, they come upon a knight fighting to stay alive. Kain: Cecil! We shall aid you! Cecil: No, stand back. It's a trap! Riku: Damn, wha-, what are these things!? Kain: Such strange creatures. I can't move! Suddenly, a hooded man appears before them coming from a dark portal. Mysterious Figure: Well, well, well. What do we have here? I expect to find poor resistance and yet I find three formidable warriors. Hmph, at least you three will suit as my puppets, commandering my creatures, the Unborn. Cecil: The Unborn!? Mysterious Figure: Yes, Unborn are creatures born out of the purest of twisted souls. These beings can destroy Heartless in the blink of an eye. Hahaha, prepare to be enslaved. All of a sudden, one of the Unborn falls instantly dead on the ground. The rest of the Unborn look around to see what is happening. Then, a quick flash of darkness kills twenty more. Kain: What was that!? Cecil: Whatever it was, it freed us. Let's finish them all off! Riku: Dark Firaga! Kain: Sky Rave! Cecil: Paladin Force! Mysterious Figure: NO! It cannot be!!! One by the one, the Unborn fall by the hands of the warriors. But more keep coming as each one falls. Voice:Let me handle this! Riku: Huh!? Who is that!? Then, out of thin air, another hooded man appears with dark aura eminating from him. Hooded Man: Dark Reaper! The hooded man is so fast that Riku, Kain and Cecil can barely see him. Hooded Man: Go, you must get the artifact. Heeding his words, the warriors rush to retrieve the artifact. Mysterious Figure: It can't be! I saw you die before my very eyes! How are you alive, Dexeres!? Dexeres: You look so surprised. The look on your face is priceless. Let's settle this. Now tell me, why is this happening? You must have broken the balance between the worlds! Mysterious Figure: Hmph. How right you are. The worlds's chains have been broken, and now my army of darkness shall destroy everything until I obtain Kingdom Hearts! Dexeres: No! I will stop you! Meanwhile, Riku, Kain and Cecil finally obtain the powerfull artifact. Kain: Wait, I sense something. Then, in the blink of an eye, a giant Unborn appears before them, blocking their exit. Cecil: We must defeat this creature. Riku: Right! The new threat has emerged, the three warriors have finally retrieved the artifact, and the mysterious figure confronts Dexeres. What will happen next? Stay tuned for Chapter Two: Escape from Baron...
  8. I,ve read all of your story and it is incredible, no, It's awesome, no, It's mega awesome. Hoping to read more!!!http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.gif
  9. Prolougue A lone figure stands in the wilderness wondering if peace will truly ever return to the worlds. His thoughts all culminate in one word. A name known throughout all the worlds-Sora- World:Baron Crisis: war has ravaged the land Objective:retrieve a powerfull artifact Kain:So, you finally decided to show up. I was beggining to think you cowered away. Riku: Clearly you don't know me at all. I don't run away from a fight. Kain: So, what is your plan? Riku: Get in, defeat as many heartlesss as you can and get the artifact. It's crucial to this war. Kain: Where is Sora? Riku: He's in Halloween Town taking care of a Darkside. Kain: Alone? Riku: With Donald and Goofy. They should be able to defeat it. Kain: That's good to hear. He needs all the help he can get. Any news on the recruits? Riku: They're supposed to be in Radiant Garden training with Kairi. She's done a good job so far. Soon we will hold a mark of mastery test for three of them. Kain: Who are they? Riku:Ethan, Trish and Ventus. Kain: Ventus? Did he not perish a few years ago? Riku: Sora saved him and Aqua, but Terra is still trapped. Kain: Let's go, time to take out the trash. Riku and Kain rush out to fight hordes of Heartless. Riku: Twilight Wave! Kain: Dragon's Fang! They make their way to the castle, defeating every Heartless they come across. What will happen next? Will they manage to get this powerfull artifact? Why is the universe itself at war? Find out in Chapter One: A deadly darkness approaches...
  10. Darkness. Something we all fear at times. The darkness always envelops us when we close our eyes, but we never know if we will see the dawn of a new day. Is darkness a blessing or a curse? Must we fear it or embrace it? What is the darkness?

  11. WHY!? I am very dissapointed that kh did not make an appearance at E3. Which means that NOMURA IS HIDING SOMETHING. He wants to kill us of suspense. I am so sad.*weeping* Anyone share my pain...
  12. What is reality? Is it a gateway that leads us to our daily lives? Or an illusion that we live upon? Reality changes constantly and so we ask this, Is this reality, or an illusion?

    1. SummerRain


      sometimes i think reality is our hell and our imagination is the real thing

    2. Sigrun


      so true..are such a gifted writer. :D

    3. Lt Ultima

      Lt Ultima

      i wish the fact that kh isnt at e3 was an illusion

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  13. Dreams. A dream can take you to places that boggle the mind. Do dreams have meaning? Are they simple fantasies, or a vision of things to come?

    1. xion---424


      I have nightmares of my past sometimes... sometimes my dreAMS SHOW ME THINGS...

    2. Kirie


      Trust me I've been throgh worse or wierder dreams. I will only share one of my dreams with you. My dream was when I stared the front door inside of my house because I saw a giant web and a giant black spider I felt like I was poisoned I couldn't even move

    3. SummerRain


      i had a dream as a little kid of being stabbed in my legs. i was 4 it scared the crap out of me ._.

  14. Good night, everyone!

    1. AnsemTheWise


      Good night! I'll be in your closet shortly...

    2. AnsemTheWise


      Good night! I'll be in your closet shortly...

    3. terraxaqua34


      I'm already there so I'm not shareing.


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  15. It's the game that leads up to KH3, and it has freakin' awesome gameplay. And it makes my anticipation for KH3 even more worthwhile!
  16. The most important thing I want to know about E3 is the KH games.
  17. This one is for you 1Namine1. What is love? Is it a feeling of joy, of happiness? It is the most greatest feeling in the world, and one I am happy to share with you. You are my inspiration.

    1. MasterXemnas


      I always saw love as an obstacle we must all overcome to achieve innerpeace.

    2. Sigrun


      that was awesome very romantic, keep writing :D

    3. Sigrun


      that was awesome very romantic, keep writing :D

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  18. You should have put Marluxia on the list! But lea is one of my favorites, and I hope he comes back.
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