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Everything posted by darkaeroga

  1. man I am gonna need to get a PS4 to get the two Square enix games that WILL give sony an even bigger win in the "console wars".
  2. They would get an A if they had kingdom hearts 3 on it!!!
  3. Gijinka Name :Vince Age :14 Gender :Male Pokemon : Absol Appearance :Short silvery hair, coco brown skin, a normal white t-shirt, Ice Blue eyes, Grey Pants with a silver crescent moon in the design. Bio :Due to the fusion with his trusty absol, everywhere he goes something bad happens. Before his Absol's death, he was part of team Aqua and was makinghis way through the ranks. He lurks in shadows but has a bit of a sense of humor. Walking into him is a disaster itself since he will mess with you for fun. Alignment :EVIIIIIILLLLLLL! Region :Hoenn Hometown :Fortree City
  4. Soma woke up on the floor covered by chunks of the building. He looks through the cracks and sees some pretty insane stuff going on. Any way how did I get here. He looked at parts of his body seeing that he was ok. Man I really want to go out there, but I know I will die. He sat there continuing to watch the terror and commotion go on.
  5. When Soma got to school he saw all of these people giving a man in white different faces and decided to stay as far away as possible from them. He decided to get to his classroom early and have his teacher grade his homework. When he got it back he went to the back of the class where he sat and waited for school to start
  6. As Soma was laying on his bed in his home all alone he started to go over everything that happened that day which wasn't much but he still did it. "I wonder if tomorrow will be as boring as today, maybe even worse" He looked at his pet "God I hope not the world is never exciting". Soma went to his kitchen to make himself something to eat. He sat down and watched tv while eating. It was on an MMA fight, Soma finally brightened up and yelled at the screen with a retard type of excitement then calmed down when it ended. "That was the fight I was waiting for thank god I got home in time. Guess I should get to bed" Soma goes to sleep and has an action packed dream.
  7. Soma walked out of the dentists with a new toothbrush and plaque blocking toothpaste. Guess I should go to the park and sit under my favorite tree. When he got to the park he saw tons of his classmates there too so he only stayed for a few minutes then started to leave. He tripped over his Arctic Fox pet that got out in the morning. "Oh so this is where you were, you know you almost made me tardy today but I got to class just before they started to take roll, I knew buying you on my trip to Antarctica was a bad idea but I was so attached to you like was you." He started to go home with his fox.
  8. Xavier finds his way to a neutral village that has nothing to do with the war in order to sleep safely due to his recent actions. "I wonder if all humans have already caught note of what I have done or maybe nobody knows because nobody ever saw me do it." Xavier walks around the village in search of a blacksmith. When he found one he asked for new blades since his is worn out. "I will be back for them tomorrow" he says while walking to an inn for some sleep.
  9. Wilson looked at the ground where he saw demons getting killed left and right. "Wow that is some very scary work! I would never do that in a million years uh uh no way!" He goes back to a safe ledge where he put all of his stuff and picks them up. When he turns around he sees a giant group of demons. "AH! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME! hahaha I made a funny. Oh wait why am I making jokes a a time like this!" Wilson turns around with a random thirst for demon blood and kills them all. He then switches back to his normal wimpy self and screams himself to sleep.
  10. After lunch ended Soma walked back to his class room and sat down. Man I wonder who that guy who kept winning was. I feel like I have seen hime somewhere before. Soma went through another lesson and left early for a certain appointment.
  11. Wilson continued to wonder around the deserted city talking to himself when he came across a skyscraper with something shiny at the top. He tried to climb up the side but failed. When he walked through the front door the front of the building caved in "Well there goes my way out" said Wilson. He ran up it to avoid death and came across a gap in the floor. He jumped and used his blade to save himself. "Wow that was close wasn't it" Wilson said while getting to the top. He sees that the shiny thing was a coin. "You shall be my lucky relic" Wilson says while laying down and going to sleep.
  12. Soma decided to go off campus to get something better to eat. He got back to school almost instantly since his school is right in front of a taco shop. I wonder if anything happened while I was out, shouldn't matter I do my own thing. Soma walked into the cafeteria and back to his usual spot to chow down on his tacos. He was really hoping to see a fight that is the only thing that gets him up in the morning. Man when is this gonna happen I may not like talking to people but I at least enjoy watching the fights.
  13. Soma was walking through his school halls and looked at the clock "Looks like I'm late for math which really doesn't matter nobody notices me anyway" Soma walks into his classroom undetected as usual due to him not having any friends. The class was just starting as if he was on time. Soma was called on to answer the question mainly because he didn't look like he was concentrating on the lesson. When Soma answered correctly the teacher understood why he was able to skip a grade he already learned all of that lesson by self teaching. Soma decided to concentrate on the lesson just so he didn't have to answer anymore questions. When the class ended and the lunch period was starting Soma walked out the room and went to a dark ally way in the school which gave him a good view at the fights that happen, sat down, and ate his lunch.
  14. Wilson was laying down at the top of a light pole saying "I guess I should get going right? Yeah I know you have been giving me a silent treatment but what did I do?" Wilson has now gone through 2 weeks without a demon by his side but he still thinks his demon is in him and is trying to talk to him "COME ON speak to me you can't possibly be able to keep this up! You and I have grown a special bond! Just say something! You know what screw you!" Wilson slips off and lands face first on the ground and screams "Ow you know this is all your fault!" as he gets back up.
  15. Xavier yawned and leaped onto the top of the inn he was in and said "Look I have to go I don't want to be in one place the whole time" he ran through the forest till he found a giant tree in which he stopped to sleep.
  16. Name: Wilson Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Spiky Red hair, White Cloake over Blue shirt, Black pants, Blood Red eyes, and 6 feet 7 inches. Personality: Talkative and a bit of a wimp but when he needs to he will stand up to his fears. He is also very strange Side: Uprising Bio: Wilson was always a bit of a goof ball even when he was possessed by a demon. His soul has actually become friendly with the demon who is now his only friend. The demon understands his pain and releases his soul and Wilson hasn't seen or heard him ever since. Wilson still occasionally talks to himself thinking that the demon is still inside of him. He tries his hardest to be normal around other uprising. Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lPmiDoK-fo
  17. GO NINERS! It is funny that the two brothers' teams are going against each other.
  19. "Hm so you asked me why I killed all my people?" Xavier crosses his arms, looks up at the sky and says "Everybody even my best friends attacked me just because I decided to fight against one of our militia to save this helpless village, I decided to run away from the city the base was in to avoid any more conflict so I came back here and went to bed then I woke up and here I am". Xavier looked at Asuka wondering why she wanted to know but just kept his mouth shut.
  20. Xavier sees that Asuka is still angry and then remembered the hybrid ears comment and noticed she hated that wording so he said "Sorry bad choice of wording with the ears remember I just woke up due to this so my brain is sorta like a walnut instead of normal sized it is just how I am and no my acception isn't why I am an enemy to humans it is the fact that a while ago i just killed every person in my military unit in a state of defense, they tried to kill me because of what happened here" he shows all the corpses that she probably already noticed but wanted to show that he and Henry did it. "Anyway is there anything I can due that will make you happy again? I hate seeing people angry, it makes me feel terrible like why does this war have to be? Why can't we all be in harmony?"
  21. Xavier paused looking at Asuka and thought (Well her ears are weird but not ELF weird I guess). Xavier calmed down and responded to her and said "Sorry you guys woke me up which made me cranky and I mistook you for and elf because of your hybrid ears. But anyway I didn't want to pick a fight unless if I see somebody beating up somebody defenseless" Xavier yawned and continued "I am an enemy to the Humans due to my recent actions but after what happened to me when I was six I had to do something." "Oh and I am Xavier" he said after remembering the first elf asking Asuka and the other elf who they are.
  22. Xavier woke up from all of the commotion and walked out only to see Henry and three elves. After the long conversation Henry decided to leave by disappearing. Xavier watched until Henry left and screamed "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!" he looked at the other three elves and asked "Ok everybody please tell me am I dreaming, drunk, or WAS THAT REAL" he then asks "Anyway why are there do much elves on Earth? I could have sworn I eradicated the remaining ones two days ago" then he remembered what the first elf said about merciless manslaughter and said "Okay well my reason for the slaughter was that those human soldiers were about to attack this helpless village so that demon Henry and I killed all of them except that guy over there" he points to the soldier who is frozen from shock of what just happened. "It turns out that they were going to kill a Human-Angel-Demon-Elf hybrid who ironically left the village before this all happened, so that is your answer. Anyway when did you people get here?"
  23. I liked dream drop distance's opening. It gave me a nostalgia boner of joy.
  24. Xavier walked casually through the scene just for kicks and walked away due to lack of sleep and running all over the place he sort of limped over to one of the village inns and slept there. In his dream he went over everything that happened to him in that one small day. (That ends Xavier's second day)
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